第一百一十二条在搜查的时候,应当有被搜查人或者他的家属,邻居或者其他见证人在场。 Article 112 During a search, the person to be searched or his family members, neighbours or other eyewitnesses shall be present at the scene.第一百一十二条香港特别行政区不实行外汇管制政策。港币自由兑换。继续开放外汇、黄金、证券、期货等市场。 Article 112 No foreign exchange control policies shall be applied in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The Hong Kong dollar shall be freely convertible. Markets for foreign exchange, gold, securities, futures and the like shall continue.第一百一十二条澳门特别行政区为单独的关税地区。 Article 112 The Macao Special Administrative Region shall be a separate customs territory.第一百一十二条民族自治地方的自治机关是自治区、自治州、自治县的人民代表大会和人民政府。 Article 112 The organs of self-government of national autonomous areas are the people's congresses and people's governments of autonomous regions, autonomous prefectures and autonomous counties.第一百一十二条民族自治地方的自治机关是自治区、自治州、自治县的人民代表大会和人民政府。 Article 112 The organs of self-government of national autonomous areas are the people's congresses and people's governments of autonomous regions, autonomous prefectures and autonomous counties.第一百一十二条当事人一方违反合同的赔偿责任,应当相当于另一方因此所受到的损失。 Article 112 The party that breaches a contract shall be liable for compensation equal to the losses consequently suffered by the other party.第一百一十二条战时供给敌人武器装备、军用物资资敌的,处十年以上有期徒刑或者无期徒刑;情节较轻的,处三年以上十年以下有期徒刑。 Article 112 Whoever aids the enemy during wartime by providing him with weapons and equipment or military materials shall be sentenced to fixed- term imprisonment of not less than 10 years or life imprisonment; if the circumstances are minor, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than 10 years.第一百一十二条 战时供给敌人武器装备、军用物资资敌的,处十年以上有期徒刑或者无期徒刑;情节较轻的,处三年以上十年以下有期徒刑。 Article 112 Whoever aids the enemy during wartime by providing him with weapons and equipment or military materials shall be sentenced to fixed- term imprisonment of not less than 10 years or life imprisonment; if the circumstances are minor, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than 10 years.第一百一十三条搜查的情况应当写成笔录,由侦查人员和被搜查人或者他的家属,邻居或者其他见证人签名或者盖章。 Article 113 A record shall be made of the circumstances of a search, and it shall be signed or sealed by the investigators and the person searched or his family members, neighbours or other eyewitnesses.第一百一十三条搜查的情况应当写成笔录,由侦查人员和被搜查人或者他的家属,邻居或者其他见证人签名或者盖章。 Article 113 A record shall be made of the circumstances of a search, and it shall be signed or sealed by the investigators and the person searched or his family members, neighbours or other eyewitnesses.第一百一十三条当事人双方都违反合同的,应当分别承担各自应负的民事责任。 Article 113 If both parties breach the contract, each party shall bear its respective civil liability.第一百一十三条自治区、自治州、自治县的人民代表大会中,除实行区域自治的民族的代表外,其他居住在本行政区域内的民族也应当有适当名额的代表。 Article 113 In the people's congress of an autonomous region, autonomous prefecture or autonomous county, in addition to the deputies of the nationality exercising regional autonomy in the administrative area, the other nationalities inhabiting the area are also entitled to appropriate representation.第一百一十三条自治区、自治州、自治县的人民代表大会中,除实行区域自治的民族的代表外,其他居住在本行政区域内的民族也应当有适当名额的代表。 Article 113 In the people's congress of an autonomous region, autonomous prefecture or autonomous county, in addition to the deputies of the nationality exercising regional autonomy in the administrative area, the other nationalities inhabiting the area are also entitled to appropriate representation.第一百一十三条香港特别行政区的外汇基金,由香港特别行政区政府管理和支配,主要用于调节港元汇价。 Article 113 The Exchange Fund of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be managed and controlled by the government of the Region, primarily for regulating the exchange value of the Hong Kong dollar.