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(一)医疗费:因患职业病进行诊疗所需费用,由工伤保险基金按照规定标准支付;    (1) medical expenses: expenses required for diagnosis and treatment of occupational diseases shall be paid from the work injury insurance fund according to the prescribed standards;
(一)工会会员缴纳的会费;    (1) membership dues paid by union members;
(一)男年满六十周岁,女年满五十周岁,连续工龄满十年的。    (1)Males reaching the age of 60 and females 50 with a seniority of ten years of continuous service.
(二) 严重违反用人单位的规章制度的;    (2) materially breaches the Unit’s rules and regulations;
(二)职业卫生管理制度和操作规程等材料;    (2) materials of the occupational health administrative system and operating rules; and
(二)待业职工在领取待业救济金期间的医疗费、丧葬补助费,其供养的直系亲属的抚恤费、救济费;    (2) Medical care expenses, allowances for funeral expenses, pensions and relief funds for the immediate relatives of the staff and workers waiting for employment in period during which they receive unemployment relief funds;
(二)相应作业场所职业中毒危害因素监测结果;    (2) monitoring results of factors of occupational poisoning hazards in corresponding workplaces;
(二)建立工会组织的全民所有制和集体所有制企业事业单位、机关按每月全部职工工资总额的百分之二向工会拨交的经费;    (2) monthly allocations of 2% of the total wages of all of its employees paid to a trade union as funds by the enterprise or public institution owned by the whole people, collectively owned enterprise or public institution or government organ which established the said trade union organization;
(二)从事井下、高空、高温、特别繁重体力劳动或者其他有害身体健康的工作,男年满五十五周岁、女年满四十五周岁,连续工龄满十年的。    (2)Males reaching the age of 55. females females 45. with a seniority of ten years of continuous service underground, at high altitudes, at high temperatures, of specially heavy manual labour or in harmful jobs.
(三)男年满五十周岁,女年满四十五周岁,连续工龄满十年,由医院证明,并经劳动鉴定委员会确认,完全丧失劳动能力的。    (3)Males reaching the age of 50, females 45, with a seniority of ten years of continuous service, certified in hospital and confirmed by the labour appraisal committee as being completely incapacitated.
(四)职业病诊疗等劳动者健康资料。    (4) materials relating to workers' health, including diagnosis and treatment of occupational diseases.
维护、检修存在高毒物品的生产装置,必须严格按照维护、检修方案和操作规程进行。维护、检修现场应当有专人监护,并设置警示标志。    Maintenance or overhaul of production installations involving the use of high toxic substances shall be in strict accordance with the maintenance or overhaul scheme and the operating rules. There shall be the specialized personnel to supervise the maintenance or overhaul sites, and the corresponding warning marks shall be displayed.
补助的办法和标准由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府规定。    Measures and standards for such subsidy are to be stipulated by people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.
本条所称月工资是指劳动者在劳动合同解除或者终止前十二个月的平均工资。    Monthly salary as mentioned in this Article means the average monthly salary of the worker for the 12 months before the discharge or termination of the labor contract thereof.
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