第七十九条 劳动争议发生后,当事人可以向本单位劳动争议调解委员会申请调解;调解不成,当事人一方要求仲裁的,可以向劳动争议仲裁委员会申请仲裁。 Article 79 Where a labour dispute takes place, the parties involved may apply to the labour dispute mediation committee of their unit for mediation; if the mediation fails and one of the parties requests for arbitration, that party may apply to the labour dispute arbitration committee for arbitration. Either party may also directly apply to the labour dispute arbitration committee for arbitration.第七十九条 任何组织或者个人对违反本法的行为都有权举报,县级以上人民政府劳动行政部门应当及时核实、处理,并对举报有功人员给予奖励。 Article 79. All organizations and individuals are entitled to report violations of this Law. The Labor Administration authorities of people’s governments at the county level and above shall verify and handle the violations reported in a timely manner and reward those persons whose reports have merit.第八条 省、自治区可以建立失业保险调剂金。 Article 8 Provinces and autonomous regions may establish adjustment funds of unemployment insurance.第八条 工会动员和教育职工以主人翁态度对待劳动,爱护国家和企业的财产,遵守劳动纪律,发动和组织职工努力完成生产任务和工作任务。 Article 8 A trade union shall mobilize and educate workers to approach work with the attitude of being the master, to care for State and enterprise property and observe labour discipline and shall urge and organize workers to conscientiously complete production and work assignments.第八条 国家实行职业卫生监督制度。 Article 8 Chinese Government shall enforce the policy for occupational health supervision. 第八条 劳动合同由职工个人同企业以书面形式订立。 Article 8 Labor contracts are concluded in written form between individual employee and the FFEs.第八条 劳动者依照法律规定,通过职工大会、职工代表大会或者其他形式,参与民主管理或者就保护劳动者合法权益与用人单位进行平等协商。 Article 8 Labourers shall, through the assembly of staff and workers or their congress, or other forms in accordance with the provisions of laws, rules and regulations, take part in democratic management or consult with the employing units on an equal footing about protection of the legitimate rights and interests of labourers.第八条 工会组织应当督促并协助用人单位开展职业卫生宣传教育和培训,对用人单位的职业卫生工作提出意见和建议,与用人单位就劳动者反映的职业病防治问题进行协调并督促解决。 Article 8 Trade unions shall urge and assist employing units in the publicity, education and training of occupational health, make proposals and suggestions concerning employing units' occupational health work, and coordinate with and urge the employing units to solve the problems in relation to the prevention and control of occupational diseases that are reported by workers.第八条 用人单位招用劳动者时,应当如实告知劳动者工作内容、工作条件、工作地点、职业危害、安全生产状况、劳动报酬,以及劳动者要求了解的其他情况;用人单位有权了解劳动者与劳动合同直接相关的基本情况,劳动者应当如实说明。 Article 8 When hiring the workers, the employer shall faithfully notify them of the job contents, conditions and place, occupational harm, work safety status, remuneration, and other information as required by the workers. The employer is entitled to be aware of the basic information in direct relation to the workers and the labor contracts, and the workers shall provide such information authentically.第八条 退休、退职工人本人,可以继续享受公费医疗待遇。 Article 8 Workers who retire or resign may themselves continue to enjoy free medical care.第八条 待业保险基金及其管理费收支的预算、决算,按照统筹范围,由劳动行政主管部门负责编制,经同级财政行政主管部门审核汇总后,纳入本级预算、决算,报本级人民政府审定,并且不得用于平衡财政收支。 Article 8. The competent labor administrative institutions shall, in accordance with the scope of the overall plan, be responsible for preparing the budget and final settlement of the proceeds of unemployment insurance funds and their management fees, which shall, upon the examination, verification and compilation by the competent financial administrative institutions at the same level, be incorporated into the budget and final settlement at the corresponding level and then submitted to the people's government at the corresponding level for examination and approval, and shall not be used for balancing financial revenues and expenditures.第八条经企业职工代表大会讨论同意并报企业行政主管部门备案,企业可以对职工实行有限期的放假。 Article 8. The Enterprises may give their staff and workers a limited term leave, which shall deliberated at the congress of the representatives of the staff and workers of the Enterprises and then submitted to the competent administrative institutions of the Enterprises for documentation.第八条 用人单位招用劳动者时,应当如实告知劳动者工作内容、工作条件、工作地点、职业危害、安全生产状况、劳动报酬,以及劳动者要求了解的其他情况;用人单位有权了解劳动者与劳动合同直接相关的基本情况,劳动者应当如实说明。 Article 8. When a Unit concludes a labor contract with a laborer, it shall truthfully inform him as to the content of the work, the working conditions, the work site, occupational hazards, production safety conditions, labor remuneration and other matters the laborer wishes to know. The Unit has the right to know basic information about the laborer which directly relates to the labor contract, and the laborer shall truthfully provide the information.第八十条 在用人单位内,可以设立劳动争议调解委员会。劳动争议调解委员会由职工代表、用人单位代表和工会代表组成。劳动争议调解委员会主任由工会代表担任。劳动争议经调解达成协议的,当事人应当履行。 