(一)未按照规定配备或者聘请职业卫生医师和护士的; (1) failing to assign or engage occupational health doctors and nurses in accordance with the provisions;(一)未按照规定向卫生行政部门申报高毒作业项目的; (1) failing to declare the operations in which high toxic substances are used to the administrative department for public health according to the provisions; or(一)使用有毒物品作业场所未按照规定设置警示标识和中文警示说明的; (1) failing to display warning marks or warning specifications in Chinese in the workplaces where toxic substances are used;(一)使用有毒物品作业场所未设置有效通风装置的,或者可能突然泄漏大量有毒物品或者易造成急性中毒的作业场所未设置自动报警装置或者事故通风设施的; (1) failing to install effective ventilation installations in the workplaces where toxic substances are used, or failing to install automatic alarm facilities or ventilation facilities for accidents in the workplaces where a large quantity of toxic substances are likely to leak out suddenly or acute poisoning may be caused easily; or(一)未组织从事使用有毒物品作业的劳动者进行上岗前职业健康检查,安排未经上岗前职业健康检查的劳动者从事使用有毒物品作业的; (1) failing to organize the workers engaging in the operations in which toxic substances are used to receive occupational health examination before taking up their jobs, or assigning the workers who have not received occupational health examination before taking their jobs to engage in the operations in which toxic substances are used;(一)使用有毒物品作业场所未与生活场所分开或者在作业场所住人的; (1) failing to separate the workplaces where toxic substances are used from the living areas, or allowing persons to reside in the workplaces;(一)作业场所职业中毒危害因素不符合国家职业卫生标准和卫生要求而不立即停止高毒作业并采取相应的治理措施的,或者职业中毒危害因素治理不符合国家职业卫生标准和卫生要求重新作业的; (1) failing to stop the operations in which high toxic substances are used and take appropriate controlling measures forthwith in case factors of occupational poisoning hazards in workplaces fail to meet the national occupational health standards and hygienic requirements, or restarting the operations in case the aforesaid factors have not met the national occupational health standards and hygienic requirements in spite of the controlling measures taken;(一)待业职工待业前在企业连续工作一年以上不足五年的,领取待业救济金的期限最长为十二个月; (1) For staff and workers waiting for employment who had consecutively worked in an Enterprise for more than one (1) year but less than five (5) years before their unemployment, the maximum term during which they may receive unemployment relief funds shall be twelve (12) months.(一) 以暴力、威胁或者非法限制人身自由的手段强迫劳动的; (1) Forcing the worker to work by way of violence, threat or illegal limitation of personal liberty;(十)丧葬补助金:因职业中毒死亡的,由工伤保险基金按照6个月的统筹地区上年度职工月平均工资的标准一次支付; (10) funeral subsidies: where the workers are deceased due to occupational poisoning, such subsidies shall be paid in one lump sum from the work injury insurance fund according to the standard of 6-month wages based on the workers’ average monthly wages in the previous year of the same overall planning areas;(二)职业卫生防护设施未与主体工程同时设计,同时施工,同时投入生产和使用的; (2) failing to design, construct, and put into production and utilization the safeguards for the occupational health simultaneously with the principal part of the project;(二)发现用人单位擅自从事使用有毒物品作业,不予取缔的; (2) failing to lay a ban on the employing units' operations in which toxic substances are used without authorization upon discovery thereof;(二)未依照本条例的规定维护、检修存在高毒物品的生产装置的; (2) failing to maintain or overhaul production installations involving the use of high toxic substances according to the provisions of these Regulations; or(二)未对职业卫生防护设备、应急救援设施、通讯报警装置进行维护、检修和定期检测,导致上述设施处于不正常状态的; (2) failing to maintain, overhaul, or periodically detect safeguards for occupational health, emergency and first-aid facilities, and communication and alarm facilities, thus causing the aforesaid facilities to be in abnormal conditions;(二)变更使用高毒物品品种,未按照规定向原受理申报的卫生行政部门重新申报,或者申报不及时、有虚假的。 (2) failing to make a new declaration, or failing to make a declaration in time, or making false declaration to the administrative department for public health that originally dealt with declarations in case of change of varieties of toxic substances.(二)未组织从事使用有毒物品作业的劳动者进行定期职业健康检查的; (2) failing to organize the workers engaging in the operations in which toxic substances are used to receive occupational health examination at regular intervals;(二)未将有害作业与无害作业分开的; (2) failing to separate harmful operations from harmless operations;(二)未为从事使用高毒物品作业的劳动者设置淋浴间、更衣室或者未设置清洗、存放和处理工作服、工作鞋帽等物品的专用间,或者不能正常使用的; (2) failing to set up shower compartments and changing cabins, or specialized compartments to wash, store or dispose of such articles as working clothes, shoes and caps for the workers engaging in the operations in which high toxic substances are used, or providing such facilities in abnormal conditions; or(二)职业卫生防护设备、应急救援设施、通讯报警装置处于不正常状态而不停止作业,或者擅自拆除或者停止运行职业卫生防护设备、应急救援设施、通讯报警装置的。 (2) failing to stop the operations in case the safeguards against occupational health hazards, emergency and first-aid facilities, and communication and alarm facilities are in abnormal conditions, or dismantling or stopping the operation of such facilities without authorization.(二)待业职工待业前在企业连续工作五年以上的,领取待业救济金的期限最长为二十四个月。 (2) For staff and workers waiting for employment who had consecutively worked in the Enterprises for more than five (5) years before their unemployment, the maximum term during which they may receive unemployment relief funds shall be twenty-four (24) months.(三)未安排从事使用高毒物品作业一定年限的劳动者进行岗位轮换的。 (3) failing to arrange post-shift for the workers who have engaged in the operations in which high toxic substances are used for certain years.(三)未依照本条例的规定进行职业中毒危害因素检测和职业中毒危害控制效果评价的; (3) failing to detect factors of occupational poisoning hazards and assess effect of the control over occupational poisoning hazards in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations;(三)高毒作业场所未与其他作业场所有效隔离的; (3) failing to effectively isolate the workplaces where high toxic substances are used from other workplaces; or(三)对依法取得批准的用人单位不履行监督检查职责,发现其不再具备本条例规定的条件而不撤销原批准或者发现违反本条例的其他行为不予查处的; (3) failing to fulfill the duties of supervision and inspection over the employing units that are approved according to law, or failing to withdraw the original approval granted to the employing units that no longer satisfy the conditions specified in these Regulations or failing to investigate into and handle other acts in violation of these Regulations upon discovery of such non-satisfaction or violation; or(三)未组织从事使用有毒物品作业的劳动者进行离岗职业健康检查的; (3) failing to organize the workers engaging in the operations in which toxic substances are used to receive post-leaving occupational health examination;