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第二十六条 县级以上的地方各级人民代表大会举行会议的时候,主席团、常务委员会或者十分之一以上代表联名,可以提出对本级人民代表大会常务委员会组成人员、人民政府组成人员、人民法院院长、人民检察院检察长的罢免案,由主席团提请大会审议。    Article 26 When a local people's congress at or above the county level is in session, its presidium, its standing committee, or a joint group of at least one tenth of its deputies may submit a proposal to remove from office members of its standing committee or members of the people's government, the president of the people's court or the chief procurator of the people's procuratorate at the corresponding level; the presidium shall refer such proposals to the congress for deliberation.
第二十六条行政许可需要行政机关内设的多个机构办理的,该行政机关应当确定一个机构统一受理行政许可申请,统一送达行政许可决定。    Article 26 Where it is necessary to handle the administrative license through several interior institutions of the administrative organ, this administrative organ shall determine one institution to accept all the applications for the administrative license and serve all the decisions about the administrative license
第二十六条 依照本条例申请复议的公民、法人或者其他组织,是申请人。    Article 26. Citizens, legal persons or other organizations that file an application for reconsideration pursuant to these regulations are applicants.
 第二十六条 监察机关对监察事项涉及的单位和个人有权进行查询。    Article 26. Supervisory organs have the rights to conduct an investigation on units and individuals involved in the supervised matters.
第二十六条 常务委员会设立代表资格审查委员会。    Article 26. The Standing Committee shall establish a Deputies Credentials Committee.
第二十六条 违反消防管理,有下列第一项至第四项行为之一的,处十日以下拘留、一百元以下罚款或者警告;有第五项至第八项行为之一的,处一百元以下罚款或者警告:    Article 26. Whoever commits one of the following acts, from item one to item four, violating fire control shall be detained for a maximum of ten days, fined a maximum of one hundred yuan or given a warning; anyone committing acts in items five to eight shall be fined a maximum of one hundred yuan or given a warning:
第二十六条(1)举行集会、游行、示威,不得违反治安管理法规,不得进行犯罪活动或者煽动犯罪。    Article 26The holding of an assembly, a procession or a demonstration shall not contravene the regulations on public security administration and shall not involve criminal activities or the instigation of crimes.
第二十七条 县级以上的地方各级人民代表大会常务委员会组成人员和人民政府领导人员,人民法院院长,人民检察院检察长,可以向本级人民代表大会提出辞职,由大会决定是否接受辞职;大会闭会期间,可以向本级人民代表大会常务委员会提出辞职,由常务委员会决定是否接受辞职。常务委员会决定接受辞职后,报本级人民代表大会备案。人民检察院检察长的辞职,须报经上一级人民检察院检察长提请该级人民代表大会常务委员会批准。    Article 27 A component member of the standing committee of a local people's congress at or above the county level, a leading person of a local people's government, the president of a People's Court or the chief procurator of a People's Procuratorate at or above the county level may submit the resignation to the people's congress at the corresponding level, which shall decide whether or not to accept the resignation; if the people's congress is not in session, such resignations may be submitted to its standing committee, which shall decide whether or not to accept the resignations. If the standing committee decides to accept a resignation, it shall report it to its people's congress for the record. A resignation of the chief procurator of a people's procuratorate must be reported to the chief procurator of the people's procuratorate at the next higher level, who shall refer it to the standing committee of the people's congress at the corresponding level for approval.
第二十七条当事人有下列情形之一的,应当依法从轻或者减轻行政处罚:    Article 27 A party shall be given a lighter or mitigated administrative penalty in accordance with law, if:
第二十七条各级行政机关及其工作人员办理信访事项,应当恪尽职守,秉公办事,查清事实,分清责任,正确疏导,及时、恰当、正确处理,不得推诿、敷衍、拖延。    Article 27 Administrative authorities at various levels and their staffs shall be diligently perform their duties, and impartial in handling matters, obtain the truth, identify liabilities, make correct persuasions and duly, properly and correctly resolve matters. They shall not shift responsibilities to others or conduct their work in a delayed or perfunctory manner.
第二十七条 对非法入境、非法居留的外国人,县级以上公安机关可以拘留审查、监视居住或者遣送出境。    Article 27 An alien who enters or resides in China illegally may be detained for examination or be subjected to residential surveillance or deportation by a public security organ at or above the county level.
