- 中国食品卫生与检验检疫法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 第二十六条 食品生产经营人员每年必须进行健康检查;新参加工作和临时参加工作的食品工作经营人员必须进行健康检查,取得健康证明后方可参加工作。 Article 26 All persons engaged in food production or marketing must undergo an annual medical examination; persons newly employed or serving temporarily in this field must also undergo a medical examination and may not start work until they have obtained health certificates.
- 第二十六条 生产卷烟纸、滤 嘴棒、烟用丝束、烟草专用机械的企业,应当按照国务院烟草专卖行政主管部门的计划以及与烟草制品生产企业签订的订货合同组织生产。 Article 26 Any enterprise engaged in the production of cigarette paper, filter rods, cigarette tow or cigarette manufacturing equipment shall organize production in accordance with the plans assigned by the department of tobacco monopoly administration under the State Council and the order contracts concluded with the enterprises producing tobacco products.
- 第二十六条 违反本法规定,对列入《种类表》的和其他法律、行政法规规定必须经商检机构检验的进口商品未报经检验而擅自销售或者使用的,对列入《种类表》的和其他法律、行政法规规定必须经商检机构检验的出口商品未报经检验合格而擅自出口的,由商检机构处以罚款; Article 26 Anyone who, in violation of the relevant provisions of this Law, purposely markets or uses import commodities which are included in the List of Commodities or subject to inspection by the commodity inspection authorities in accordance with other laws or administrative rules and regulations without having such commodities inspected, or purposely exports export commodities which are included in the List of Commodities or subject to inspection by the commodity inspection authorities in accordance with other laws or administrative rules and regulations without having such commodities inspected and proved up to standard shall be fined by the commodity inspection authorities.
- 第二十六条为控制、扑灭重大动物疫情,动物防疫监督机构可以派人参加当地依法设立的现有检查站执行监督检查任务; Article 26 For the purpose of control or extermination of major animal epidemic situations, the supervising agencies for animal epidemic prevention may dispatch their personnel to the inspecting stations having been set up according to law by the locality to undertake supervision and inspection.
- 第二十六条 国境卫生检疫机关实施卫生检疫,按照国家规定收取费用。 Article 26 Frontier health and quarantine offices shall charge for health and quarantine services according to state regulations.
- 第二十六条 悬挂检疫信号的船舶,除引航员和经卫生检疫机关许可的人员外,其他人员不准上船,不准装卸行李、货物、邮包等物品,其他船舶不准靠近;船上的人员,除因船舶遇险外,未经卫生检疫机关许可,不准离船;引航员不得将船引离检疫锚地。 Article 26 No persons other than navigation pilot and those approved by the health and quarantine organ shall be allowed to get on board the vessel(s) with quarantine flag or light signal(s); no unloading of luggage, cargo, postal parcels shall be allowed; no other vessel shall be allowed to get close; no crew member shall be allowed to leave the vessel without the approval by the health and quarantine organ, unless the vessel is in distress. The navigation pilot shall not guide the vessel(s) away from the quarantine anchorage.
- 第二十六条对过境植物、动植物产品和其他检疫物,口岸动植物检疫机关检查运输工具或者包装,经检疫合格的,准予过境; Article 26 The port animal and plant quarantine office shall examine the means of transport and the packings, in respect of the transit plants, animal and plant products or other quarantine objects, which are allowed to transit through the country if they pass the quarantine inspection;
- 第二十七条动植物、动植物产品和其他检疫物过境期间,未经动植物检疫机关批准,不得开拆包装或者卸离运输工具。 Article 27 Animals and plants, their products or other quarantine objects, in the course of their transit, may not be unpacked or discharged from the means of transport without the approval of the animal and plant quarantine organ.
- 第二十七条 生产卷烟纸、滤 嘴棒、烟用丝束、烟草专用机械的企业,只可将产品销售给烟草公司和持有烟草专卖生产企业许可证的烟草制品生产企业。 Article 27 Any enterprise engaged in the production of cigarette paper, filter rods, cigarette tow or cigarette manufacturing equipment may sell its products only to tobacco companies or enterprises producing tobacco products with the license for tobacco monopoly production enterprises.
- 第二十七条 食品生产经营企业和食品摊贩,必须先取得卫生行政部门发放的卫生许可证方可向工商行政管理部门申请登记。未取得卫生许可证的,不得从事食品生产经营活动。 Article 27 Enterprises engaged in food production or marketing as well as food vendors must obtain a hygiene licence issued by the administrative department of public health before they shall be permitted to apply for registration with the administrative departments of industry and commerce. No person who has not obtained a hygiene licence may engage in food production or marketing.
- 第二十七条 伪造、变造商检单证、印章、标志、封识、质量认证标志,构成犯罪的,对直接责任人员比照刑法第一百六十七条的规定追究刑事责任;情节轻微的,由商检机构处以罚款。 Article 27 If the falsifying or remaking of the certificates or documents, seals or stamps, marks, sealings or quality certification marks for commodity inspection constitutes a crime, the criminal responsibility of the personnel directly responsible shall be investigated by applying mutatis mutandis the provisions of Article 167 of the Criminal Law; if the circumstances are minor, the offender shall be fined by the commodity inspection authorities.
