- 中国劳动法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 第七十三条 劳动者在下列情形下,依法享受社会保险待遇:(一)退休;(二)患病、负伤;(三)因工伤残或者患职业病;(四)失业;(五)生育。 Article 73 Labourers shall, in accordance with the law, enjoy social insurance benefits under the following circumstances: ?retirement; ?illness or injury; ?disability caused by work-related injury or occupational disease; ?unemployment; and (5) child-bearing.
- 第七十三条 国务院劳动行政部门负责全国劳动合同制度实施的监督管理。 Article 73 The labor administrative department of the State Council shall have the responsibility of the surveillance and inspection on the implementation of the labor contracts system all over the country.
- 第七十三条 国务院劳动行政部门负责全国劳动合同制度实施的监督管理。 Article 73. The State Council’s Labor Administration Department shall be responsible for overseeing the implementation of the labor contract system.
- 第七十四条 社会保险基金经办机构依照法律规定收支、管理和运营社会保险基金,并负有使社会保险基金保值增值的责任。 Article 74 The agencies in charge of social insurance funds shall collect, expend, manage and operate the funds in accordance with the stipulations of laws, and assume the responsibility to maintain and raise the value of these funds.
- 第七十四条 县级以上地方人民政府劳动行政部门依法对下列实施劳动合同制度的情况进行监督检查: Article 74 The labor administrative department of the local people's government at or above the county level shall perform surveillance and inspection on the following implementation of the labor contracts system according to laws:
- 第七十四条 职业病诊断鉴定委员会组成人员收受职业病诊断争议当事人的财物或者其他好处的,给予警告,没收收受的财物,可以并处三千元以上五万元以下的罚款,取消其担任职业病诊断鉴定委员会组成人员的资格,并从省、自治区、直辖市人民政府卫生行政部门设立的专家库中予以除名。 Article 74 The member of the occupational-disease-diagnosis appraisal committee accepting the bribery or other benefits from the party involved in a dispute is subject to the warning of competent authority, and the bribery will be confiscated; the liable member may also be subject to a fine ranging from RMB 3,000 yuan to RMB 50,000 yuan, or be deprived of the qualification for acting as the member of the occupational-disease-diagnosis appraisal committee, and be deleted from the expert pool established by the public health authority under the people’s government of the provinces, autonomous regions and centrally administered municipalities.
- 第七十四条 县级以上地方人民政府劳动行政部门依法对下列实施劳动合同制度的情况进行监督检查: Article 74. The Labor Administration authorities of local people’s governments at the county level and above shall conduct supervision and inspections of the implementation of the following aspects of the labor contract system, in accordance with the law:
- 第七十五条 卫生行政部门不按照规定报告职业病和职业病危害事故的,由上一级卫生行政部门责令改正,通报批评,给予警告;虚报、瞒报的,对单位负责人、直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予降级、撤职或者开除的行政处分。 Article 75 In the event that any public health authority fails to report the occupational diseases and occupational-disease-inductive accidents as regulated, the upper-level public health authority will order the liable public health authority for correction in addition to notice of criticism; the principals, executives and other personnel directly responsible for any inaccurate report or deliberate concealment of actual conditions are subject to such disciplinary actions as post-lowering, deposal or dismissal.
- 第七十五条 国家鼓励用人单位根据本单位实际情况为劳动者建立补充保险。国家提倡劳动者个人进行储蓄性保险。 Article 75 The State shall encourage the employing unit to set up supplementary insurance for labourers according to its practical situations. The State shall advocate that labourers practise individual insurance in form of saving account.
- 第七十五条 县级以上地方人民政府劳动行政部门实施监督检查时,有权查阅与劳动合同、集体合同有关的材料,有权对劳动场所进行实地检查,用人单位和劳动者都应当如实提供有关情况和材料。 Article 75 When conducting the surveillance and inspection, the labor administrative department of the people's government at or above the county level is entitled to consult relevant materials with respect to the labor contracts and collective contracts and it has the rights to carry out the spot inspections on the work places. The employers and workers shall provide relevant information and materials faithfully.
- 第七十五条 县级以上地方人民政府劳动行政部门实施监督检查时,有权查阅与劳动合同、集体合同有关的材料,有权对劳动场所进行实地检查,用人单位和劳动者都应当如实提供有关情况和材料。 Article 75. The Labor Administration Department of a local people’s government at the county level or above conducting supervision and inspection has the authority to review materials relating to the labor contracts and collective contracts and conduct an on-the-spot inspection of the work premises. Both the Unit and the laborers shall truthfully provide relevant information and materials.
