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(五)停工留薪期待遇:原工资、福利待遇不变,由用人单位支付;    (5) benefits enjoyed during the period of stopping of work but remaining on the payroll: their original wages and welfare benefits shall not be changed, and shall be paid by the employing unit;
(四)其他违反本法的行为。    60.4 Be liable for other practices against this Code.
(三)女职工在孕期、产期、哺乳期内的;    ??????breast-feeding period; or
(二)按照规定负责失业保险基金的管理;    b.being responsible for administration of unemployment insurance funds according to provisions;
(二)指导社会保险经办机构的工作;    b.guide the work of social insurance agencies;
(二)非因本人意愿中断就业的;    b.have suspended employment undue to their own willingness;
(二)失业保险基金的利息;    b.interest of unemployment insurance fund;
(二)领取失业保险金期间的医疗补助金;    b.medical subvention during the period of receiving unemployment insurance compensation;
(二)应征服兵役的;    b.performance of military service;
但是,本法第四十二条第二项规定丧失或者部分丧失劳动能力劳动者的劳动合同的终止,按照国家有关工伤保险的规定执行。    But the termination of the labor contract of the laborer, as specified in Article 42, Item 2, who has been confirmed as having partially lost his capacity to work shall be subject to relevant regulations of work-related injury insurance.
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