

第十二条律师应当在一个律师事务所执业,不得同时在两个以上律师事务所执业。    Article 12 A lawyer shall practise in one law firm and shall not practise in two or more law firms simultaneously.
第十二条请求国请求引渡,应当在出具请求书的同时,提供以下材料:    Article 12 A letter of request for extradition submitted by the Requesting State shall be accompanied by:
第十二条十周岁以上的未成年人是限制民事行为能力人,可以进行与他的年龄、智力相适应的民事活动;其他民事活动由他的法定代理人代理,或者征得他的法定代理人的同意。    Article 12 A minor aged 10 or over shall be a person with limited capacity for civil conduct and may engage in civil activities appropriate to his age and intellect; in other civil activities, he shall be represented by his agent ad litem or participate with the consent of his agent ad litem.
第十二条监狱设监狱长一人、副监狱长若干人,并根据实际需要设置必要的工作机构和配备其他监狱管理人员。    Article 12 A prison shall install one warden, several deputy wardens, and, in light of the actual needs, set up necessary working organs and provide other administrative personnel.
第十二条检察官职务的任免,依照宪法和法律规定的任免权限和程序办理。    Article 12 A public procurator shall be appointed or removed from the post in accordance with the limit of authority for, and procedures of, appointment or removal as prescribed by the Constitution and laws.
第十二条营业性射击场、狩猎场配置的民用枪支不得携带出营业性射击场、狩猎场。    Article 12 Guns for civilian use which profit-making shooting grounds and hunting grounds are equipped with may not be taken out of such grounds.
第十二条中华人民共和国成立以后本法施行以前的行为,如果当时的法律不认为是犯罪的,适用当时的法律;如果当时的法律认为是犯罪的,依照本法总则第四章第八节的规定应当追诉的,按照当时的法律追究刑事责任,但是如果本法不认为是犯罪或者处刑较轻的,适用本法。    Article 12 If an act committed after the founding of the People's Republic of China and before the entry into force of this Law was not deemed a crime under the laws at the time, those laws shall apply.??If the act was deemed a crime under the laws in force at the time and is subject to prosecution under the provisions of Section 8, Chapter IV of the General Provisions of this Law, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with those laws. However, if according to this Law the act is not deemed a crime or is subject to a lighter punishment, this Law shall apply.
第十二条 中华人民共和国成立以后本法施行以前的行为,如果当时的法律不认为是犯罪的,适用当时的法律;如果当时的法律认为是犯罪的,依照本法总则第四章第八节的规定应当追诉的,按照当时的法律追究刑事责任,但是如果本法不认为是犯罪或者处刑较轻的,适用本法。    Article 12 If an act committed after the founding of the People's Republic of China and before the entry into force of this Law was not deemed a crime under the laws at the time, those laws shall apply.??If the act was deemed a crime under the laws in force at the time and is subject to prosecution under the provisions of Section 8, Chapter IV of the General Provisions of this Law, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with those laws. However, if according to this Law the act is not deemed a crime or is subject to a lighter punishment, this Law shall apply.
第十二条未成年人的父母均不具备完全民事行为能力的,该未成年人的监护人不得将其送养,但父母对该未成年人有严重危害可能的除外。    Article 12 If the parents of a minor are both persons without full civil capacity, the guardian(s) of the minor may not place out him (her) for adoption, except when the parents may do serious harm to the minor.
第十二条未经人民法院依法判决,对任何人都不得确定有罪。    Article 12 No person shall be found guilty without being judged as such by a People's Court according to law.
第十二条人民法院审理民事案件时,当事人有权进行辩论。    Article 12 Parties to civil actions are entitled in the trials by the people's courts to argue for themselves.
第十二条初任审判员、助理审判员采用公开考试、严格考核的办法,按照德才兼备的标准,从具备法官条件的人员中择优提出人选。    Article 12 Persons to be appointed judges or assistant judges for the first time shall be selected through public examination and strict appraisal, from among the best qualified for the post, and in accordance with the standards of having both ability and political integrity.
第十二条社会主义的公共财产神圣不可侵犯。    Article 12 Socialist public property is inviolable.
第十二条社会主义的公共财产神圣不可侵犯。    Article 12 Socialist public property is inviolable.
第十二条要求赔偿应当递交申请书,申请书应当载明下列事项:    Article 12 The claim for compensation shall be filed by presenting an application, which shall contain the following contents:
第十二条香港特别行政区是中华人民共和国的一个享有高度自治权的地方行政区域,直辖于中央人民政府。    Article 12 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be a local administrative region of the People's Republic of China, which shall enjoy a high degree of autonomy and come directly under the Central People's Government.
第十二条全国人民代表大会主席团可以向全国人民代表大会提出法律案,由全国人民代表大会会议审议。    Article 12 The presidium of the National People's Congress may introduce a bill to the National People's Congress for deliberation in its current session.
第十二条无效或被撤销的婚姻,自始无效。当事人不具有夫妻的权利和义务。同居期间所得的财产,由当事人协议处理;协议不成时,由人民法院根据照顾无过错方的原则判决。对重婚导致的婚姻无效的财产处理,不得侵害合法婚姻当事人的财产权益。当事人所生的子女,适用本法有关父母子女的规定。    Article 12 Void or dissolved marriage shall be invalid from its inception. Neither party concerned shall have the rights and duties of husband or wife. The property acquired during their cohabitation shall be subject to disposition by mutual agreement. If they fail to reach an agreement, the people's court shall give a ruling on the principle of caring for the no-fault party. The disposition of the property of void marriage caused by bigamy may not be to the detriment of the property rights and interests of the party concerned to the lawful marriage. The provisions of this Law regarding parents and children shall apply to the children born from the parties concerned.
第十二条丧偶儿媳对公、婆,丧偶女婿对岳父、岳母,尽了主要赡养义务的,作为第一顺序继承人。    Article 12 Widowed daughters-in-law or sons-in-law who have made the predominant contributions in maintaining their parents-in-law shall, in relationship to their parents-in-law, be regarded as successors first in order.
第十二条法官对与当事人实体权利和诉讼权利有关的措施和裁判应当依法说明理由,避免主观、片面地作出结论或者采取措施。    Article 12. A judge should specify the reasons for the measures and judgement relating to the substantial rights and litigating right of the parties. A judge should not make a conclusion or take any measures subjectively and unilaterally.
第十二条人民法院、人民检察院、公安机关对被逮捕、拘留的人犯,必须在逮捕、拘留后的二十四小时以内进行讯问;    Article 12. The people's court, the people's procuratorate or the public security organ must conduct interrogation of the arrested or detained offender within 24 hours of his arrest or detention.
第十二条???公民死亡的,由公安机关收回居民身份证。?    Article 12. When a citizen dies, the public security organ shall revoke his or her resident identity card.
第一百二十条鉴定人进行鉴定后,应当写出鉴定结论,并且签名。    Article 120 After evaluating a matter, the experts shall write a conclusion of expert evaluation and affix his signature to it.
第一百二十条鉴定人进行鉴定后,应当写出鉴定结论,并且签名。    Article 120 After evaluating a matter, the experts shall write a conclusion of expert evaluation and affix his signature to it.
第一百二十条香港特别行政区成立以前已批出、决定、或续期的超越一九九七年六月三十日年期的所有土地契约和与土地契约有关的一切权利,均按香港特别行政区的法律继续予以承认和保护。    Article 120 All leases of land granted, decided upon or renewed before the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region which extend beyond 30 June 1997, and all rights in relation to such leases, shall continue to be recognized and protected under the law of the Region.
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