

有期徒刑的缓刑考验期限为原判刑期以上五年以下,但是不能少于一年。    The probation period for suspension of fixed-term imprisonment shall be not less than the term originally decided but not more than five years, however, it may not be less than one year.
缓刑考验期限,从判决确定之日起计算。    The probation period for suspension of sentence shall be counted from the date the judgment is made final.
缓刑考验期限,从判决确定之日起计算。    The probation period for suspension of sentence shall be counted from the date the judgment is made final.
赔偿程序适用本法第十条、第十一条、第十二条的规定。    The procedures of compensation shall apply to the provisions ofArticle 10, Article 11 and Article 12 of this Law.
中止诉讼的原因消除后,恢复诉讼。    The proceedings shall resume after the causes of the suspension have been eliminated.
澳门特别行政区检察长由澳门特别行政区永久性居民中的中国公民担任,由行政长官提名,报中央人民政府任命。    The Procurator-General of the Macao Special Administrative Region shall be a Chinese citizen who is a permanent resident of the Region, shall be nominated by the Chief Executive and appointed by the Central People's Government.
最高人民检察院检察长为首席大检察官,二至十二级检察官分为大检察官、高级检察官、检察官。    The Procurator-General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate is Procurator-in-Chief. Public procurators from the second grade to the twelfth grade are composed of principal public procurators, senior public procurators and public procurators.
最高人民检察院检察长由全国人民代表大会选举和罢免,副检察长、检察委员会委员和检察员由最高人民检察院检察长提请全国人民代表大会常务委员会任免。    The Procurator-General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate shall be elected or removed by the National People's Congress. The Deputy Procurators-General, members of the procuratorial committee and the procurators shall be appointed or removed by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress upon the recommendation of the Procurator-General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate.
合伙经营积累的财产,归合伙人共有。    The property accumulated in a partnership operation shall belong to all the partners.
财产已被查封、冻结的,不得重复查封、冻结。    The property that has already been sealed up or frozen shall not be sealed up or frozen for a second time.
第一款中关于避免本人危险的规定,不适用于职务上、业务上负有特定责任的人。    The provisions of the first paragraph of this Article with respect to averting danger to oneself shall not apply to a person who is charged with special responsibility in his post or profession.
第一款中关于避免本人危险的规定,不适用于职务上、业务上负有特定责任的人。    The provisions of the first paragraph of this Article with respect to averting danger to oneself shall not apply to a person who is charged with special responsibility in his post or profession.
接受抗诉的人民法院按照审判监督程序审判抗诉的案件,审理期限适用前款规定;    The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply to the time limit for the trial of a protested case that is accepted by a People's Court and is to be tried by it in accordance with the procedure for trial supervision.
不是有意诬陷,而是错告,或者检举失实的,不适用前两款的规定。    The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall not be applicable to cases of unintentional false charge, mistaken complaint or unfounded accusation.
不是有意诬陷,而是错告,或者检举失实的,不适用前两款的规定。    The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall not be applicable to cases of unintentional false charge, mistaken complaint or unfounded accusation.
本法施行前的检察人员不具备前款第(六)项规定的条件的,应当接受培训,在规定的期限内达到本法规定的条件,具体办法由最高人民检察院制定。    The public procurators who do not possess the qualifications as provided by sub-paragraph (6) of the preceding paragraph prior to the implementation of this Law shall receive training so as to meet the qualifications as provided by this Law within a prescribed time limit. The specific measures shall be laid down by the Supreme People's Procuratorate.
公诉人、当事人和辩护人、诉讼代理人经审判长许可,可以对证人、鉴定人发问。    The public prosecutor, the parties, the defenders and agents ad litem, with the permission of the presiding judge, may question the witnesses and expert witnesses.
公诉人、当事人和辩护人、诉讼代理人经审判长许可,可以对证人、鉴定人发问。    The public prosecutor, the parties, the defenders and agents ad litem, with the permission of the presiding judge, may question the witnesses and expert witnesses.
公安机关可以根据过境请求国的请求,提供临时羁押场所。    The public security organ may provide a temporary place for custody upon the request of the Requesting State.
公安机关或者人民检察院应当将处理结果通知监狱。    The public security organ or the people's procuratorate shall inform the prison of the result of its handling.
由公安机关负责追捕,监狱密切配合。    The public security organ shall be responsible for the pursuit and capture of the escaped prisoner, and the prison shall closely coordinate with the public security organ.
公安机关应当自收到执行通知书、判决书之日起一个月内将该罪犯送交监狱执行刑罚。    The public security organ shall hand the criminals over to a prison for execution of the punishment within one month from the date of receiving the notice of execution of the sentence and the written judgment.
公安机关除对于依照《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》被执行强制措施的人以外,不得扣留公民的居民身份证。?    The public security organ shall not withhold a citizen's resident identity card except for a person who is subject to coercive measures under the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China.
公安机关、人民检察院或者人民法院对于报案、控告、举报,都应当接受。    The public security organ, the People's Procuratorate or the People's Court shall accept all reports, complaints and information.
上级人民政府公安机关监督下级人民政府公安机关的枪支管理工作。    The public security organs of the people's governments at higher levels shall exercise supervision over the control of guns by the public security organs of the people's governments at lower levels.
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