(一)作业场所使用的有毒物品的特性、有害成分、预防措施、教育和培训资料; (1) properties and harmful ingredients of toxic substances used in workplaces, preventive measures, education and training materials;(十一)供养亲属抚恤金:因职业中毒死亡的,对由死者生前提供主要生活来源的亲属由工伤保险基金支付抚恤金: (11) pensions for supporting the family members: where the workers are deceased due to occupational poisoning, pensions shall be paid from the work injury insurance fund for the family members of the deceased for whom the deceased before their death provided main sources of livelihood.(三) 支付加班费、绩效奖金,提供与工作岗位相关的福利待遇; (3) pay overtime pay and performance bonuses and provide benefits appropriate for the job positions;(三) 支付加班费、绩效奖金,提供与工作岗位相关的福利待遇; (3) Paying overtime remunerations and performance bonuses and providing benefits relevant to the post;(四)人民政府的补助; (4) people's government subsidies;(四) 对在岗被派遣劳动者进行工作岗位所必需的培训; (4) provide the dispatched laborers who are on the job with the training necessary for their job positions; and(四) 劳动条件恶劣、环境污染严重,给劳动者身心健康造成严重损害的。 (4) Providing bad working conditions or a seriously polluted environment, leading to severe damages to the physical or mental health of workers.(四) 对在岗被派遣劳动者进行工作岗位所必需的培训; (4) Providing the dispatched workers who assume the posts with corresponding training as required; and(1993年4月20日中华人民共和国国务院令第111号发布) (Promulgated by the State Council by Decree No. 111 on April 20, 1993) (一)劳动合同当事人协商一致; 1. Parties of the contract reach an agreement for the termination through consultations;(二)制定职业病防治计划和实施方案; 19.2 Provide for the occupational-disease-prevention plan and the enforcement plan;(七)参与用人单位职业卫生工作的民主管理,对职业病防治工作提出意见和建议。 36.7 Participate in the democratic management of the Employer’s occupational health work, and bring forward comments and suggestions with regard to the occupational-disease-prevention operation.(一)超出资质认证或者批准范围从事职业卫生技术服务或者职业健康检查、职业病诊断的; 73.1 Provide occupational-health technical service or undertake occupational-health examination and occupational-disease diagnosis not covered in the qualification certification or business scope;基层工会组织具备民法通则规定的法人条件的,依法取得社会团体法人资格。 Primary trade union organizations complying with the legal person requirements stipulated by the general Principles of Civil Law shall be awarded the legal person status of a social group pursuant to the law.裁减人员时,应当优先留用下列人员: Priority shall be given to the following workers when the employer has a reduction:没有证据否定职业病危害因素与病人临床表现之间的必然联系的,在排除其他致病因素后,应当诊断为职业病。 Provided that there is no evidence denying the absolute relation between the occupational-disease-inductive factors and the patient’s clinical symptoms, it can be determined that the patient is suffering from occupational disease in case that other nosogenesises have been excluded.语际翻译 版权所有
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