Article 80 A labour dispute mediation committee may be established inside the employing unit. The committee shall be composed of representatives of the staff and workers, representatives of the employing unit, and representatives of the trade union. The chairman of the committee shall be held a representative of the trade union. Agreements reached on labour disputes through mediation shall be implemented by the parties involved.第八十条 用人单位直接涉及劳动者切身利益的规章制度违反法律、法规规定的,由劳动行政部门责令改正,给予警告;给劳动者造成损害的,应当承担赔偿责任。 Article 80 In case an employer's bylaws in direct relation to the workers' interests is inconsistent with any law or regulation, it shall be order to make a correction by the labor administration department and shall be given a warning. If any damage occurs to the workers by the aforesaid bylaws, the employer shall assume the liability for compensation.第八十条 用人单位直接涉及劳动者切身利益的规章制度违反法律、法规规定的,由劳动行政部门责令改正,给予警告;给劳动者造成损害的,应当承担赔偿责任。 Article 80. If a labor rule or regulation formulated by a Unit that directly relates to the interests of laborers violates laws or administrative regulations, such rule or regulation shall be invalid and the labor administration department shall issue a warning and order rectification. If the rule or regulation caused a laborer to suffer harm, the Unit will be liable for damages.第八十一条 劳动争议仲裁委员会由劳动行政部门代表、同级工会代表、用人单位方面的代表组成。劳动争议仲裁委员会主任由劳动行政部门代表担任。 Article 81 A labour dispute arbitration committee shall be composed of representatives of the labour administrative department, representatives from the trade union at the corresponding level, and representatives of the employing unit. The chairman of the committee shall be held by a representative of the labour administrative department.第八十一条 用人单位提供的劳动合同文本未载明本法规定的劳动合同必备条款或者用人单位未将劳动合同文本交付劳动者的,由劳动行政部门责令改正;给劳动者造成损害的,应当承担赔偿责任。 Article 81 If a labor contract provided by an employer fails to specify any of the mandatory clauses as requires to be contained in such contracts by this Law or if an employer fails to deliver the document of the labor contract to the worker, it shall be ordered to make a correction by the labor administration department. If any damage occurs to the worker, the employer shall assume the liability for compensation.第八十一条 用人单位提供的劳动合同文本未载明本法规定的劳动合同必备条款或者用人单位未将劳动合同文本交付劳动者的,由劳动行政部门责令改正;给劳动者造成损害的,应当承担赔偿责任。 Article 81. If the text of a labor contract provided by a Unit lacks any of the mandatory clauses which this Law requires to be included in such contracts or if the Unit fails to provide the laborer the written text of the labor contract, the Labor Administration Department shall order rectification; if the laborer suffered harm as a result thereof, the Unit will be liable for damages.第八十二条 用人单位自用工之日起超过一个月不满一年未与劳动者订立书面劳动合同的,应当向劳动者每月支付二倍的工资。 Article 82 If an employer fails to conclude a labor contract in written form with a worker in more than one month but less than one year after the date of starting to use him, it shall pay the worker double amount of his monthly salary.第八十二条 提出仲裁要求的一方应当自劳动争议发生之日起六十日内向劳动争议仲裁委员会提出书面申请。仲裁裁决一般应在收到仲裁申请的六十日内作出。对仲裁裁决无异议的,当事人必须履行。 Article 82 The party that requests for arbitration shall file a written application to a labour dispute arbitration committee within 60 days starting from the date of the occurrence of a labour dispute. The arbitration committee may generally make an adjudication within 60 days from the date of receiving the application. The parties involved must implement the adjudication if no objections are raised.第八十二条 用人单位自用工之日起超过一个月不满一年未与劳动者订立书面劳动合同的,应当向劳动者每月支付二倍的工资。 Article 82. If a Unit fails to reach a written labor contract with a laborer after one month but within one year of carrying out the employment procedures, it shall pay the laborer twice the amount of due remuneration for his labor.第八十三条 用人单位违反本法规定与劳动者约定试用期的,由劳动行政部门责令改正;违法约定的试用期已经履行的,由用人单位以劳动者试用期满月工资为标准,按已经履行的超过法定试用期的期间向劳动者支付赔偿金。 Article 83 If any employer violates this Law because of stipulating the probation period with any worker, it shall be ordered to make a correction by the labor administration department. If the illegally stipulated probation has been performed, the worker shall be paid compensation by the employer in light of the time worked on probation beyond the statutory probation period, at the rate of the worker's monthly salary after probation.第八十三条 劳动争议当事人对仲裁裁决不服的,可以自收到仲裁裁决书之日起十五日内向人民法院提起诉讼。一方当事人在法定期限内不起诉又不履行仲裁裁决的,另一方当事人可以申请人民法院强制执行。 Article 83 Where a party involved in a labour dispute is not satisfied with the adjudication, the party may bring a lawsuit to a people’s court within 15 days from the date of receiving the ruling of arbitration. Where one of the parties involved neither brings a lawsuit nor implements the adjudication of arbitration within the statutory time limit, the other party may apply to a people’s court for compulsory implementation.第八十三条 用人单位违反本法规定与劳动者约定试用期的,由劳动行政部门责令改正; Article 83. If the probation period stipulated by a Unit with a laborer violates this Law, the Labor Administration Department shall order the Unit to rectify the matter in accordance with this Law.