第一百一十四条 放火、决水、爆炸、投毒或者以其他危险方法破坏工厂、矿场、油田、港口、河流、水源、仓库、住宅、森林、农场、谷场、牧场、重要管道、公共建筑物或者其他公私财产,危害公共安全,尚未造成严重后果的,处三年以上十年以下有期徒刑。 Article 114 Whoever commits arson, breaches a dike, causes explosion, spreads poison or uses other dangerous means to sabotage any factory, mine, oilfield, harbour, river, water source, warehouse, house, forest, farm, threshing ground, pasture, key pipeline, public building or any other public or private property, thereby endangering public security but causing no serious consequences, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than 10 years.第一百一十五条合同的变更或者解除,不影响当事人要求赔偿损失的权利。 Article 115 A party's right to claim compensation for losses shall not be affected by the alteration or termination of a contract.第一百一十五条对于扣押的物品和文件,应当会同在场见证人和被扣押物品持有人查点清楚,当场开列清单一式二份,由侦查人员、见证人和持有人签名或者盖章,一份交给持有人,另一份附卷备查。 Article 115 All seized articles and documents shall be carefully checked by the investigators jointly with the eyewitnesses and the holder of the articles; a detailed list shall be made in duplicate on the spot and shall be signed or sealed by the investigators, the eyewitnesses and the holder. One copy of the list shall be given to the holder, and the other copy shall be kept on file for reference.第一百一十五条对于扣押的物品和文件,应当会同在场见证人和被扣押物品持有人查点清楚,当场开列清单一式二份,由侦查人员、见证人和持有人签名或者盖章,一份交给持有人,另一份附卷备查。 Article 115 All seized articles and documents shall be carefully checked by the investigators jointly with the eyewitnesses and the holder of the articles; a detailed list shall be made in duplicate on the spot and shall be signed or sealed by the investigators, the eyewitnesses and the holder. One copy of the list shall be given to the holder, and the other copy shall be kept on file for reference.第一百一十五条香港特别行政区实行自由贸易政策,保障货物、无形财产和资本的流动自由。 Article 115 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall pursue the policy of free trade and safeguard the free movement of goods, intangible assets and capital.第一百一十五条澳门特别行政区根据经济发展的情况,自行制定劳工政策,完善劳工法律。 Article 115 The Macao Special Administrative Region, in the light of its economic development, shall make labor policy and improve labor law on its own.第一百一十五条自治区、自治州、自治县的自治机关行使宪法第三章第五节规定的地方国家机关的职权,同时依照宪法、民族区域自治法和其他法律规定的权限行使自治权,根据本地方实际情况贯彻执行国家的法律、政策。 Article 115 The organs of self-government of autonomous regions, autonomous prefectures and autonomous counties exercise the functions and powers of local organs of state as specified in Section 5 of Chapter III of the Constitution. At the same time, they exercise the power of autonomy within the limits of their authority as prescribed by the Constitution, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Regional National Autonomy and other laws and implement the laws and policies of the state in the light of the existing local situation.第一百一十五条自治区、自治州、自治县的自治机关行使宪法第三章第五节规定的地方国家机关的职权,同时依照宪法、民族区域自治法和其他法律规定的权限行使自治权,根据本地方实际情况贯彻执行国家的法律、政策。 Article 115 The organs of self-government of autonomous regions, autonomous prefectures and autonomous counties exercise the functions and powers of local organs of state as specified in Section 5 of Chapter III of the Constitution. At the same time, they exercise the power of autonomy within the limits of their authority as prescribed by the Constitution, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Regional National Autonomy and other laws and implement the laws and policies of the state in the light of the existing local situation.第一百一十五条合议庭组成人员确定后,应当在三内日告知当事人。 Article 115 The parties shall be notified within three days after the members of the collegial panel are determined.第一百一十五条放火、决水、爆炸、投毒或者以其他危险方法致人重伤、死亡或者使公私财产遭受重大损失的,处十年以上有期徒刑、无期徒刑或者死刑。 Article 115 Whoever commits arson, breaches a dike, causes explosion, spreads poison or inflicts serious injury or death on people or causes heavy losses of public or private property by other dangerous means, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years, life imprisonment or death.第一百一十五条 放火、决水、爆炸、投毒或者以其他危险方法致人重伤、死亡或者使公私财产遭受重大损失的,处十年以上有期徒刑、无期徒刑或者死刑。 Article 115 Whoever commits arson, breaches a dike, causes explosion, spreads poison or inflicts serious injury or death on people or causes heavy losses of public or private property by other dangerous means, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years, life imprisonment or death.