- 第七十六条 卫生行政部门及其职业卫生监督执法人员有本法第六十条所列行为之一,导致职业病危害事故发生,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚不构成犯罪的,对单位负责人、直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予降级、撤职或者开除的行政处分。 Article 76 In the event that any public health authority and its occupational-health supervision/law-enforcement personnel are liable for one of the practices as set out in Article 60 hereunder, which gives rise to occupational-disease-inductive accident and constitutes a crime, the responsible public health authority and its occupational-health supervision/law-enforcement personnel will be subject to criminal liability; provided that the practice does not constitute a crime, the public health authority’s principal, executives and other personnel directly responsible for the practice are subject to such disciplinary actions as post-lowering, deposal or dismissal.
- 第七十六条 县级以上人民政府建设、卫生、安全生产监督管理等有关主管部门在各自职责范围内,对用人单位执行劳动合同制度的情况进行监督管理。 Article 76 The relevant competent authorities of construction, sanitary, work safety surveillance and administration, etc. of the people's governments at or above the county level shall surveil and administer the employers' implementation of the labor contracts system under their respective responsibilities.
- 第七十六条 国家发展社会福利事业,兴建公共福利设施,为劳动者休息、休养和疗养提供条件。 用人单位应当创造条件,改善集体福利,提高劳动者的福利待遇。 Article 76 The State shall develop social welfare undertakings, construct public welfare facilities, and provide labourers with conditions for taking rest, recuperation and rehabilitation. The employing unit shall create conditions so as to improve collective welfare and raise welfare treatment of labourers.
- 第七十六条 县级以上人民政府建设、卫生、安全生产监督管理等有关主管部门在各自职责范围内,对用人单位执行劳动合同制度的情况进行监督管理。 Article 76. Such responsible authorities as construction authorities, health authorities, production safety regulators, etc. of people’s governments at the county level and above shall, to the extent of their respective purviews, oversee the implementation of the labor contract system by Units.
- 第七十七条 本法下列用语的含义: Article 77 In this Code, the following terms shall have the meaning as follows:
- 第七十七条 用人单位与劳动者发生劳动争议,当事人可以依法申请调解、仲裁、提起诉讼,也可以协商解决。 调解原则适用于仲裁和诉讼程序。 Article 77 Where a labour dispute between the employing unit and labourers takes place, the parties concerned may apply for mediation or arbitration or take legal proceedings according to law, or may seek for a settlement through consultation. The principle of mediation shall apply to the procedures of arbitration and lawsuit.
- 第七十七条 劳动者合法权益受到侵害的,有权要求有关部门依法处理,或者依法申请仲裁、提起诉讼。 Article 77 With respect to any worker whose lawful rights and interests is infringed, he is entitled to require the relevant department to deal with the case, or apply for an arbitration or bring a lawsuit according to law.
- 第七十七条 劳动者合法权益受到侵害的,有权要求有关部门依法处理,或者依法申请仲裁、提起诉讼。 Article 77. Once the laborer’s legitimate rights and interests have been infringed upon, the laborer has the right to demand that a relevant department handle the affair or to apply for arbitration and file litigation.
- 第七十八条 工会依法维护劳动者的合法权益,对用人单位履行劳动合同、集体合同的情况进行监督。 Article 78 A labor union shall maintain the workers' legitimate rights and interests in accordance with relevant law and surveil the employer's performance of the labor contracts and collective contracts.
- 第七十八条 本法第二条规定的用人单位以外的单位,产生职业病危害的,其职业病防治活动可以参照本法执行。 Article 78 Any occupational-disease-inductive organizations except for the employers as set forth in Article 2 hereunder may conduct the occupational-disease-prevention activities according to this Code.
- 第七十八条 解决劳动争议,应当根据合法、公正、及时处理的原则,依法维护劳动争议当事人的合法权益。 Article 78 The settlement of a labour dispute shall follow the principle of legality, fairness and promptness so as to safeguard in accordance with the law the legitimate rights and interests of the parties involved.
- 第七十八条 工会依法维护劳动者的合法权益,对用人单位履行劳动合同、集体合同的情况进行监督。 Article 78. Labor unions shall safeguard the lawful rights and interests of laborers in accordance with the law and monitor the performance of the labor contracts and collective contracts by Units.
- 第七十九条 任何组织或者个人对违反本法的行为都有权举报,县级以上人民政府劳动行政部门应当及时核实、处理,并对举报有功人员给予奖励。 Article 79 Any organization or individual possesses the right to report any violations of this Law. The labor competent authorities of the people's governments at or above the county level shall timely verify and handle such violations and shall grant awards to the person worthy of merit in reporting crimes.
- 第七十九条 本法自2002年5月1日起施行。 Article 79 This Code will be enforced as of the date of May 1, 2002.