- 中国行政治安法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 第十八条属于国家所有的档案和本法第十六条规定的档案以及这些档案的复制件,禁止私自携运出境。 Article 18 State-owned archives and the archives specified in Article 16 of this Law as well as duplicates of such archives shall not be carried or transported out of the country without authorization.
- 第十八条 国务院和地方各级人民政府的各部门,根据统计任务的需要设立统计机构,或者在有关机构中设置统计人员,并指定统计负责人。这些统计机构和统计负责人在统计业务上并受国家统计局或者同级地方人民政府统计机构的指导。 Article 18 The departments of the State Council and local people's governments at various levels shall, according to the needs of their statistical work, establish statistics institutions, or staff relevant departments with statisticians, and appoint persons in charge of statistics. These statistics institutions and persons in charge of statistics are, in statistical work, under the direction of the State Statistics Bureau or statistics institutions of local people's governments at the corresponding level.
- 十八、印章的质料,由制发机关根据实际需要确定。 Article 18 The material of the seals shall be specified by the making and distributing units according to the actual needs.
- 十八、印章的质料,由制发机关根据实际需要确定。 Article 18 The material of the seals shall be specified by the making and distributing units according to the actual needs.
- 第十八条国务院行政机构的编制在国务院行政机构设立时确定。 Article 18 The staffing of administrative agencies of the State Council shall be determined at the same time of the establishment thereof.
- 第十八条 外国人居留证有效期可签发1年至5年,由市、县公安局根据外国人居留的事由确定。 Article 18 The validity period of aliens' residence cards, which ranges from one to five years, shall be decided by the city or county public security bureau according to the aliens' purposes of residence.
- 第十八条经营音像制品复制业的,在承接音像制品复制业务时,应当查验有关行政管理部门出具的批准文件; Article 18 Those who are engaged in the duplication of audio-visual products shall check the approvals issued by the relevant administrative departments and not undertake the duplication of audio-visual products without approvals;
- 第十八条 地方各级人民代表大会举行会议的时候,主席团、常务委员会、各专门委员会、本级人民政府,可以向本级人民代表大会提出属于本级人民代表大会职权范围内的议案,由主席团决定提交人民代表大会会议审议,或者并交有关的专门委员会审议、提出报告,再由主席团审议决定提交大会表决。 Article 18 When a local people's congress holds its sessions, its presidium, standing committee and special committees and the people's government at the corresponding level may submit bills and proposals to that people's congress within the scope of its functions and powers. The presidium shall decide to refer such bills and proposals to a session of the people's congress for deliberation, or to simultaneously refer them to relevant special committees for deliberation and reports before the presidium decides, upon examination of such reports, to submit them to the people's congress for a vote.
- 第十八条 违反治安管理行为在六个月内公安机关没有发现的,不再处罚。 Article 18. Acts violating the administration of public security shall not be penalized if they have not been discovered by the public security organs within six months.
- 第十八条 全国人民代表大会会议进行选举和通过议案,由主席团决定采用无记名投票方式或者举手表决方式或者其它方式。 Article 18. At sessions of the National People's Congress, elections may be conducted and bills may be passed by secret ballot, by a show of hands or by any other form as decided by the Presidium.
- 第十八条依照法律被剥夺政治权利的人编入居民小组,居民委员会应当对他们进行监督和教育。 Article 18. Persons who have been deprived of political rights in accordance with the law shall be included in residents groups. The residents committee shall exercise supervision over them and give them ideological education.
- 第十八条 监察机关为行使监察职能,履行下列职责: Article 18. To exercise supervisory functions, supervisory organs fulfil the following functions:
- 第十八条 复议机关发现受理的案件不属于自己管辖,应当移送有管辖权的复议机关。受移送的复议机关不得再自行移送。 Article 18. Where an administrative body for reconsideration finds that a case it has accepted is not under its jurisdiction, it shall transfer the case to an administrative body that has jurisdiction over the case. The administrative body, to which the aforesaid case has been transferred, shall not transfer the case again on its own initiative.
