

同中国政府订有签证协议的国家的人员入境,按照协议执行。    The entry of nationals from countries having visa agreements with the Chinese Government shall be handled in accordance with those agreements.
行政机关实施行政许可所需经费应当列入本行政机关的预算,由本级财政予以保障,按照批准的预算予以核拨。    The essential fund for the administrative organ to implement an administrative license shall listed in the budget of this administrative organ, which shall be ensured, checked and appropriated by the finance department of the same level according to the ratified budget
居民委员会的设立、撤销、规模调整,由不设区的市、市辖区的人民政府决定。    The establishment or dissolution of a residents committee or a readjustment in the area covered by it shall be decided by the people's government of a city not divided into districts or of a municipal district.
自治州、县、自治县、市、市辖区的人民政府的局、科等工作部门的设立、增加、减少或者合并,由本级人民政府报请上一级人民政府批准,并报本级人民代表大会常务委员会备案。    The establishment, increase, reduction or amalgamation of such working offices as bureaus and sections under people's governments of autonomous prefectures, counties, autonomous counties, cities and municipal districts shall be reported by the respective people's governments to the people's governments at the next higher level for approval and to the standing committees of the people's congresses at the corresponding levels for the record.
省、自治区、直辖市的人民政府的厅、局、委员会等工作部门的设立、增加、减少或者合并,由本级人民政府报请国务院批准,并报本级人民代表大会常务委员会备案。    The establishment, increase, reduction or amalgamation of such working offices as departments, bureaus and commissions under people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be reported by the respective people's governments to the State Council for approval and to the standing committees of the people's congresses at the corresponding levels for the record.
档案复制件的交换、转让和出卖,按照国家规定办理。    The exchange, transfer and sale of duplicates of archives shall be handled according to State regulations.
行政许可的实施机关可以对已设定的行政许可的实施情况及存在的必要性适时进行评价,并将意见报告该行政许可的设定机关。    The executive organ of an administrative license shall evaluate the information of the implementation of the administrative license and necessity of its existence, and shall report the relevant opinions to the establishing organ of the administrative license
截留、挪用、私分或者变相私分实施行政许可依法收取的费用的,予以追缴;    The fees collected in implementing an administrative license in accordance with the law are withheld, misappropriated, divided privately or divided in a disguised form shall be ordered to be refunded;
财政部门不得以任何形式向行政机关返还或者变相返还实施行政许可所收取的费用。    The finance departments shall not refund openly or in disguised form the fees charged for the implementation of the administrative license
每届全国人民代表大会第一次会议,在本届全国人民代表大会代表选举完成后的两个月内由上届全国人民代表大会常务委员会召集。    The first session of each National People's Congress shall be convened by the Standing Committee of the previous National People's Congress within two months of the election of deputies to the current National People's Congress.
撤销或者合并前款所列机构的方案,应当包括下列事项:    The following items shall be included in the programmer for dissolution or merger of the agencies listed in the preceding paragraph:
撤销或者合并前款所列机构的方案,应当包括下列事项:    The following items shall be included in the programmer for dissolution or merger of the institution listed in the preceding paragraph:
国务院行政机构的编制方案,应当包括下列事项:    The following items shall be included in the staffing programmer of an administrative agency of the State Council:
国务院外事办公室保留中央外事工作领导小组办公室名义,承担中央外事工作领导小组的具体事务。    The Foreign Affairs Office of the State Council will continue to work on behalf of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Directorate of the CPC Central Committee and undertake specific tasks of the latter.
家属委员会的工作经费和家属委员会成员的生活补贴费、办公用房,由所属单位解决。    The funds needed for the work of the dependents committees, the financial subsidies for their members and their office premises shall be provided by the units they belong to.
省长、自治区主席、市长、州长、县长、区长、乡长、镇长分别主持地方各级人民政府的工作。    The governors, chairmen of autonomous regions, mayors, prefects and heads of counties, districts, townships and towns shall direct the work of their local people's governments at the corresponding levels.
上级行政机关认为有必要直接受理的,可以直接受理。    The higher administrative authority may accept the complaint reporting matter directly if it deems necessary.
上一级监察机关应当自收到复核申请之日起六十日内作出复核决定。    The higher supervisory organization should make its examination decision within 60 days after receiving the appeal for reinvestigation and decision.
上一级监察机关应当自收到复核申请之日起六十日内作出复核决定。    The higher supervisory organizations should make a decision on the final examination within 60 days after receiving the request.
调查委员会应当向本级人民代表大会常务委员会提出调查报告。常务委员会根据调查委员会的报告,可以作出相应的决议。    The investigation committee shall present an investigation report to the standing committee of the people's congress at the corresponding level. And the standing committee may make an appropriate resolution on the basis of the report made by the investigation committee.
发往基层单位的全面定期统计报表,必须严格限制。凡通过抽样调查、重点调查、行政记录能取得统计数据的,不得制发全面定期统计报表。    The issue of regular overall statistics forms to the grass-roots units shall be strictly limited. Where it is possible to obtain statistical data through sampling surveys, major surveys and administrative records, no regular overall statistics forms shall be drawn up or issued.
居民公约的内容不得与宪法、法律、法规和国家的政策相抵触。    The joint pledges of the residents shall not contravene the Constitution, the laws, the regulations and the state policies.
法律委员会统一审议向全国人民代表大会或者全国人民代表大会常务委员会提出的法律草案;其他专门委员会就有关的法律草案向法律委员会提出意见。    The Law Committee shall deliberate on all drafted laws submitted to the National People's Congress or its Standing Committee; other special committees shall send to the Law Committee their comments on the drafts which concern them.
各项行政罚款,要坚决贯彻执行《中华人民共和国行政处罚法》和国务院《罚款决定与罚款收缴分离实施办法》的规定;    The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Administrative Penalty and the Provisions for Separating Penalty Decision from Penalty Payment promulgated by the State Council shall be carried out resolutely in collecting all kinds of administrative charges.
有关行政机关对其他机关或者对其直接管理的事业单位的人事、财务、外事等事项的审批,不适用本法。    The Law shall not be applicable to the examination and approval of such matters as personnel, finance and foreign affairs of relevant administrative organs to other organs or public institutions directly under their administration
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