对于中止犯,没有造成损害的,应当免除处罚;造成损害的,应当减轻处罚。 An offender who discontinues a crime shall, if no damage is caused, be exempted from punishment or, if any damage is caused, be given a mitigated punishment.对于预备犯,可以比照既遂犯从轻、减轻处罚或者免除处罚。 An offender who prepares for a crime may, in comparison with one who completes the crime, be given a lighter or mitigated punishment or be exempted from punishment.对于预备犯,可以比照既遂犯从轻、减轻处罚或者免除处罚。 An offender who prepares for a crime may, in comparison with one who completes the crime, be given a lighter or mitigated punishment or be exempted from punishment.法律、法规授权的组织在行使授予的行政权力时侵犯公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益造成损害的,被授权的组织为赔偿义务机关。 An organization authorized by law which infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of a citizen, legal person or other organization and causes damage when exercising its authorized administrative powers, shall be the organ under compensatory obligations.受行政机关委托的组织或者个人在行使受委托的行政权力时侵犯公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益造成损害的,委托的行政机关为赔偿义务机关。 An organization or individual entrusted by an administrative organ infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of a citizen, legal person or other organization and causes damage when exercising the entrusted administrative powers, shall be the organ under compensatory obligations.华侨收养三代以内同辈旁系血亲的子女,还可以不受收养人无子女的限制。 An overseas Chinese, in adopting a child belonging to a collateral relative by blood of the same generation and up to the third degree of kinship, may even be not subject to the adopter's childless status.(十)赔礼道歉。 and (10) extension of apology.(十)在行使上述各项职权时,如有需要,可传召有关人士出席作证和提供证据。 and (10) To summon, as required when exercising the above-mentioned powers and functions, persons concerned to testify or give evidence.(十三)处理请愿,申诉事项。 and (13) To handle petitions and complaints.(十五)应当由最高国家权力机关行使的其他职权。 and (15) to exercise such other functions and powers as the highest organ of state power should exercise.(十五)应当由最高国家权力机关行使的其他职权。 and (15) to exercise such other functions and powers as the highest organ of state power should exercise.(十八)全国人民代表大会和全国人民代表大会常务委员会授予的其他职权。 and (18) to exercise such other functions and powers as the National People's Congress or its Standing Committee may assign to it.(十八)全国人民代表大会和全国人民代表大会常务委员会授予的其他职权。 and (18) to exercise such other functions and powers as the National People's Congress or its Standing Committee may assign to it.(二)认为应当由本院审理的案件。 and (2) cases that the Supreme People's Court deems it should try.(二)支付令能够送达债务人的。 and (2) the order of payment can be served on the debtor.(二)被申请人有履行能力。 and (2) the person against whom the application for advance execution is made is capable of fulfilling his obligations.(二十一)全国人民代表大会授予的其他职权。 and (21) to exercise such other functions and powers as the National People's Congress may assign to it.(二十一)全国人民代表大会授予的其他职权。 and (21) to exercise such other functions and powers as the National People's Congress may assign to it.(三)破产债权。 and (3) claims by creditors in the bankruptcy proceedings.(三)同没有签订民用航空运输协定的外国或地区谈判签订临时协议。 and (3) negotiate and conclude provisional arrangements with foreign states or regions with which no air service agreements have been concluded.(三)不违反法律或者社会公共利益。 and (3) the act does not violate the law or the public interest.(三)申请的年、月、日。 and (3) the date of application.(三)因情况紧急需要先予执行的。 and (3) those involving urgent circumstances that require advance execution.(三)因立法会拒绝通过财政预算案或其他重要法案而解散立法会,重选的立法会继续拒绝通过所争议的原案。 and (3) When, after the Legislative Council is dissolved because it refuses to pass a budget or any other important bill, the new Legislative Council still refuses to pass the original bill in dispute.(三)造成死亡的,应当支付死亡赔偿金、丧葬费,总额为国家上年度职工年平均工资的二十倍。 and (3) Where decease is caused, compensation money and funeral expenses shall be paid, the total amount of which shall be twenty times as much as the annual average salary of the staff of the state in the preceding year.