第一百一十六条当事人一方由于上级机关的原因,不能履行合同义务的,应当按照合同约定向另一方赔偿损失或者采取其他补救措施,再由上级机关对它因此受到的损失负责处理。 Article 116 If a party fails to fulfil its contractual obligations on account of a higher authority, it shall first compensate for the losses of the other party or take other remedial measures as contractually agreed and then the higher authority shall be responsible for settling the losses it sustained.第一百一十六条侦查人员认为需要扣押犯罪嫌疑人的邮件、电报的时候,经公安机关或者人民检察院批准,即可通知邮电机关将有关的邮件、电报检交扣押。 Article 116 If the investigators deem it necessary to seize the mail or telegrams of a criminal suspect, they may, upon approval of a public security organ or a People's Procuratorate, notify the post and telecommunications offices to check and hand over the relevant mail and telegrams for seizure.第一百一十六条侦查人员认为需要扣押犯罪嫌疑人的邮件、电报的时候,经公安机关或者人民检察院批准,即可通知邮电机关将有关的邮件、电报检交扣押。 Article 116 If the investigators deem it necessary to seize the mail or telegrams of a criminal suspect, they may, upon approval of a public security organ or a People's Procuratorate, notify the post and telecommunications offices to check and hand over the relevant mail and telegrams for seizure.第一百一十六条香港特别行政区为单独的关税地区。 Article 116 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be a separate customs territory.第一百一十六条审判人员必须认真审核诉讼材料,调查收集必要的证据。 Article 116 The judicial officers must carefully examine and verify the case materials and carry out investigations and collection of necessary evidence.第一百一十六条澳门特别行政区保持和完善原在澳门实行的航运经营和管理体制,自行制定航运政策。 Article 116 The Macao Special Administrative Region shall maintain and improve Macao's previous systems of shipping management and shipping regulation, and make shipping policy on its own.第一百一十六条民族自治地方的人民代表大会有权依照当地民族的政治、经济和文化的特点,制定自治条例和单行条例。 Article 116 The people's congresses of national autonomous areas have the power to enact regulations on the exercise of autonomy and other separate regulations in the light of the political, economic and cultural characteristics of the nationality or nationalities in the areas concerned.第一百一十六条民族自治地方的人民代表大会有权依照当地民族的政治、经济和文化的特点,制定自治条例和单行条例。 Article 116 The people's congresses of national autonomous areas have the power to enact regulations on the exercise of autonomy and other separate regulations in the light of the political, economic and cultural characteristics of the nationality or nationalities in the areas concerned.第一百一十六条破坏火车、汽车、电车、船只、航空器,足以使火车、汽车、电车、船只、航空器发生倾覆、毁坏危险,尚未造成严重后果的,处三年以上十年以下有期徒刑。 Article 116 Whoever sabotages a train, motor vehicle, tram, ship or aircraft to such a dangerous extent as to overturn or destroy it, but with no serious consequences, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than 10 years.第一百一十六条 破坏火车、汽车、电车、船只、航空器,足以使火车、汽车、电车、船只、航空器发生倾覆、毁坏危险,尚未造成严重后果的,处三年以上十年以下有期徒刑。 Article 116 Whoever sabotages a train, motor vehicle, tram, ship or aircraft to such a dangerous extent as to overturn or destroy it, but with no serious consequences, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than 10 years.第一百一十七条侵占国家的、集体的财产或者他人财产的,应当返还财产,不能返还财产的,应当折价赔偿。 Article 117 Anyone who encroaches on the property of the state, a collective or another person shall return the property; failing that, he shall reimburse its estimated price.第一百一十七条澳门特别行政区政府经中央人民政府具体授权可自行制定民用航空的各项管理制度。 Article 117 The Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region may, with the authorization of the Central People's Government, formulate, on its own, various systems for the civil aviation management.第一百一十七条香港特别行政区根据当时的产地规则,可对产品签发产地来源证。 Article 117 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region may issue its own certificates of origin for products in accordance with prevailing rules of origin.第一百一十七条民族自治地方的自治机关有管理地方财政的自治权。凡是依照国家财政体制属于民族自治地方的财政收入,都应当由民族自治地方的自治机关自主地安排使用。 Article 117 The organs of self-government of the national autonomous areas have the power of autonomy in administering the finances of their areas. All revenues accruing to the national autonomous areas under the financial system of the state shall be managed and used by the organs of self- government of those areas on their own.