- 中国行政治安法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 第二十一条 人民法院发现受理的案件不属于自己管辖时,应当移送有管辖权的人民法院。受移送的人民法院不得自行移送。 Article 21 If a people's court finds that a case it has accepted is not under its jurisdiction, it shall transfer the case to the people's court that does have jurisdiction over the case. The people's court to which the case has been transferred shall not on its own initiative transfer it to another people's court.
- 第二十一条信访工作机构发现来访人员中有精神病人的,应当通知精神病人所在地区、单位或者监护人将其接回。 Article 21 If the complaint reporting handling office discovers that a complainant is mentally ill, it shall advise his residential area, unit or guardian to take him back.
- 第二十一条 在外国人居留证上填写的项目内容(姓名、国籍、职业或者身份、工作单位、住址、护照码、偕行儿童等)如有变更,持证人须于10日内到居住地公安局办理变更登记。 Article 21 In case of any changes in the information written in an alien's residence card (such as name, nationality, occupation, status, place of work, address, passport number and accompanying children), the holder of the card shall, within 10days, register such changes with the public security bureau at the place of his/her residence.
- 第二十一条 县级以上的地方各级人民代表大会常务委员会的组成人员,乡、民族乡、镇的人民代表大会主席、副主席,省长、副省长,自治区主席、副主席,市长、副市长,州长、副州长,县长、副县长,区长、副区长,乡长、副乡长,镇长、副镇长,人民法院院长,人民检察院检察长的人选,由本级人民代表大会主席团或者代表依照本法规定联合提名。 Article 21 Members of the standing committee of local people's congresses at or above the county level, choices for chairmen and vice- chairmen of the people's congresses of townships, nationality townships or towns, governors and deputy governors, chairmen and vice-chairmen of autonomous regions, mayors and deputy mayors, heads and deputy heads of prefectures, heads and deputy heads of counties, districts, townships and towns, presidents of the People's Courts and chief procurators of the People's Procuratorates shall be nominated by the presidiums of the people's congresses at the corresponding levels or jointly nominated by deputies in accordance with the provisions of this Law.
- 第二十一条 国务院和地方各级人民政府的各部门的统计机构或者统计负责人的主要职责是: Article 21 The main functions of statistics institutions or persons in charge of statistics of departments of the State Council and local people's governments at various levels are as follows:
- 第二十一条国务院办公厅、国务院组成部门、国务院直属机构和国务院办事机构的领导职数,按照国务院组织法的规定确定。 Article 21 The number of leadership positions in the General Office of the State Council, the constituent ministries and commissions of the State Council, the agencies affiliated with the State Council, and administrative offices of the State Council shall, according to the provisions stipulated in the Organic Law of the State Council, be determined.
- 二十一、国务院的钢印,直径4.2厘米,中央刊国徽,国徽外刊机关名称,自左而右环行,由国务院自制。 Article 21 The steel seal of the State Council shall be made by itself with the diameter of 4.2 centimeters, a national emblem in the center and the title of the organizations around the national emblem from left to right.
- 二十一、国务院的钢印,直径4.2厘米,中央刊国徽,国徽外刊机关名称,自左而右环行,由国务院自制。 Article 21 The steel seal of the State Council shall be made by itself with the diameter of 4.2 centimeters, a national emblem in the center and the title of the organizations around the national emblem from left to right.
- 第二十一条向档案馆移交、捐赠、寄存档案的单位和个人,对其档案享有优先利用权,并可对其档案中不宜向社会开放的部分提出限制利用的意见,档案馆应当维护他们的合法权益。 Article 21 Units or individuals that have transferred or donated archives to archives repositories or deposited archives with them shall have priority in the use of such archives and may propose restrictions on the use of parts of the archives that are not suitable for accessibility to the public, and the archives repositories shall protect the lawful rights and interests of such units or individuals.
