调查委员会进行调查的时候,一切有关的国家机关、社会团体和公民都有义务向它提供必要的材料。 All organs of state, public organizations and citizens concerned are obliged to furnish necessary information to the committees of inquiry when they conduct investigations.合伙人可以推举负责人。合伙负责人和其他人员的经营活动,由全体合伙人承担民事责任。 All partners shall bear civil liability for the operational activities of the responsible person and other personnel.不涉及往返、经停中国内地而只往返、经停香港的定期航班,均由本条所指的民用航空运输协定或临时协议予以规定。 All scheduled air services to, from or through Hong Kong, which do not operate to, from or through the mainland of China shall be regulated by the air service agreements or provisional arrangements referred to in this Article.一切国家机关和国家工作人员必须依靠人民的支持,经常保持同人民的密切联系,倾听人民的意见和建议,接受人民的监督,努力为人民服务。 All state organs and functionaries must rely on the support of the people, keep in close touch with them, heed their opinions and suggestions, accept their supervision and do their best to serve them.一切国家机关和国家工作人员必须依靠人民的支持,经常保持同人民的密切联系,倾听人民的意见和建议,接受人民的监督,努力为人民服务。 All state organs and functionaries must rely on the support of the people, keep in close touch with them, heed their opinions and suggestions, accept their supervision and do their best to serve them.一切国家机关和武装力量、各政党和各社会团体、各企业事业组织都必须遵守宪法和法律。一切违反宪法和法律的行为,必须予以追究。 All state organs, the armed forces, all political parties and public organizations and all enterprises and institutions must abide by the Constitution and the law. All acts in violation of the Constitution or the law must be investigated.一切国家机关和武装力量、各政党和各社会团体、各企业事业组织都必须遵守宪法和法律。一切违反宪法和法律的行为,必须予以追究。 All state organs, the armed forces, all political parties and public organizations and all enterprises and institutions must abide by the Constitution and the law. All acts in violation of the Constitution or the law must be investigated.澳门特别行政区财政收入全部由澳门特别行政区自行支配,不上缴中央人民政府。 All the financial revenues of the Macao Special Administrative Region shall be managed and controlled by the Region itself and shall not be handed over to the Central People's Government.禁止任何单位或者个人违反法律规定持有、制造(包括变造、装配)、买卖、运输、出租、出借枪支。 All units and individuals are prohibited to possess, manufacture (alter and assemble included), trade in, transport, lease or loan guns in violation of the provisions of laws.澳门特别行政区的修改议案,须经澳门特别行政区的全国人民代表大会代表三分之二多数、澳门特别行政区立法会全体议员三分之二多数和澳门特别行政区行政长官同意后,交由澳门特别行政区出席全国人民代表大会的代表团向全国人民代表大会提出。 Amendment bills from the Macao Special Administrative Region shall be submitted to the National People's Congress by the delegation of the Region to the National People's Congress after obtaining the consent of two-thirds of the deputies of the Region to the National People's Congress, two-thirds of all the members of the Legislative Council of the Region, and the Chief Executive of the Region.自治区、自治州、自治县的人民代表大会常务委员会中应当有实行区域自治的民族的公民担任主任或者副主任。 Among the chairman and vice-chairmen of the standing committee of the people's congress of an autonomous region, autonomous prefecture or autonomous county there shall be one or more citizens of the nationality or nationalities exercising regional autonomy in the area concerned.自治区、自治州、自治县的人民代表大会常务委员会中应当有实行区域自治的民族的公民担任主任或者副主任。 Among the chairman and vice-chairmen of the standing committee of the people's congress of an autonomous region, autonomous prefecture or autonomous county there shall be one or more citizens of the nationality or nationalities exercising regional autonomy in the area concerned.对于从犯,应当从轻、减轻处罚或者免除处罚。 An accomplice shall be given a lighter or mitigated punishment or be exempted from punishment.对于从犯,应当从轻、减轻处罚或者免除处罚。 An accomplice shall be given a lighter or mitigated punishment or be exempted from punishment.中华人民共和国法律不认为在中华人民共和国领域外发生的行为是侵权行为的,不作为侵权行为处理。 An act committed outside the People's Republic of China shall not be treated as an infringing act if under the law of the People's Republic of China it is not considered an infringing act.代理人不履行职责而给被代理人造成损害的,应当承担民事责任。 An agent shall bear civil liability if he fails to perform his duties and thus causes damage to the principal.代理人在代理权限内,以被代理人的名义实施民事法律行为。 An agent shall perform civil juristic acts in the principal's name within the scope of the power of agency.自治条例和单行条例可以依照当地民族的特点,对法律和行政法规的规定作出变通规定,但不得违背法律或者行政法规的基本原则,不得对宪法和民族区域自治法的规定以及其他有关法律、行政法规专门就民族自治地方所作的规定作出变通规定。 An autonomous decree or special decree may vary the provisions of a law or administrative regulation, provided that any such variance may not violate the basic principles thereof, and no variance is allowed in respect of any provision of the Constitution or the Law on Ethnic Area Autonomy and provisions of any other law or administrative regulations which are dedicated to matters concerning ethnic autonomous areas.集体所有制企业法人以企业所有的财产承担民事责任。 An enterprise under collective ownership, as legal person, shall bear civil liability with the property it owns.委托代理人按照被代理人的委托行使代理权,法定代理人依照法律的规定行使代理权,指定代理人按照人民法院或者指定单位的指定行使代理权。 An entrusted agent shall exercise the power of agency as entrusted by the principal; a statutory agent shall exercise the power of agency as prescribed by law; and an appointed agent shall exercise the power of agency as designated by a people's court or the appointing unit.执行机关应当将罪犯及时收押,并且通知罪犯家属。 An executing organ shall take a criminal into custody without delay and notify the family members of the criminal.对侦查人员的回避作出决定前,侦查人员不能停止对案件的侦查。 An investigator may not suspend investigation of a case before a decision is made on his withdrawal.对于未遂犯,可以比照既遂犯从轻或者减轻处罚。 An offender who attempts to commit a crime may, in comparison with one who completes the crime, be given a lighter or mitigated punishment.对于未遂犯,可以比照既遂犯从轻或者减轻处罚。 An offender who attempts to commit a crime may, in comparison with one who completes the crime, be given a lighter or mitigated punishment.对于中止犯,没有造成损害的,应当免除处罚;造成损害的,应当减轻处罚。 An offender who discontinues a crime shall, if no damage is caused, be exempted from punishment or, if any damage is caused, be given a mitigated punishment.