第十一条配购猎枪、麻醉注射枪的单位和个人,必须在配购枪支后三十日内向核发民用枪支配购证件的公安机关申请领取民用枪支持枪证件。 Article 11 Units or individuals that are to conduct rationed purchase of hunting guns or narcotic injection guns must, within 30 days from the day they purchase the guns, apply to the public security organ that, after verification, issued to them the certificates for rationed purchase of guns for civilian use for issue of certificates permitting the holding of guns for civilian use.第十一条被继承人的子女先于被继承人死亡的,由被继承人的子女的晚辈直系血亲代位继承。代位继承人一般只能继承他的父亲或者母亲有权继承的遗产份额。 Article 11 Where a decedent survived his child, the direct lineal descendants of the predeceased child inherit in subrogation. Descendants who inherit in subrogation generally shall take only the share of the estate their father or mother was entitled to.第十一条法官审理案件应当保持中立。 Article 11. A judge should be neutral during the trial.第十一条????公民出境按照规定需要注销户口的,在办理注销户口手续时,交回居民身份证。? Article 11. Citizens leaving the country who are required to cancel their residence registration shall hand in their resident identity cards when going through formalities for such cancellation.第十一条人民法院、人民检察院、公安机关对被逮捕、拘留人犯的邮件、电报,认为有扣押必要的时候,可以通知邮电机关加以扣押。 Article 11. When a people's court, a people's procuratorate or a public security organ considers it necessary to seize the mail and telegrams of an arrested or detained offender, they may notify the postal and telecommunications organs to do so.第一百一十条起诉状应当记明下列事项: Article 110 A statement of complaint shall clearly set forth the following:第一百一十条任何单位和个人,有义务按照人民检察院和公安机关的要求,交出可以证明犯罪嫌疑人有罪或者无罪的物证、书证、视听资料。 Article 110 Any unit or individual shall have the duty, as required by the People's Procuratorate or the public security organ, to hand over material evidence, documentary evidence or audio-visual material which may prove the criminal suspect guilty or innocent.第一百一十条任何单位和个人,有义务按照人民检察院和公安机关的要求,交出可以证明犯罪嫌疑人有罪或者无罪的物证、书证、视听资料。 Article 110 Any unit or individual shall have the duty, as required by the People's Procuratorate or the public security organ, to hand over material evidence, documentary evidence or audio-visual material which may prove the criminal suspect guilty or innocent.第一百一十条对承担民事责任的公民、法人需要追究行政责任的,应当追究行政责任;构成犯罪的,对公民、法人的法定代表人应当依法追究刑事责任。 Article 110 Citizens or legal persons who bear civil liability shall also be held for administrative responsibility if necessary. If the acts committed by citizens and legal persons constitute crimes, criminal responsibility of their legal representatives shall be investigated in accordance with the law.第一百一十条地方各级人民政府对本级人民代表大会负责并报告工作。县级以上的地方各级人民政府在本级人民代表大会闭会期间,对本级人民代表大会常务委员会负责并报告工作。 Article 110 Local people's governments at various levels are responsible and report on their work to people's congresses at the corresponding levels. Local people's governments at and above the county level are responsible and report on their work to the standing committees of the people's congresses at the corresponding levels when the congresses are not in session.第一百一十条地方各级人民政府对本级人民代表大会负责并报告工作。县级以上的地方各级人民政府在本级人民代表大会闭会期间,对本级人民代表大会常务委员会负责并报告工作。 Article 110 Local people's governments at various levels are responsible and report on their work to people's congresses at the corresponding levels. Local people's governments at and above the county level are responsible and report on their work to the standing committees of the people's congresses at the corresponding levels when the congresses are not in session.第一百一十条澳门特别行政区保持自由港地位,除法律另有规定外,不征收关税。 Article 110 The Macao Special Administrative Region shall maintain the status of a free port and shall not impose any tariff unless otherwise prescribed by law.第一百一十条香港特别行政区的货币金融制度由法律规定。 Article 110 The monetary and financial systems of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be prescribed by law.