- 第二十一条省、自治区、直辖市人民政府对行政法规设定的有关经济事务的行政许可,根据本行政区域经济和社会发展情况,认为通过本法第十三条所列方式能够解决的,报国务院批准后,可以在本行政区域内停止实施该行政许可。 Article 21 Where any of the people's governments of the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government considers an administrative license on economic affairs, which is established by means of administrative regulation, can be solved through any of the methods listed in Article 13 of the Law according to the economic and social development of this administrative area, it may stop implementing the administrative license within the administrative area upon reporting to and obtaining the approval of the State Council
- 第二十一条 全国人民代表大会代表向全国人民代表大会或者全国人民代表大会常务委员会提出的对各方面工作的建议、批评和意见,由全国人民代表大会常务委员会的办事机构交由有关机关、组织研究处理并负责答复。 Article 21. The proposals, criticisms and opinions put forward by deputies to the National People's Congress or its Standing Committee concerning any sphere of work shall be referred by the office of the Standing Committee to the relevant agencies or organizations for study, handling and a responsible answer.
- 第二十一条本法适用于乡、民族乡、镇的人民政府所在地设立的居民委员会。 Article 21. This Law shall apply to the residents committees established in the localities under the people's governments of townships, nationality townships or towns.
- 第二十一条 监察机关在调查贪污、贿赂、挪用公款等违反行政纪律的行为时,经县级以上监察机关领导人员批准,可以查询案件涉嫌单位和涉嫌人员在银行或者其他金融机构的存款;必要时,可以提请人民法院采取保全措施,依法冻结涉嫌人员在银行或者其他金融机构的存款。 Article 21. When investigating acts of administrative discipline violation involving corruption, bribery, and fund diversion, supervisory organs may, upon approval of leading personnel of supervisory organs at county level or higher, check into bank deposits of those units and personnel in question; when necessary, supervisory organs may request people's courts to take preventive measures to freeze, according to law, deposits of suspected personnel at banks or at other financial institutions.
- 第二十一条 公民、法人或者其他组织在法定申请复议期限内向信访部门申诉的,信访部门应当及时告知申诉人向有复议管辖权的行政机关申请复议。 Article 21. Where citizens, legal persons and other organizations make a complaint to the correspondence and reception department within the time limit stipulated by law for filing an application for reconsideration, the correspondence and reception department shall notify the complainant in a timely manner to file an application for reconsideration to the administrative body that has jurisdiction for reconsideration.
- 第二十一条 有下列妨害公共安全行为之一的,处二百元以下罚款或者警告: Article 21. Whoever commits one of the following acts impairing public security shall be fined a maximum of two hundred yuan or given a warning:
- 第二十一条(1)游行在行进中遇有不可预料的情况,不能按照许可的路线行进时,人民警察现场负责人有权改变游行队伍的行进路线。 Article 21If it becomes impossible for a procession to follow the permitted route because of unexpected circumstances occurring on the way, the chief police officer present at the scene shall have the authority to change the route of the procession.
- 第二十二条 行政许可由具有行政许可权的行政机关在其法定职权范围内实施。 Article 22 An administrative license shall be implemented by the empowered administrative organ within its statutory functions
- 第二十二条 外国人出境,凭本人有效护照或者其他有效证件。 Article 22 For exit from China, aliens shall present their valid passports or other valid certificates.
- 第二十二条信访人不遵守本条例第十一条、第十四条的规定,影响接待工作的,信访机构可以给予批评教育;批评教育无效的,信访工作机构可以请求所在地的公安机关将其带离接待场所,并按照国家有关规定予以收容、遣送或者通知其所在地区、单位或者监护人将其带回。 Article 22 If a complainant fails to comply with the provisions of Article 11 or 14 of these Regulations to the extent of interfering with the order of the handling of complaint reporting, the complaint reporting handling office may give an reproval. Failing of such, the office may request the local public security organ to take him away from the reception site and have him taken into custody or returned to his place of residence pursuant to the relevant regulations of the State, or may advise his residential area, unit or guardian to take him back.
