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第二十二条特种行业和公共场所单位的法定代表人或者负责人是本单位的治安责任人,负责本单位的治安防范工作,并履行下列职责:    Article 22 The legal representative or the responsible person of special trades or public places is the person in charge of the public security of the unit in itself, and takes the responsibility of maintaining peace and order as well as performs the following duties:
第二十二条 企业事业组织的统计机构或者统计负责人的主要职责是:    Article 22 The main functions of statistics institutions and persons in charge of statistics of enterprises and institutions are as follows:
二十二、国家行政机关和企业事业单位、社会团体的其他专用印章(包括经济合同章、财务专用章等),在名称、式样上应与单位正式印章有所区别,经本单位领导批准后可以刻制。    Article 22 The other special seals of the state administrative departments, enterprises and institutions and the social organizations (including the seals for business contract, special seal for finance, etc) shall be different with the formal seals in their titles and patterns and be submitted to the leaders of the current units for approval of making.
二十二、国家行政机关和企业事业单位、社会团体的其他专用印章(包括经济合同章、财务专用章等),在名称、式样上应与单位正式印章有所区别,经本单位领导批准后可以刻制。    Article 22 The other special seals of the state administrative departments, enterprises and institutions and the social organizations (including the seals for business contract, special seal for finance, etc) shall be different with the formal seals in their titles and patterns and be submitted to the leaders of the current units for approval of making.
第二十二条省、自治区、直辖市的人民代表大会常务委员会可以根据本法制定实施办法。    Article 22. Measures for the implementation of this Law shall be formulated, in accordance with this Law, by the standing committees of the people's congresses of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.
第二十二条 其他复议管辖,依照法律、法规和规章的规定。    Article 22. Other cases involving jurisdiction for reconsideration shall be handled according to the provisions of the laws, regulations and rules.
第二十二条 全国人民代表大会常务委员会行使中华人民共和国宪法规定的职权。    Article 22. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress shall exercise the functions and powers prescribed in the Constitution of the People's Republic of China.
 第二十二条 监察机关在办理行政违纪案件中,可以提请公安、审计、税务、海关、工商行政管理等机关予以协助。    Article 22. When handling cases involving breach of administrative discipline, supervisory organs may ask public security, auditing, taxation, customs, industry and trade administrative management organs, for assistance
第二十二条 有下列侵犯他人人身权利行为之一,尚不够刑事处罚的,处十五日以下拘留、二百元以下罚款或者警告:    Article 22. Whoever commits one of the following acts infringing upon a citizen's rights of the person, but not serious enough for criminal punishment, shall be detained for a maximum of fifteen days, fined a maximum of two hundred yuan or given a warning:
第二十二条集会、游行、示威在国家机关、军事机关、广播电台、电视台、外国驻华使馆领馆所在地举行或者经过的,主管机关为了维持秩序,可以在附近设置临时警戒线,未经人民警察许可,不得逾越。    Article 22If an assembly, a procession or a demonstration is held in or passes by places where state organs, military organs, radio stations, television stations or foreign embassies or consulates are located, the competent authorities may, with a view to keeping order, establish temporary security lines, which shall not be crossed without permission by the people's police.
第二十三条国务院行政机构违反本条例规定,有下列行为之一的,由国务院机构编制管理机关责令限期纠正;    Article 23 Administrative agencies of the State Council which, in violation of the provisions stipulated in these Regulations, commit any one of the following activities, shall be ordered to make corrections within the specified time limit by the agency and staffing administration organ of the State Council;
第二十三条 有下列情形之一的外国人,不准出境:    Article 23 Aliens belonging to any of the following categories shall not be allowed to leave China:
第二十三条各级各类档案馆应当配备研究人员,加强对档案的研究整理,有计划地组织编辑出版档案材料,在不同范围内发行。    Article 23 Archives repositories of all types and at all levels shall have research personnel to improve research in arrangement of archives, and compile and publish archives in a planned way for distribution within various circles.
第二十三条 选举采用无记名投票方式。代表对于确定的候选人,可以投赞成票,可以投反对票,可以另选其他任何代表或者选民,也可以弃权。    Article 23 Elections shall be conducted by secret ballot. The deputies may vote for or against any of the candidates that have been determined, or may instead elect any other deputies or voters or abstain from voting.
第二十三条 出于维护国家安全、社会秩序或者其他公共利益的原因,市、县公安局可以限制外国人或者外国机构在某些地区设立住所或者办公处所;已在上述限制地区设立住所或者办公处所的,必须在市、县公安局迁移通知书指定的期限内迁至许可的地区。    Article 23 For the sake of national security, public order or other public interests, a city or county public security bureau may declare certain areas out of bounds for the establishment of residences or offices by aliens or foreign institutions. Residences and offices that have already been established in these restricted areas shall be moved to non-restricted areas within the time limit prescribed in the notice of moving issued by the city or county public security bureau.
第二十三条 上级人民法院有权审判下级人民法院管辖的第一审行政案件,也可以把自己管辖的第一审行政案件移交下级人民法院审判。    Article 23 People's courts at higher levels shall have the authority to adjudicate administrative cases over which people's courts at lower levels have jurisdiction as courts of first instance; they may also transfer administrative cases over which they themselves have jurisdiction as courts of first instance to people's courts at lower levels for trial.
第二十三条公安人员对特种行业或者公共场所单位进行治安检查时,应当持有人民警察证件并出示由市公安局统一制发的治安检查证件。    Article 23 Personnel of public security bureau shall bear the police certificates and produce the peace and order inspection certificate printed and issued uniformly by the Municipal Public Security Bureau.
第二十三条 统计机构、统计人员有权:    Article 23 Statistics institutions and statisticians shall have the power:
二十三、印章制发机关应规范和加强印章制发的管理,严格办理程序和审批手续。    Article 23 The making and distributing organizations of the seals shall normalize and strengthen the administration of the making and distributing of seals and rigorously enforce the transaction procedures and the examination formalities.
二十三、印章制发机关应规范和加强印章制发的管理,严格办理程序和审批手续。    Article 23 The making and distributing organizations of the seals shall normalize and strengthen the administration of the making and distributing of seals and rigorously enforce the transaction procedures and the examination formalities.
第二十三条法律、法规授权的具有管理公共事务职能的组织,在法定授权范围内,以自己的名义实施行政许可。被授权的组织适用本法有关行政机关的规定。    Article 23 The organization with a function of managing public affairs under the authorization of a law or regulation shall, within the authorized scope, implement the administrative license in its own name. The provisions concerning the administrative organ in the Law shall be applicable to the empowered organizations
第二十三条在接待场所携带危险品、爆炸品和管制器械的,公安机关或者信访工作机构应当依法予以收缴。    Article 23 The public security organ or the complaint reporting handling office shall seize and confiscate any dangerous articles, explosives or controlled devices that are brought to the reception site.
第二十三条行政机关实施行政处罚时,应当责令当事人改正或者限期改正违法行为。    Article 23 When enforcing an administrative penalty, the administrative organ shall order the party to put right his illegal acts or to do so within a time limit.
 第二十三条 监察机关根据检查、调查结果,遇有下列情形之一的,可以提出监察建议:    Article 23. Supervisory organs may recommend supervision, if they find one of the following circumstances in the results of inspection and investigation:
第二十三条 复议机关应当根据工作需要,确立本机关的复议机构或者专职复议人员。    Article 23. The administrative body for reconsideration shall, in light of its work needs, establish the reconsideration office, or appoint full-time personnel that handle reconsideration cases, for the body itself.
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