第一百一十条有下列间谍行为之一,危害国家安全的,处十年以上有期徒刑或者无期徒刑;情节较轻的,处三年以上十年以下有期徒刑: Article 110 Whoever endangers national security by committing any of the following acts of espionage shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years or life imprisonment; if the circumstances are minor, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than 10 years:第一百一十条 有下列间谍行为之一,危害国家安全的,处十年以上有期徒刑或者无期徒刑;情节较轻的,处三年以上十年以下有期徒刑: Article 110 Whoever endangers national security by committing any of the following acts of espionage shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years or life imprisonment; if the circumstances are minor, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than 10 years:第一百一十一条当事人一方不履行合同义务或者履行合同义务不符合约定条件的,另一方有权要求履行或者采取补救措施,并有权要求赔偿损失。 Article 111 If a party fails to fulfil its contractual obligations or violates the term of a contract while fulfilling the obligations, the other party shall have the right to demand fulfillment or the taking of remedial measures and claim compensation for its losses.第一百一十一条港元为香港特别行政区法定货币,继续流通。 Article 111 The Hong Kong dollar, as the legal tender in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, shall continue to circulate.第一百一十一条澳门特别行政区实行自由贸易政策,保障货物、无形财产和资本的流动自由。 Article 111 The Macao Special Administrative Region shall pursue the policy of free trade and safeguard the free movement of goods, intangible assets and capital.第一百一十一条城市和农村按居民居住地区设立的居民委员会或者村民委员会是基层群众性自治组织。居民委员会、村民委员会的主任、副主任和委员由居民选举。居民委员会、村民委员会同基层政权的相互关系由法律规定。 Article 111 The residents committees and villagers committees established among urban and rural residents on the basis of their place of residence are mass organizations of self-management at the grass-roots level. The chairman, vice-chairmen and members of each residents or villagers committee are elected by the residents. The relationship between the residents and villagers committees and the grass-roots organs of state power is prescribed by law.第一百一十一条城市和农村按居民居住地区设立的居民委员会或者村民委员会是基层群众性自治组织。居民委员会、村民委员会的主任、副主任和委员由居民选举。居民委员会、村民委员会同基层政权的相互关系由法律规定。 Article 111 The residents committees and villagers committees established among urban and rural residents on the basis of their place of residence are mass organizations of self-management at the grass-roots level. The chairman, vice-chairmen and members of each residents or villagers committee are elected by the residents. The relationship between the residents and villagers committees and the grass-roots organs of state power is prescribed by law.第一百一十一条进行搜查,必须向被搜查人出示搜查证。 Article 111 When a search is to be conducted, a search warrant must be shown to the person to be searched.第一百一十一条进行搜查,必须向被搜查人出示搜查证。 Article 111 When a search is to be conducted, a search warrant must be shown to the person to be searched.第一百一十一条为境外的机构、组织、人员窃取、刺探、收买、非法提供国家秘密或者情报的,处五年以上十年以下有期徒刑;情节特别严重的,处十年以上有期徒刑或者无期徒刑;情节较轻的,处五年以下有期徒刑、拘役、管制或者剥夺政治权利。 Article 111 Whoever steals, spies into, buys or unlaw-fully supplies State secrets or intelligence for an organ, organization or individual outside the territory of China shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years but not more than 10 years; if the circumstances are especially serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years or life imprisonment; if the circumstances are minor, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years, criminal detention, public surveillance or deprivation of political rights.第一百一十一条 为境外的机构、组织、人员窃取、刺探、收买、非法提供国家秘密或者情报的,处五年以上十年以下有期徒刑;情节特别严重的,处十年以上有期徒刑或者无期徒刑;情节较轻的,处五年以下有期徒刑、拘役、管制或者剥夺政治权利。 Article 111 Whoever steals, spies into, buys or unlaw-fully supplies State secrets or intelligence for an organ, organization or individual outside the territory of China shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years but not more than 10 years; if the circumstances are especially serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years or life imprisonment; if the circumstances are minor, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years, criminal detention, public surveillance or deprivation of political rights.第一百一十二条在搜查的时候,应当有被搜查人或者他的家属,邻居或者其他见证人在场。 Article 112 During a search, the person to be searched or his family members, neighbours or other eyewitnesses shall be present at the scene.