第十四条康复工作应当从实际出发,将现代康复技术与我国传统康复技术相结合;以康复机构为骨干,社区康复为基础,残疾人家庭为依托; "Article 14 [Guiding Principle] The work of rehabilitation shall第十四条 对于国内外卓越的学者或著名的社会活动家,经学位授予单位提名,国务院学位委员会批准,可以授予名誉博士学位。 "Article 14. Distinguished scholars and well-known public figures第十五条(人事奖励)市级教学成果奖获得者的事迹,应当记入本人档案,作为考核、晋升、评定职称的依据之一。 "Article 15 (Personnel Incentive) The merits of the winners of teaching achievement prizes at the municipal level shall be recorded in the personal files as one of the bases for check-up第十五条 学校、幼儿园的教职员应当尊重未成年人的人格尊严,不得对未成年学生和儿童实行体罚、变相体罚或者其他侮辱人格尊严的行为。 "Article 15 Teaching and administrative staff in schools and kindergartens shall respect the personal dignity of the minors第十五条 国务院教育行政部门主管全国教育工作,统筹规划、协调管理全国的教育事业。 "Article 15 The administrative department of education under the State Council shall be in charge of the nationwide educational work第十五条 残疾人职业教育除由残疾人教育机构实施外,各级各类职业学校和职业培训机构及其他教育机构应当按照国家有关规定接纳残疾学生。 "Article 15 Vocational training for the disabled shall be provided by institutions of education for the disabled第十五条政府和有关部门有计划地在医院设立康复医学科(室),举办必要的专门康复机构,开展康复医疗与训练、科学研究、人员培训和技术指导工作。 "Article 15 [Implementation] The governments and departments concerned should establish in a planned way medical rehabilitation departments (sections) in hospitals第十五条学校和有关部门应当执行国家有关规定,保障妇女在入学、升学、毕业分配、授予学位、派出留学等方面享有与男子平等的权利。 "Article 15. Schools and departments concerned shall第十六条 经批准筹备设立中外合作办学机构的,应当自批准之日起3年内提出正式设立申请;超过3年的,中外合作办学者应当重新申报。 "Article 16 An applicant whose application for preparation for establishment of a Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school is approved shall file an application for formal establishment within three years from the date of approval; if it is more than three years第十六条高等学历教育分为专科教育、本科教育和研究生教育。 "Article 16 Higher curricula education is divided into specialty education第十六条 普通中学可以因地制宜地开设职业教育的课程,或者根据实际需要适当增加职业教育的教学内容。 "Article 16 Regular secondary schools may provide vocational subjects in light of local conditions第十六条 国务院和县级以上地方各级人民政府应当向本级人民代表大会或者其常务委员会报告教育工作和教育经费预算、决算情况,接受监督。 "Article 16 The State Council and the local people's governments at or above the county level shall report to the people's congresses at the corresponding levels or their standing committees on the work of education and on the budgets and final accounts of the operating expenses for education第十六条医学院校和其他有关院校应当有计划地开设康复课程、设置康复专业,培养各类康复专业人才。 "Article 16 [Personnel Training] Medical colleges and schools and other relevant eductional institutes should第十六条 非学位授予单位和学术团体对于授予学位的决议和决定持有不同意见时,可以向学位授予单位或国务院学位委员会提出异议。学位授予单位和国务院学位委员会应当对提出的异议进行研究和处理。 "Article 16. If an academic body or a unit not authorized to confer academic degrees does not concur with a resolution or decision on the conferment of an academic degree第十六条学校应当根据女性青少年的特点,在教育、管理、设施等方面采取措施,保障女性青少年身心健康发展。 "Article 16. Schools shall第十七条(违规处理)对于弄虚做假或者剽窃他人教学成果获奖的,由市教育行政部门撤销其奖励,收回证书和奖金,并责成有关单位对当事人给予行政处分。 "Article 17 (Handling of Violation) To those winners who employ trickery or plagiarize other person''s teaching achievement第十七条 学校和幼儿园安排未成年学生和儿童参加集会、文化娱乐、社会实践等集体活动,应当有利于未成年人的健康成长,防止发生人身安全事故。 "Article 17 Collective activities organized by schools and kindergartens for minor students and children第十七条 县级以上地方各级人民政府应当举办发挥骨干和示范作用的职业学校、职业培训机构,对农村、企业、事业组织、社会团体、其他社会组织及公民个人依法举办的职业学校和职业培训机构给予指导和扶持。 "Article 17 People's governments at or above the county level shall establish vocational schools and vocational training institutions to serve as a mainstay and play an exemplary role第十七条学校和其他教育机构应当逐步实行教师聘任制。教师的聘任应当遵循双方地位平等的原则,由学校和教师签订聘任合同,明确规定双方的权利、义务和责任。 "Article 17 Schools and other institutions of education shall gradually institute a system of appointment for teachers. Appointment of teachers shall be based on the principle of equality between both parties. The school and the teacher shall sign an appointment contract defining each other's rights第十七条专科教育的基本修业年限为二至三年,本科教育的基本修业年限为四至五年,硕士研究生教育的基本修业年限为二至三年,博士研究生教育的基本修业年限为三至四年。非全日制高等学历教育的修业年限应当适当延长。高等学校根据实际需要,报主管的教育行政部门批准,可以对本学校的修业年限作出调整。 "Article 17 The basic length of schooling for specialty education shall be two to three years第十七条 国家实行学前教育、初等教育、中等教育、高等教育的学校教育制度。 "Article 17 The State applies a school education system embracing pre- school education第十七条政府有关部门应当组织和扶持残疾人康复器械、生活自助具、特殊用品和其他辅助器具的研制、生产、供应、维修服务。 "Article 17 [Appliances] Governmental departments concerned should organize and support the research第十七条 学位授予单位对于已经授予的学位,如发现有舞弊作伪等严重违反本条例规定的情况,经学位评定委员会复议,可以撤销。 "Article 17. If irregularities第十八条(区县级教学成果奖)区、县和委、办、局(包括高等院校,下同)级教学成果奖的评奖条件、奖励等级、奖金数额、评审组织和办法,由区、县人民政府和委、办、局根据需要自行制定,报市教育行政部门备案。 "Article 18 (Teaching Achievement Prizes at the District or County Level) The requirements for evaluation第十八条 按照国家有关规定送工读学校接受义务教育的未成年人,工读学校应当对其进行思想教育、文化教育、劳动技术教育和职业教育。 "Article 18 In respect of minors who are sent to work-and-study schools to receive compulsory education pursuant to relevant regulations of the State语际翻译 版权所有
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