- 第十八条(1)对于依法举行的集会、游行、示威,主管机关应当派出人民警察维持交通秩序和社会秩序,保障集会、游行、示威的顺利进行。 Article 18With respect to an assembly, a procession or a demonstration held in compliance with law, the competent authorities shall dispatch the people's police to keep traffic and public order and ensure the smooth progress of the assembly, procession or demonstration.
- 第十九条 根据中国政府同外国政府签定的协议免办签证的外国人,需在中国停留30日以上的,应于入境后按本实施细则第十六、十七条申请居留证件。 Article 19 Aliens exempt from visas under agreements signed between the Chinese and foreign governments shall, in case they wish to stay in China for 30 days and upwards, apply upon entry into China for residence certificates in accordance with Articles 16 and 17 of the present Rules.
- 第十九条 未取得居留证件的外国人和来中国留学的外国人,未经中国政府主管机关允许,不得在中国就业。 Article 19 Aliens who have not acquired residence certificates or who are on a study programme in China may not seek employment in China without permission of the competent authorities of the Chinese Government.
- 第十九条 因不动产提起的行政诉讼,由不动产所在地人民法院管辖。 Article 19 An administrative suit regarding a real property shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court in the place where the real property is located.
- 第十九条国家档案馆保管的档案,一般应当自形成之日起满三十年向社会开放。 Article 19 Archives kept by State archives repositories shall in general be open to the public upon the expiration of 30 years from the date of their formation.
- 第十九条 企业事业组织根据统计任务的需要设立统计机构,或者在有关机构中设置统计人员,并指定统计负责人。 Article 19 Enterprises and institutions shall, according to the needs of their statistical work, establish statistics institutions or staff relevant departments with statisticians, and appoint persons in charge of statistics.
- 第十九条信访人未依照本条例第十条的规定而直接到上级行政机关走访的,信访工作机构应当告知其依照本条例第十条的规定提出; Article 19 If a complainant has failed to comply with the provisions of Article 10 of these Regulations and appears in person directly to a higher administrative authority, the complaint reporting handling office shall advise the complainant to present the complaint reporting matter pursuant to the provisions of Article 10 of these Regulations.
- 第十九条国务院行政机构增加或者减少编制,由国务院机构编制管理机关审核方案,报国务院批准。 Article 19 In case an administrative agency of the State Council increases or decreases its staffing, the agency and staffing administration organ of the State Council shall verify the programmer thereof, which shall be submitted to the State Council for approval.
- 第十九条 县级以上的地方各级人民代表大会代表向本级人民代表大会及其常务委员会提出的对各方面工作的建议、批评和意见,由本级人民代表大会常务委员会的办事机构交有关机关和组织研究处理并负责答复。 Article 19 Suggestions, criticisms and complaints on any aspect of work put forward by deputies to a local people's congress at or above the county level to that people's congress and its standing committee shall be referred by the administrative office of the standing committee to the departments and organizations concerned for consideration, disposition and reply.
- 第十九条受委托组织必须符合以下条件: Article 19 The organization to be entrusted shall meet the following conditions:
- 十九、各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府和国务院各部委、各直属机构印制文件时使用的套印印章、印模,其规格、式样与正式印章等同,由国务院制发。 Article 19 The overprint seals, molds used in the print of the documents of the people’s government at the province, autonomous region and municipality level, the ministries and commissions of the State Council and the institutions directly under the State Council shall be made and distributed by the State Council with their specifications and patterns the same as those of the formal seals.
- 十九、各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府和国务院各部委、各直属机构印制文件时使用的套印印章、印模,其规格、式样与正式印章等同,由国务院制发。 Article 19 The overprint seals, molds used in the print of the documents of the people’s government at the province, autonomous region and municipality level, the ministries and commissions of the State Council and the institutions directly under the State Council shall be made and distributed by the State Council with their specifications and patterns the same as those of the formal seals.