第一百一十三条澳门特别行政区根据当时的产地规则,可对产品签发产地来源证。 Article 113 The Macao Special Administrative Region may issue its own certificates of origin for products in accordance with prevailing rules of origin.第一百一十三条本章上述危害国家安全罪行中,除第一百零三条第二款、第一百零五条、第一百零七条、第一百零九条外,对国家和人民危害特别严重、情节特别恶劣的,可以判处死刑。 Article 113 Whoever commits any of the crimes of endangering national security as mentioned above in this Chapter, with the exception of those provided for in Paragraph 2 of Article 103 and in Articles 105, 107 and 109, if the crime causes particularly grave harm to the State and the people or if the circumstances are especially serious, may be sentenced to death.第一百一十三条 本章上述危害国家安全罪行中,除第一百零三条第二款、第一百零五条、第一百零七条、第一百零九条外,对国家和人民危害特别严重、情节特别恶劣的,可以判处死刑。 Article 113 Whoever commits any of the crimes of endangering national security as mentioned above in this Chapter, with the exception of those provided for in Paragraph 2 of Article 103 and in Articles 105, 107 and 109, if the crime causes particularly grave harm to the State and the people or if the circumstances are especially serious, may be sentenced to death.第一百一十四条在勘验、搜查中发现的可用以证明犯罪嫌疑人有罪或者无罪的各种物品和文件,应当扣押;与案件无关的物品、文件,不得扣押。 Article 114 Any articles and documents discovered during an inquest or search that may be used to prove a criminal suspect's guilt or innocence shall be seized. Articles and documents which are irrelevant to the case may not be seized.第一百一十四条在勘验、搜查中发现的可用以证明犯罪嫌疑人有罪或者无罪的各种物品和文件,应当扣押;与案件无关的物品、文件,不得扣押。 Article 114 Any articles and documents discovered during an inquest or search that may be used to prove a criminal suspect's guilt or innocence shall be seized. Articles and documents which are irrelevant to the case may not be seized.第一百一十四条当事人一方因另一方违反合同受到损失的,应当及时采取措施防止损失的扩大;没有及时采取措施致使损失扩大的,无权就扩大的损失要求赔偿。 Article 114 If one party is suffering losses owing to the other party's breach of contract, it shall take prompt measures to prevent the losses from increasing; if it does not promptly do so, it shall not have the right to claim compensation for the additional losses.第一百一十四条自治区主席、自治州州长、自治县县长由实行区域自治的民族的公民担任。 Article 114 The chairman of an autonomous region, the prefect of an autonomous prefecture or the head of an autonomous county shall be a citizen of the nationality exercising regional autonomy in the area concerned.第一百一十四条自治区主席、自治州州长、自治县县长由实行区域自治的民族的公民担任。 Article 114 The chairman of an autonomous region, the prefect of an autonomous prefecture or the head of an autonomous county shall be a citizen of the nationality exercising regional autonomy in the area concerned.第一百一十四条香港特别行政区保持自由港地位,除法律另有规定外,不征收关税。 Article 114 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall maintain the status of a free port and shall not impose any tariff unless otherwise prescribed by law.第一百一十四条澳门特别行政区依法保护工商企业的自由经营,自行制定工商业的发展政策。 Article 114 The Macao Special Administrative Region shall, in accordance with law, protect the free operation of industrial and commercial enterprises and make its own policies on the development of industry and commerce.第一百一十四条放火、决水、爆炸、投毒或者以其他危险方法破坏工厂、矿场、油田、港口、河流、水源、仓库、住宅、森林、农场、谷场、牧场、重要管道、公共建筑物或者其他公私财产,危害公共安全,尚未造成严重后果的,处三年以上十年以下有期徒刑。 Article 114 Whoever commits arson, breaches a dike, causes explosion, spreads poison or uses other dangerous means to sabotage any factory, mine, oilfield, harbour, river, water source, warehouse, house, forest, farm, threshing ground, pasture, key pipeline, public building or any other public or private property, thereby endangering public security but causing no serious consequences, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than 10 years.