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中国劳动法律法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(二)有毒物品的标签、标识及有关资料;    (2) labels, marks, and the relevant materials of toxic substances;
(三)劳动生产率;    (3) labour productivity;
(六) 劳动报酬;    (6) labor remuneration;
(七) 法律、法规规定的其他劳动监察事项。    (7) labor matters requiring supervision and inspections, as specified in laws and administrative regulations.
(七)一次性伤残补助金:经鉴定为十级至一级伤残的,按照伤残等级享受相当于6个月至24个月的本人工资的一次性伤残补助金,由工伤保险基金支付;    (7) lump-sum disability subsidies: where the workers are determined as Grade 10 to Grade 1 disability through assessment, they shall enjoy such subsidies equivalent to their six-month to 24-month wages based on the degree of disability, and such allowances shall be paid from the work injury insurance fund;
(八) 劳动保护、劳动条件和职业危害防护;    (8) labor protection, working conditions and occupational hazard prevention; and
(六)法律、行政法规和国务院卫生行政部门关于保护劳动者健康的其他要求。    13.6 Laws, regulations and other regulations protecting laborers’ health stipulated by the public health authority under the State Council.
中华人民共和国劳动合同法    Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China
劳动者对危害生命安全和身体健康的劳动条件,有权对用人单位提出批评、检举和控告。    Laborers have the right to criticize, report to the authorities or lodge accusations concerning working conditions that endanger their lives or health.
劳动者应当学习和掌握相关的职业卫生知识,遵守职业病防治法律、法规、规章和操作规程,正确使用、维护职业病防护设备和个人使用的职业病防护用品,发现职业病危害事故隐患应当及时报告。    Laborers should gain the necessary occupational health knowledge, abide by the laws, regulations, rules and operating rules for occupational disease prevention, use/maintain the occupational-disease-prevention equipment and individual-used occupational-disease-prevention articles in the right way, and promptly report the potential hazard of occupational-disease-inductive accident.
(五)劳动纪律;    labour discipline;
中华人民共和国劳动法    Labour Law of the People’s Republic of China
(三)劳动保护和劳动条件;    labour protection and working conditions
(四)劳动报酬;    labour remuneration;
劳动者应当完成劳动任务,提高职业技能,执行劳动安全卫生规程,遵守劳动纪律和职业道德。    Labourers shall fulfill their labour tasks, improve their vocational skills, follow rules on occupational safety and health, and observe labour discipline and professional ethics.
劳动者对用人单位管理人员违章指挥、强令冒险作业,有权拒绝执行;对危害生命安全和身体健康的行为,有权提出批评、检举和控告。    Labourers shall have the right to refuse to operate if the management personnel of the employing unit command the operation in violation of rules and regulations or force laburers to run risks in operation; labourers shall have the right to criticize, report or file charges against the acts endangering the safety of their life and health.
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