

国家机关、事业单位、社会团体和与其建立劳动关系的劳动者,订立、履行、变更、解除或者终止劳动合同,依照本法执行。    This Law shall also apply to the state organs, public institutions, social organizations and workers bound up by labor contracts concerning the conclusion, performance, alteration, discharge or termination of labor contracts.
本项规定也适用于工作条件与工人相同的基层干部。    This provision also covers cadres at the grass-roots whose working conditions are similar to those of the workers.
患二、三期矽肺病离职休养的干部,也可以按照本条的办法执行。    This provision is also applicable to cadres afflicted with secondary or tertiary silicosis, on sick leave and taking a rest.
同时具备两项以上的退休条件,应当按最高的标准发给。退休费低于三十五元的,按三十五元发给。    Those who simultaneously satisfy two or more retirement conditions should be paid whichever is the highest. If the calculated pension is less than 35 yuan, the actual amount paid shall be 35 yuan.
中华人民共和国成立后参加革命工作,连续工龄满二十年的,按本人标准工资的百分之七十五发给;连续工龄满十年不满十五年的,按本人标准工资的百分之六十发给。退休费低于二十元的,按二十五元发给。    Those, who joined revolutionary activities after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and with a seniority of 20 years of continuous service, are paid a cash pension equivalent to 75 per cent of their standard wage. ,Those whose work seniority exceeds 15 years but does not reach 20 years are paid a cash pension equivalent to 70 per cent of their standard wage. Those whose seniority exceeds 10 years but does not reach 15 years are paid a cash pension equivalent to 60 per cent of their standard wage. If the calculated pension is less than 25 yuan, the actual amount paid shall be 25 yuan.
对于单身在外地工作的工人,退休、退职后要求迁到家属所在地居住的,迁入地区应当准予落户。    Those, who live alone away from their hometown and who, after retirement of resignation, apply for returning to the place of abode of their family, should be approved to move back and become registered residents.
(一)克扣或者无故拖欠劳动者工资的;    to deduct wages or delay in paying wages to labourers without reason;
(四)解除劳动合同后,未依照本法规定给予劳动者经济补偿的。    to fail to provide labourers with economic compensations in accordance with ????the provisions of his Law after revocation of labour contracts.
(三)低于当地最低工资标准支付劳动者工资的;    to pay labourers wages below the local standard on minimum wages; or
(二)休息日安排劳动者工作又不能安排补休的,支付不低于工资的百分之二百的工资报酬;    to pay no less than 200 percent of the normal wages if the extended hours are arranged on days of rest and no deferred rest can be taken;
(二)拒不支付劳动者延长工作时间工资报酬的;    to refuse to pay labourers remuneration for the extended working hours;
(二)严重违反劳动纪律或者用人单位规章制度的;    to seriously violate labour disciplines or the rules and regulations of the ????employing units;
没有说明书或者说明书不符合要求的,不得向用人单位销售。    Toxic substances without the specifications or with unqualified specifications shall not be sold to the employing units.
各级工会委员会由会员大会或者会员代表大会民主选举产生。    Trade union committees at the various levels shall be elected by their general assemblies or representative assemblies.
各级工会委员会向同级会员大会或者会员代表大会负责并报告工作,接受其监督。    Trade union committees at the various levels shall be responsible to and shall submit work reports to general assemblies or representative assemblies at their respective levels and shall be subject to their supervision.
工会经费主要用于基层职工的教育和工会开展的其他活动。经费使用的具体办法由中华全国总工会制定。    Trade union funds shall be used primarily to educate workers at the grass-roots level and for the union to arrange other activities. Detailed measures on the use of such funds shall be formulated by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions.
工会会员大会或者会员代表大会有权撤换或者罢免其所选举的代表或者工会委员会组成人员。    Trade union general assemblies and representative assemblies shall have the right to change or dismiss their elected representatives or committee members.
全民所有制企业召开讨论有关工资、福利、安全生产以及劳动保护、劳动保险等涉及职工切身利益的会议,应当有工会代表参加。    Trade union representatives shall participate in meetings convened by an enterprise owned by the whole people to discuss matters, such as wages, welfare, production safety, labour protection and labour insurance, which involve the personal rights and interests of workers.
工会组织(没有工会组织的应选举工人代表)可以代表职工与企业就劳动报酬、工时休假、劳动安全卫生、保险福利等事项,通过协商谈判,订立集体合同。    Trade unions (elected worker representatives if no such unions are available) may conclude collective contracts with the FFEs on behalf of the employees through consultations and negotiations with regard to matters like their remuneration, working time and vacation, labor safety and hygiene condition and insurance and welfare.
工会组织对用人单位违反法律、法规,侵犯劳动者合法权益的行为,有权要求纠正;产生严重职业中毒危害时,有权要求用人单位采取防护措施,或者向政府有关部门建议采取强制性措施;    Trade unions shall have the right to demand corrections by employing units committing acts of infringing upon workers' legal rights and interests in violation of laws and regulations; in cases of serious occupational poisoning hazards, they shall have the right to require the employing units to take protective measures or suggest that the relevant departments of the people's governments take compulsory measures;
工会代表和维护劳动者的合法权益,依法独立自主地开展活动。    Trade unions shall represent and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of labourers, and independently conduct their activities in accordance with the law.
(二)生产设备、交通运输线路、公共设施发生故障,影响生产和公众利益,必须及时抢修的;    transportation lines or public facilities that affects production ?and public interests;
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