- 第二十二条 有管辖权的人民法院由于特殊原因不能行使管辖权的,由上级人民法院指定管辖。 Article 22 If a people's court which has jurisdiction over a case is unable to exercise its jurisdiction for special reasons, a people's court at a higher level shall designate another court to exercise the jurisdiction.
- 第二十二条违法行为构成犯罪的,行政机关必须将案件移送司法机关,依法追究刑事责任。 Article 22 If an illegal act constitutes a crime, the administrative organ must transfer the case to a judicial organ for investigation of criminal responsibility according to law.
- 第二十二条 人民代表大会常务委员会主任、秘书长,乡、民族乡、镇的人民代表大会主席,人民政府正职领导人员,人民法院院长,人民检察院检察长的候选人数一般应多一人,进行差额选举;如果提名的候选人只有一人,也可以等额选举。人民代表大会常务委员会副主任,乡、民族乡、镇的人民代表大会副主席,人民政府副职领导人员的候选人数应比应选人数多一人至三人,人民代表大会常务委员会委员的候选人数应比应选人数多十分之一至五分之一,由本级人民代表大会根据应选人数在选举办法中规定具体差额数,进行差额选举。如果提名的候选人数符合选举办法规定的差额数,由主席团提交代表酝酿、讨论后,进行选举。如果提名的候选人数超过选举办法规定的差额数,由主席团提交代表酝酿、讨论后,进行预选,根据在预选中得票多少的顺序,按照选举办法规定的差额数,确定正式候选人名单,进行选举。 Article 22 In elections for chairmen and secretaries-general of the standing committees of the people's congresses, chairmen of the people's congresses of townships, nationality townships or towns, heads of people's governments, presidents of the People's Courts and chief procurators of the People's Procuratorates, there shall generally be one more candidate than the number of persons to be elected, and a competitive election shall be conducted. If only one candidate is nominated, a non-competitive election may be conducted. In elections for vice-chairmen of the standing committees of the people's congresses, deputy chairmen of the people's congresses of townships, nationality townships or towns, and deputy heads of the people's governments, there shall be one to three more candidates than the number of persons to be elected; in elections for members of the standing committees of the people's congresses, there shall be one-tenth to one-fifth more candidates than the number of persons to be elected. The specific differential number shall be prescribed by the people's congresses at the corresponding levels in the electoral measures on the basis of the number of persons to be elected. And the competitive election shall be conducted. If the number of candidates nominated is the same as the differential number prescribed in the electoral measures, the presidium of a people's congress shall submit the list of candidates to the deputies for deliberation and discussion, before election is conducted. If the number of candidates nominated exceeds the differential number prescribed in the electoral measures, a preliminary election shall be conducted after the deputies deliberate and discuss the list of candidates submitted by the presidium, and an official list of candidates shall, in accordance with the differential number prescribed in the electoral measures, be determined by order of the votes that the candidates obtain in the preliminary election, and then election shall be conducted.
- 第二十二条属于国家所有的档案,由国家授权的档案馆或者有关机关公布;未经档案馆或者有关机关同意,任何组织和个人无权公布。 Article 22 State-owned archives shall be made public by archives repositories or State organs authorized by the State; no organization or individual shall have the right to make public such archives without permission from such archives repositories or State organs.
- 第二十二条国务院机构编制管理机关应当对国务院行政机构的机构设置和编制执行情况进行监督检查。 Article 22 The establishment and enforcement of staffing of the administrative agencies of the State Council shall be subject to supervision and inspection by the agency and staffing administration organ of the State Council.
- 第二十二条 持外国人居留证的人迁出所在市、县,须于迁移前向原居住地的公安局办理迁移登记,到达迁入地后,须于10日内向迁入地公安局办理迁入登记。 Article 22 The holder of an alien's residence card who wishes to move out of the city or county of residence shall, before moving, register the move with the public security bureau at the original place of residence and shall, within 10 days of arrival at the new place of residence, register the move-in with the public security bureau at the new place of residence.