

第九十七条 由于用人单位的原因订立的无效合同,对劳动者造成损害的,应当承担赔偿责任。    Article 97 The employing unit shall bear the responsibility for compensation if the conclusion of any invalid contracts is attributed to the unit and have caused damages to labourers.
第九十七条 本法施行前已依法订立且在本法施行之日存续的劳动合同,继续履行;本法第十四条第二款第三项规定连续订立固定期限劳动合同的次数,自本法施行后续订固定期限劳动合同时开始计算。    Article 97 With respect to any labor contract that has been concluded before the implementation of this Law and continues to exist on the implementation date of this Law, it shall be kept on performing. According to Subparagraph (3) of the second Paragraph of Article 14 of this Law, the number of consecutive times on which a labor contract with a fixed period is concluded shall be calculated from the first renewal of such contract to occur after the implementation of this Law.
第九十七条 本法施行前已依法订立且在本法施行之日存续的劳动合同,继续履行;    Article 97. Those labor relationships that are established before the implementation of this law and are continuing on the day this law is put into effect are still effective.
第九十八条 用人单位违反本法规定的条件解除劳动合同或者故意拖延不订立劳动合同的,由劳动行政部门责令改正;对劳动者造成损害的,应当承担赔偿责任。    Article 98 The employing unit that revokes labour contracts or purposely delays the conclusion of labour contracts in violation of the conditions specified in this Law shall be ordered by the labour administrative department to make corrections and shall bear the responsibility for compensation if damaged have been caused to labourers.
第九十八条 本法自2008年1月1日起施行。    Article 98 This Law shall enter into force as of January 1, 2008.
第九十八条 本法自2008年1月1日起施行。    Article 98. This Law shall be implemented from Jan.1st 2008.
第九十九条 用人单位招用尚未解除劳动合同的劳动者,对原用人单位造成经济损失的,该用人单位应当依法承担连带赔偿责任。    Article 99 The employing unit that recruits labourers whose labour contracts have not yet been revoked shall, according to law, assume joint responsibility for compensation if economic losses have been caused to the original employing unit of the labourers.
第十五条 用人单位变更名称、法定代表人或者负责人的,应当向原受理申报的卫生行政部门备案。    Article15 An employing unit which changes its name, legal representative, or person in charge shall make a report thereon for the record to the administrative department for public health that originally accepted its declarations.
第七十条 涉及作业场所使用有毒物品可能产生职业中毒危害的劳动保护的有关事项,本条例未作规定的,依照职业病防治法和其他有关法律、行政法规的规定执行。    Article70 Where these Regulations contain no provisions on relevant issues concerning labor protection against possible occupational poisoning hazards due to the use of toxic substances in workplaces, the relevant provisions of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases, other relevant laws and administrative regulations shall be applicable.
用人单位安排加班的,应当按照国家有关规定向劳动者支付加班费。    As for the employer that arranges overtime work, it shall pay the worker for the overtime work in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state.
我国农业生产水平还比较低,粮食还没有过关,对增加城镇和其他吃商品粮的人口,必须严加控制。    As the level of agricultural production in our country is father low, and as there is not enough foodgrains for the whole population, it is necessary to strictly control increases in the urban population and those who live on grains sold on the market.
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