二、能用于第一项中各系统的如下各项: 2. The following items usable in the systems in Item 1:(二)申请人的法定代表人、主要经营管理人以及经办人的身份证明; 2. The identification of the applicant's legal representative, the primary executives and the administrators who are entrusted with nuclear exports;(二)接受方政府保证对中国供应的核材料以及通过其使用而生产的特种可裂变材料采取适当的实物保护措施; 2. The recipient government pledges to take appropriate measures to physically protect China-supplied nuclear materials as well as the special fissile materials produced through the use of the nuclear materials;(三)核两用品及相关技术的技术说明; 3. The manual that explains the dual-purpose nuclear goods and correlated technologies;三、图案各部分之地位、尺寸,可根据方格墨线图之比例,放大或缩小。 3. The positions and measurements of the various parts of the design may be enlarged or reduced to the scale of the squared ink line sketch.(三)接受方政府同国际原子能机构已经缔结生效的保障监督协定,并承诺将中国供应的核材料、核设备或者反应堆用非核材料以及通过其使用而生产的特种可裂变材料纳入保障监督协定,接受国际原子能机构的保障监督; 3. The recipient government has concluded a valid safeguards agreement with the IAEA, promises to include in that agreement China-supplied nuclear materials, nuclear equipment, or non-nuclear materials used for reactors as well as special fissile materials produced through the use of the said nuclear materials and equipment, and accepts IAEA safeguards.(四)接受方保证,未经中国国家原子能机构事先书面同意,不向第三方再转让中国所供应的核材料、核设备或者反应堆用非核材料及其相关技术;经事先同意进行再转让的,接受再转让的第三方应当承担相当于由中国直接供应所承担的义务。 4. The recipient government pledges that, without prior written approval by the China Atomic Energy Authority (CAEA), it will not transfer to a third party China-supplied nuclear materials, nuclear equipment or non-nuclear materials used for reactors as well as their related technologies. If prior approval is given for the transfer, the third party that accepts the transfer shall undertake commitments corresponding to those of the recipient directly supplied by China.五、国徽之涂色为金红二色:麦稻、五星、天安门、齿轮为金色,圆环内之底子及垂绶为红色;红为正红(同于国旗),金为大赤金(淡色而有光泽之金)。 5. The National Emblem is in red and gold: the wheat and rice, the five stars, Tian' anmen and the cogwheel are in gold, the base of the part within the round ring and the hanging ribbon are in red; the red is pure red (the same as the National Flag), the gold is pure gold (light and bright).六、目标探测装置及电子系统 6. Target Detection System and Related Electronics 台湾是中国的一部分。国家绝不允许“台独”分裂势力以任何名义、任何方式把台湾从中国分裂出去。 Taiwan is part of China. The state shall never allow the ""Taiwan independence"" secessionist forces to make Taiwan secede from China under any name or by any means.2、具有两个或两个以上坐标的数控和程控的铺带机及为其专门设计的软件 Tape-laying machines coordinated and programmed in two or more axes, and specially designed software thereof;六、目标探测装置及电子系统 Target Detection System and Related Electronics4、调节热压罐和液压釜中温度、压力和大气的技术资料和规程 Technical data and procedures for the regulation of temperature, pressures or atmosphere in autoclaves or hydroclaves;十九、降低雷达反射率、紫外/红外线信号与声学信号的技术及专门设计的软件 Technology and specially designed software for reduced radar reflectivity, ultraviolet/infrared signatures or acoustic signatures1、在注模、芯模或其他基料上用母质气体在1300摄氏度到2900摄氏度高温范围内和130帕到20千帕的压力下分解而产生出热解衍生材料的生产技术,包括母质气体的合成、流量、工艺过程控制的规程以及参数控制的技术在内 Technology for producing pyrolytically derived materials formed on a mould, mandrel or other substrate from precursor gases which decompose at temperatures from 1,300 °C to 2,900 °C and at pressures of 130 Pa to 20 kPa, including technology for the composition of precursor gases, flow-rates and process control schedules and parameters;(十二)遥测或遥控的地面设备 Telemetering and telecontrol ground equipment;(十一)遥测设备及其技术 Telemetry equipment and related technologies;(三)地形等高线绘制设备 Terrain contour mapping equipment;(四)能够试验推力大于90千牛顿的固体或液体推进剂火箭发动机或者能同时测量三个推力分量的试车台 Test benches which have the capacity to handle solid or liquid propellant rocket motors of more than 90 kN of thrust, or which are capable of simultaneously measuring the three axial thrust components(六)惯性平台测试台(包括高精度离心机和转台) Test table for inertial platform (including high-accuracy centrifuges and rotating table);(十一)陀螺动态平衡测试仪 Tester for gyro dynamic balance;(十)陀螺调谐测试仪 Tester for gyro tuning;6、试验 Testing所查封、扣押、冻结的财物,根据不同情况,由国家安全机关予以没收或者移送司法机关依法处理。 the aforesaid instruments or other items of property sealed up, withheld or frozen shall, according to different circumstances, be either confiscated by the State security organs or transferred to judicial organs for disposal pursuant to law. 陆海边疆、少数民族地区和城市有特殊情况的单位,基干民兵的年龄可以适当放宽。 The age limit for primary militiamen may be extended appropriately in frontier areas on land or sea, areas inhabited by minority nationalities as well as urban units in special circumstances.