

(三)发现有职业禁忌或者有与所从事职业相关的健康损害的劳动者,未及时调离原工作岗位,并妥善安置的;    (3) failing to transfer in time the workers with occupational taboo or health injuries related to their jobs from their original posts and make appropriate arrangement for them;
(三)财政补贴。    (3) Financial subsidies.
(四)从事高毒作业未按照规定配备应急救援设施或者制定事故应急救援预案的。    (4) failing to equip with emergency and first-aid facilities or formulate emergency and first-aid pre-schemes for the operations in which high toxic substances are used according to the provisions.
(四)高毒作业场所未按照规定设置撤离通道和泄险区的;    (4) failing to set up emergency passes for evacuation and necessary hazard-eliminating areas according to law in the workplaces where high toxic substances are used;
(四)发现用人单位存在职业中毒危害,可能造成职业中毒事故,不及时依法采取控制措施的。    (4) failing to take prompt controlling measures according to law against occupational poisoning hazards existing in the employing units which are likely to cause occupational poisoning accidents upon discovery of such hazards.
(五)发生分立、合并、解散、破产情形,未对从事使用有毒物品作业的劳动者进行健康检查,并按照国家有关规定妥善安置职业病病人的;    (5) failing to conduct health examination for the workers engaging in the operations in which toxic substances are used and to make appropriate arrangements for occupational disease sufferers in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State in case of division, merger, dissolution, or bankruptcy;
(五)高毒作业场所未按照规定设置警示线的;    (5) failing to display warning lines according to the provisions in the workplaces where high toxic substances are used; or
(六)对受到或者可能受到急性职业中毒危害的劳动者,未及时组织进行健康检查和医学观察的;    (6) failing to arrange duly health examination and medical observation for the workers who have suffered or are likely to suffer acute occupational poisoning hazards;
(六)未向从事使用有毒物品作业的劳动者提供符合国家职业卫生标准的防护用品,或者未保证劳动者正确使用的。    (6) failing to provide protective appliances that meet the national occupational health standards to the workers engaging in the operations in which toxic substances are used, or failing to ensure its workers to use them correctly.
(六) 法律、行政法规规定的其他情形。    (6) finds himself in other circumstances stipulated in laws or administrative regulations.
(七)未建立职业健康监护档案的;    (7) failing to establish occupational health supervision records;
(八)劳动者离开用人单位时,用人单位未如实、无偿提供职业健康监护档案的;    (8) failing to provide true occupational health surveillance archives at no charge when the workers leave the employing unit;
(九)未依照职业病防治法和本条例的规定将工作过程中可能产生的职业中毒危害及其后果、有关职业卫生防护措施和待遇等如实告知劳动者并在劳动合同中写明的;    (9) failing to truly inform the workers of possible occupational poisoning hazards and the consequences therefrom, safeguards against occupational poisoning hazards and the welfares, and failing to state these items clearly in the labor contracts according to the provisions of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Diseases and these Regulations; or
(二)对已经取得有关证明文件的,不履行监督检查职责;    60.2 Fail to perform the duty of supervision and inspection to the organizations having procured the legal certificates;
(三)发现用人单位存在职业病危害的,可能造成职业病危害事故,不及时依法采取控制措施;    60.3 Fail to take prompt control measures against the Employer who harbors occupational-disease-inductive factors or may give rise to occupational-disease-inductive accidents;
(一)未按照规定进行职业病危害预评价或者未提交职业病危害预评价报告,或者职业病危害预评价报告未经卫生行政部门审核同意,擅自开工的;    62.1 Fail to make pre-assessment of occupational-disease-inductive factors or submit the pre-assessment report of occupational-disease-inductive factors as regulated, or start the operation without having the pre-assessment report of occupational-disease-inductive factors approved by the competent public health authority;
(一)工作场所职业病危害因素检测、评价结果没有存档、上报、公布的;    63.1 Fail to record, report and release the inspection and assessment result of the workplace occupational-disease-inductive factors;
(二)未采取本法第十九条规定的职业病防治管理措施的;    63.2 Fail to take the occupational-disease-prevention measures according to Article 19 hereunder;
(三)未按照规定公布有关职业病防治的规章制度、操作规程、职业病危害事故应急救援措施的;    63.3 Fail to publicize the regulations, operating rules, contingency measures upon occupational-disease-inductive accidents in connection with occupational-disease prevention as regulated;
(四)未按照规定组织劳动者进行职业卫生培训,或者未对劳动者个人职业病防护采取指导、督促措施的;    63.4 Fail to deliver occupational health training to laborers or fail to make instruction and supervision to ensure the adoption of individual-used occupational-disease-prevention measures;
(五)国内首次使用或者首次进口与职业病危害有关的化学材料,未按照规定报送毒性鉴定资料以及经有关部门登记注册或者批准进口的文件的。    63.5 For any occupational-disease-inductive chemical that is used or imported for the first time in China, the responsible organization fails to submit the toxicity appraisal report, related registration documents or import permit to the competent authorities.
(一)未按照规定及时、如实向卫生行政部门申报产生职业病危害的项目的;    64.1 Fail to faithfully and promptly declare the occupational-disease-inductive factors to the competent public health authorities;
(二)未实施由专人负责的职业病危害因素日常监测,或者监测系统不能正常监测的;    64.2 Fail to carry out the routine monitoring of the occupational-disease-inductive factors charged by designated employee, or fail to ensure the normal operation of the monitoring system;
(三)订立或者变更劳动合同时,未告知劳动者职业病危害真实情况的;    64.3 Fail to inform the laborers of the true effect of the occupational-disease-inductive factors at conclusion or modification of labor contracts;
(四)未按照规定组织职业健康检查、建立职业健康监护档案或者未将检查结果如实告知劳动者的。    64.4 Fail to arrange the occupational health examination, fail to establish the occupational health record or fail to faithfully inform the laborer concerned of the examination result.
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