- 第二十七条发生人畜共患疫病时,有关畜牧兽医行政管理部门应当与卫生行政部门及有关单位互相通报疫情。畜牧兽医行政管理部门、卫生行政部门及有关单位应当及时采取控制、扑灭措施。 Article 27 In the case of an epidemic disease contracted commonly by both human beings and livestock, the animal husbandry and veterinary administrative department, the public health administrative department and other units concerned shall exchange information on the epidemic situation and shall take control and extermination measures in time.
- 第二十七条 国务院卫生行政部门根据本法制定实施细则,报国务院批准后施行。 Article 27 The health administration department under the State Council shall, in accordance with this Law, formulate rules for its implementation, which shall go into effect after being submitted to and approved by the State Council.
- 第二十七条 申请电讯检疫的船舶,首先向卫生检疫机关申请卫生检查,合格者发给卫生证书,该证书自签发之日起12个月内可以申请电讯检疫。 Article 27 Vessel(s) applying for quarantine inspection by telecommunication must first submit an application to the health and quarantine organ. A sanitary certificate shall be issued to the qualified vessel(s) which may apply for telecommunicated quarantine inspection within 12 months as of the issuance of the certificate.
- 第二十七条 销售者销售产品,不得掺杂、掺假,不得以假充真、以次充好,不得以不合格产品冒充合格产品。 Article 27In selling products, sellers, may not mix impurities or imitations into the products, nor substitute a fake product for a genuine one, a defective product for a high-quality one, nor pass a substandard product off as a good-quality one.
- 第二十八条 售出的产品有下列情形之一的,销售者应当负责修理、更换、退货;给购买产品的用户、消费者造成损失的,销售者应当赔偿损失: Article 28 A seller shall be responsible for repair, or change, or refund of a product if it is sold under any of the following circumstances, and, where the product has caused any loss on users or consumers, the seller shall compensate for such loss:
- 第二十八条疫区内有关单位和个人,应当遵守县级以上人民政府及其畜牧兽医行政管理部门依法作出的有关控制、扑灭动物疫病的规定。 Article 28 Any unit or individual within an epidemic area shall observe the stipulations of the people’s government at or above the county level and its animal husbandry and veterinary administrative department for the control and extermination of the animal epidemic.
- 第二十八条 当事人对商检机构的处罚决定不服的,可以自收到处罚通知之日起三十天内,向作出处罚决定的商检机构或者其上级商检机构或者国家商检部门申请复议; Article 28 If a party refuses to accept the punishment decision of the commodity inspection authorities, he may, within 30 days of receiving the notice on the punishment, apply for reconsideration to the same authorities which have made the punishment decision, to those at the next higher level or to the State Administration for Commodity Inspection.
- 第二十八条 各类食品市场的举办者应当负责市场内的食品卫生管理工作,并在市场内设置必要的公关卫生设施,保持良好的环境卫生状况。 Article 28 Persons who run a food market of any type shall be responsible for the food hygiene control of the market, set up necessary public sanitary facilities in the market and maintain a good sanitary environment.
- 第二十八条 国务院烟草专卖行政主管部门根据国务院规定,管理烟草行业的进出口贸易和对外经济技术合作。 Article 28 The department of tobacco monopoly administration under the State Council shall, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State Council, exercise control over tobacco industry's import and export trade and its foreign economic and technological co-operation.
- 第二十八条 持有效卫生证书的船舶在入境前24小时,应当向卫生检疫机关报告下列事项: Article 28 The vessel with valid sanitary certificate must make a report, twenty-four hours prior to its arrival, to the health and quarantine organ about the following matters:
- 第二十八条 本法自一九八七年五月一日起施行。一九五七年十二月二十三日公布的《中华人民共和国国境卫生检疫条例》同时废止。 Article 28 This Law shall go into effect on May 1, 1987. On the same day, the Frontier Health and Quarantine Regulations of the People's Republic of China promulgated on December 23, 1957, shall be invalidated.
- 第二十八条携带、邮寄植物种子、种苗以及其繁殖材料进境的,必须事先提出申请,办理检疫审批手续。 Article 28 Whoever intends to carry or post plant seeds, seedlings or other propagating materials into the country must submit an application in advance and go through the formalities for examination and approval of quarantine inspection.
- 第二十九条 因产品存在缺陷造成人身、缺陷产品以外的其他财产(以下简称他人财产)损害的,生产者应当承担赔偿责任。 Article 29 A producer shall be liable for compensation if his defective product causes damage to human life or property other than the defective product itself (hereinafter referred to as another persons property).
- 第二十九条 经营烟草专卖品进出口业务、经营外国烟草制品寄售业务或者在海关监督区域内经营免税的外国烟草制品购销业务的企业,必须经国务院烟草专卖行政主管部门或者省级烟草专卖行政主管部门批准,取得特种烟草专卖经营企业许可证。 Article 29 Any enterprise engaged in the import and export of tobacco monopoly commodities, the consignment for sale of foreign tobacco products or the purchase and sale of duty-free foreign tobacco products within a customs surveillance zone shall be subject to the approval of the department of tobacco monopoly administration under the State Council or the department of tobacco monopoly administration at the provincial level and must obtain a special license for the tobacco monopoly operation enterprise.