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第二条 国务院由总理、副总理、国务委员、各部部长、各委员会主任、审计长、秘书长组成。    Article 2. The State Council shall be composed of a Premier, Vice-Premiers, State Councillors, Ministers in charge of ministries, Ministers in charge of commissions, an Auditor-General and a Secretary-General.
第二条 公民、法人或者其他组织认为行政机关的具体行政行为侵犯其合法权益,可以依照本条例向行政机关申请复议。    Article 2. Where citizens, legal persons or other organizations hold that a specific administrative act of an administrative body has infringed upon their lawful rights and interests, they may, in accordance with these Regulations, file an application to the competent administrative body for reconsideration.
第二条 扰乱社会秩序,妨害公共安全,侵犯公民人身权利,侵犯公私财产,依照《中华人民共和国刑法》的规定构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚不够刑事处罚,应当给予治安管理处罚的,依照本条例处罚。    Article 2. Whoever disturbs social order, endangers public safety, infringes upon a citizen's rights of the person and encroaches upon public or private property, if such acts constitute a crime according to the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility; if such acts are not serious enough for criminal punishment but should be given administrative penalties for public security, penalties shall be given according to these Regulations.
第二十条行政处罚由违法行为发生地的县级以上地方人民政府具有行政处罚权的行政机关管辖。法律、行政法规另有规定的除外。    Article 20 Administrative penalty shall come under the jurisdiction of an administrative organ having the power of administrative penalty of a local people's government at or above the county level in the place where the illegal act is committed, except as otherwise prescribed by laws or administrative rules and regulations.
第二十条 外国人持有效的签证或者居留证件,可以前往中国政府规定的对外国人开放的地区旅行。    Article 20 Aliens who hold valid visas or residence certificates may travel to places open to aliens as designated by the Chinese Government.
第二十条 外国人在签证或者居留证件有效期满后需继续在中国停留或者居留,须于期满前申请延期。    Article 20 Aliens who need to prolong their stay or residence in China beyond the expiration of their visas or residence certificates shall apply for an extension before the expiration of their visas or certificates.
第二十条信访工作机构发现来访人员中有传染病人或者疑似传染病人的,应当通报所在地的卫生行政管理部门,由卫生行政管理部门按照国家有关规定处理。    Article 20 If the complaint reporting handling office discovers or suspects a complainant to be infectiously ill, the working office shall notify the local public health department of the situation, which shall handle the situation pursuant to the relevant regulations of the State.
第二十条机关、团体、企业事业单位和其他组织以及公民根据经济建设、国防建设、教学科研和其他各项工作的需要,可以按照有关规定,利用档案馆未开放的档案以及有关机关、团体、企业事业单位和其他组织保存的档案。    Article 20 State organs, public organizations, enterprises, institutions, other organizations and citizens may, according to needs in economic construction, national defense construction, education, scientific research and other work, and pursuant to the relevant regulations, use the archives which are not yet open to the public and the archives which are preserved by relevant State organs, public organizations, enterprises, institutions or other organizations.
第二十条行政许可的设定机关应当定期对其设定的行政许可进行评价;对已设定的行政许可,认为通过本法第十三条所列方式能够解决的,应当对设定该行政许可的规定及时予以修改或者废止。    Article 20 The establishment organ of the administrative license shall periodically evaluate the administrative license it set. If it considers that an already established administrative license can be solved through any of the methods listed in Article 13 of the Law, it shall modify the requirements for the establishment of the administrative license or abolish it in time
第二十条 国家统计局和地方各级人民政府统计机构的主要职责是:    Article 20 The main functions of the State Statistics Bureau and statistics institutions of local people's governments at various levels are as follows:
第二十条国务院议事协调机构不单独确定编制,所需要的编制由承担具体工作的国务院行政机构解决。    Article 20 The staffing of a deliberation and coordination agency of the State Council is not determined separately, and the administrative agency of the State Council undertaking the specific work shall provide the staffing by the.