第二十七条 统计调查对象有下列违法行为之一的,由县级以上人民政府统计机构责令改正,予以通报批评;情节较重的,可以对负有直接责任的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予行政处分:    Article 27 Any unit or individual under statistical investigation that commits one of the following violations shall be ordered to put it right and criticized in a circulated notice by the statistics institutions of the people's governments at or above the county level; if the violation is relatively serious, administrative sanctions shall be given to the persons who are directly in charge and other persons who are directly responsible for it:
第二十七条 同提起诉讼的具体行政行为有利害关系的其他公民、法人或者其他组织,可以作为第三人申请参加诉讼,或者由人民法院通知参加诉讼。    Article 27 If any other citizen, legal person or any other organization has interests in a specific administrative act under litigation, he or it may, as a third party, file a request to participate in the proceedings or may participate in them when so notified by the people's court.
二十七、过去有关印章管理的规定,如有与本规定不一致的,以本规定为准。    Article 27 If any previous provisions on the administration of the seals conflict with these Rules, these Rules shall prevail.
二十七、过去有关印章管理的规定,如有与本规定不一致的,以本规定为准。    Article 27 If any previous provisions on the administration of the seals conflict with these Rules, these Rules shall prevail.
第二十七条公安人员违反本条例规定,玩忽职守、滥用职权、徇私舞弊的,由其所在单位或者上级主管部门给予行政处分。    Article 27 Public security officers will be given a disciplinary sanction by their departments or superior administrative departments if they violate the present regulations, neglect their duties, abuse their power or play favoritism and commit irregularities.
第二十七条本法自1988年1月1日起施行。    Article 27 This Law shall come into force as of January 1, 1988.
第二十七条 外国人在中国死亡,其家属或者监护人或者代理人须于3日内持死亡证明向当公安局申报并缴销死者的居留证件或者签证。    Article 27 When an alien dies in China, his/her family members or guardian or agent shall, within 3 days, report to the local public security bureau with the death certificate and hand in the deceased's residence certificate or visa for cancellation.
第二十七条 行政机关实施行政许可,不得向申请人提出购买指定商品、接受有偿服务等不正当要求。    Article 27 When implementing the administrative license, the administrative organ may not require any applicant to buy the designated commodities and to accept paid services or have other unreasonable requests
 第二十七条 监察机关的领导人员可以列席本级人民政府的有关会议,监察人员可以列席被监察部门的与监察事项有关的会议。    Article 27. Leading personnel of a supervisory organ may attend relevant meetings of people's government at the corresponding level as observers, whereas supervisory personnel may attend meetings of departments being supervised concerning the supervised matters.
第二十七条 常务委员会设立办公厅,在秘书长领导下工作。    Article 27. The Standing Committee shall establish a general office which shall work under the direction of the Secretary-General.
第二十七条 同申请复议的具体行政行为有利害关系的其他公民、法人或者其他组织,经复议机关批准,可以作为第三人申请参加复议。    Article 27. Where any other citizen, legal person or organization has an interest in a specific administrative act, for the reconsideration of which an application has already been filed, he/she or it may, with the approval of the administrative body for reconsideration, file a request for participation in the reconsideration as a third party.
第二十七条 违反交通管理,有下列第一项至第六项行为之一的,处十五日以下拘留、二百元以下罚款或者警告;有第七项至第十一项行为之一的,处五十元以下罚款或者警告:    Article 27. Whoever commits one of the following acts, from item one to item six, in violation of traffic regulations shall be detained for a maximum of fifteen days, fined a maximum of two hundred yuan or given a warning; anyone committing acts in items seven to eleven shall be fined a maximum of fifty yuan or given a warning:
第二十七条(3)举行集会、游行、示威,有下列情形之一的,人民警察应当予以制止:    Article 27The people's police shall stop an assembly, a procession or a demonstration that is being held, if it involves one of the following circumstances:
第二十八条 没有诉讼行为能力的公民,由其法定代理人代为诉讼。法定代理人互相推诿代理责任的,由人民法院指定其中一人代为诉讼。    Article 28 Any citizen with no capacity to take part in litigation shall have one or more legal representatives who will act on his behalf in a suit. If the legal representatives try to shift their responsibilities onto each other, the people's court may appoint one of them as the representative of the principal in litigation.
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