

(二) 在本单位患职业病或者因工负伤并被确认丧失或者部分丧失劳动能力的;    (2) has been confirmed as having lost or partially lost his capacity to work due to an occupational disease or a work-related injury;
(二) 严重违反用人单位的规章制度的;    (2) He is in serious violation of the bylaws of the employer;
(三) 患病或者非因工负伤,在规定的医疗期内的;    (3) has contracted an illness or sustained a non-work related injury, and the mandatory medical treatment period has not expired;
(三) 严重失职,营私舞弊,给用人单位造成重大损害的;    (3) He causes any severe damage to the employer due to his grave negligence to his duties or seeking private benefits;
(四) 劳动者同时与其他用人单位建立劳动关系,对完成本单位的工作任务造成严重影响,或者经用人单位提出,拒不改正的;    (4) has additionally established a labor relationship with another Unit which materially affects the completion of his tasks or refuses to rectify the matter when brought to his attention by the Unit;
(四) 劳动者同时与其他用人单位建立劳动关系,对完成本单位的工作任务造成严重影响,或者经用人单位提出,拒不改正的;    (4) He establishes a labor relationship with other employers at the same time and may seriously influence his completion of the works in this entity, or he refuses to make a correction even though the employer has pointed it out;
(五) 在本单位连续工作满十五年,且距法定退休年龄不足五年的;    (5) has been working for the Unit continuously for no less than 15 years and is less than 5 years away from his mandatory retirement age;
(六) 被依法追究刑事责任的。    (6) has his criminal liability investigated in accordance with the law.
(六) 被依法追究刑事责任的。    (6) He is subject to criminal liabilities according to law.
(二)侮辱、体罚、殴打、非法搜查和拘禁劳动者的。    ????humiliating, giving corporal punishment, bating illegally searching or detaining labourers.
上级工会组织领导下级工会组织。    Higher level trade union organizations shall provide leadership to lower level trade union organizations.
但是不得低于省、自治区、直辖市人民政府规定的最低标准。?    However, such standards shall not be less than the minimum standards of living stipulated by the people's government of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.
但是,本法第四十二条第二项规定丧失或者部分丧失劳动能力劳动者的劳动合同的终止,按照国家有关工伤保险的规定执行。    However, the issues concerning the termination of the labor contract of a worker who has lost or partially lost his capacity to work as prescribed in Subparagraph (2) of Article 42 of this Law shall be handled under the relevant provisions regarding injury insurance relating to his job.
但是企业缴纳的待业保险费总额最多不得超过企业职工工资总额的百分之一。    However, the maximum amount of such premiums shall not exceed 1% of the payroll of all staff and workers of the respective Enterprises.
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