二十、国务院有关部委外事用的火漆印,直径4.2厘米,中央刊国徽,国徽外刊机关名称,自左而右环行,由国务院制发。    Article 20 The wax seals used for foreign affairs by the relevant ministries and commissions under the State Council shall be made and distributed by the State Council with the diameter of 4.2 centimeters, a national emblem in the center and the title of the organizations around the national emblem from left to right.
二十、国务院有关部委外事用的火漆印,直径4.2厘米,中央刊国徽,国徽外刊机关名称,自左而右环行,由国务院制发。    Article 20 The wax seals used for foreign affairs by the relevant ministries and commissions under the State Council shall be made and distributed by the State Council with the diameter of 4.2 centimeters, a national emblem in the center and the title of the organizations around the national emblem from left to right.
第二十条特种行业和公共场所单位及其从业人员应当遵守本条例以及其他有关治安管理的规定。    Article 20 Units of the special trades and public places as well as the personnel engaged in these businesses shall abide by the present regulations and other relevant regulations of the administration of public security.
第二十条 地方各级人民代表大会进行选举和通过决议,以全体代表的过半数通过。    Article 20 When a local people's congress conducts an election or adopts a resolution, a majority vote of all the deputies shall be required.
第二十条 两个以上人民法院都有管辖权的案件,原告可以选择其中一个人民法院提起诉讼。原告向两个以上有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼的,由最先收到起诉状的人民法院管辖。    Article 20 When two or more people's courts have jurisdiction over a suit, the plaintiff may have the option to bring the suit in one of these people's courts. If the plaintiff brings the suit in two or more people's courts that have jurisdiction over the suit, the people's court that first receives the bill of complaint shall have jurisdiction.
第二十条市、市辖区的人民政府有关部门,需要居民委员会或者它的下属委员会协助进行的工作,应当经市、市辖区的人民政府或者它的派出机关同意并统一安排。    Article 20. If a relevant department under the people's government of a municipality or a municipal district, in its work, needs the cooperation of a residents committee or one of its sub-committees, it shall seek the approval of the people's government of the municipality or of the municipal district or an agency of either of them, which shall make unified arrangements.
第二十条 全国人民代表大会会议公开举行;在必要的时候,经主席团和各代表团团长会议决定,可以举行秘密会议。    Article 20. Sessions of the National People's Congress shall be open to the public; when necessary, closed sessions may be held by decision of a meeting of the Presidium and the heads of all the delegations.
 第二十条 监察机关在调查违反行政纪律行为时,可以根据实际情况和需要采取下列措施:    Article 20. Supervisory organs, when investigating acts that violate administrative discipline, may take the following measures in line with the actual situation and requirements:
第二十条 申请人向两个或者两个以上有管辖权的行政机关申请复议的,由最先收到复议申请书的行政机关管辖。    Article 20. Where a person applies for reconsideration to two or more administrative bodies that have jurisdiction, the case shall be under the jurisdiction of the administrative body that has first received the application for reconsideration.
第二十条 有下列妨害公共安全行为之一的,处十五日以下拘留、二百元以下罚款或者警告:    Article 20. Whoever commits one of the following acts impairing public security shall be detained for a maximum of fifteen days, fined a maximum of two hundred yuan or given a warning:
第二十条(1)为了保障依法举行的游行的行进,负责维持交通秩序的人民警察可以临时变通执行交通规则的有关规定。    Article 20In order to ensure the progress of a procession held in compliance with law, the people's police responsible for keeping traffic order may temporarily exercise flexibility in their execution of the relevant provisions of traffic regulations.
第二十一条 外国人前往不对国外人开放的地区旅行,必须向当地公安机关申请旅行证件。    Article 21 Aliens desiring to travel to places closed to aliens must apply to local public security organs for travel permits.
第二十一条特种行业和公共场所单位发现场所内有违法犯罪活动或者违法犯罪嫌疑人、可疑物品,应当立即向公安部门报告。    Article 21 Any criminal activities, suspects, or suspicious objects found within the special trades or the public places shall be reported immediately to the public security bureau.
第二十一条对管辖发生争议的,报请共同的上一级行政机关指定管辖。    Article 21 If a dispute arises over jurisdiction between administrative organs, the matter shall be reported to their common administrative organ at the next higher level for designation of jurisdiction.
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