- 中国教育人事法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 第十一条 中外合作办学机构应当具备《中华人民共和国教育法》、《中华人民共和国职业教育法》、《中华人民共和国高等教育法》等法律和有关行政法规规定的基本条件,并具有法人资格。 "Article 11 A Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school shall meet the basic requirements prescribed by the Education Law of the People’s Republic of China
- 第十一条高等学校应当面向社会,依法自主办学,实行民主管理。 "Article 11 Institutions of higher learning should be geared to the needs of society
- 第十一条 归侨学生、归侨子女和华侨在国内的子女升学、就业,按照国家有关规定给予照顾。 "Article 11 Students who are returned overseas Chinese
- 第十一条 国务院教育行政部门负责职业教育工作的统筹规划、综合协调、宏观管理。 "Article 11 The administrative department for education under the State Council shall be responsible for the overall planning
- 第十一条 父母或者其他监护人不得允许或者迫使未成人结婚,不得为未成年人订立婚约。 "Article 11 The parents or other guardians of minors may not permit or force the minors to marry
- 第十一条 国家适应社会主义市场经济发展和社会进步的需要,推进教育改革,促进各级各类教育协调发展,建立和完善终身教育体系。 "Article 11 To meet the needs of developing a socialist market economy and promoting social progress
- 第十一条取得教师资格应当具备的相应学历是: "Article 11 To obtain qualifications for teachers
- 第十一条国家有计划地开展残疾预防工作,加强对残疾预防工作的领导,宣传、普及优生优育和预防残疾的知识,针对遗传、疾病、药物中毒、事故、灾害、环境污染和其他致残因素,制定法律、法规,组织和动员社会力量,采取措施,预防残疾的发生和发展。 "Article 11 [Prevention of Disabilities] The state shall undertake
- 第十一条 学位授予单位,在学位评定委员会作出授予学位的决议后,发给学位获得者相应的学位证书。 "Article 11. After a resolution to confer an academic degree has been adopted by the academic degree evaluation committee
- 第十二条 国家根据不同地区的经济发展水平和教育普及程度,实施以初中后为重点的不同阶段的教育分流,建立、健全职业学校教育与职业培训并举,并与其他教育相互沟通、协调发展的职业教育体系。 "Article 12 In light of the different levels of economic development and degrees of universal education in different areas
- 第十二条本法实施前已经在学校或者其他教育机构中任教的教师,未具备本法规定学历的,由国务院教育行政部门规定教师资格过渡办法。 "Article 12 The administrative department of education under the State Council shall work out transition measures on qualifications for teachers who
- 第十二条 汉语言文字为学校及其他教育机构的基本教学语言文字。少数民族学生为主的学校及其他教育机构,可以使用本民族或者当地民族通用的语言文字进行教学。 "Article 12 The spoken and written Chinese language shall be the basic spoken and written language in teaching in schools and other institutions of education. In schools and other institutions of education in which students of a minority ethnic group constitute the majority
- 第十二条国家鼓励高等学校之间、高等学校与科学研究机构以及企业事业组织之间开展协作,实行优势互补,提高教育资源的使用效益。 "Article 12 The state encourages cooperation among institutions of higher learning
- 第十二条对在社会主义建设中做出显著成绩的残疾人,对维护残疾人合法权益、发展残疾人事业、为残疾人服务做出显著成绩的单位和个人,由政府和有关部门给予奖励。 "Article 12 [Award] Governments and departments concerned shall award those disabled persons who have made notable achievements in socialist construction and those units or individuals who have made remarkable contributions to safeguarding the lawful rights and interests of disabled people
- 第十二条 非学位授予单位应届毕业的研究生,由原单位推荐,可以就近向学位授予单位申请学位。 "Article 12. Postgraduates who have completed their studies in units that are not authorized to confer academic degrees may
- 第十二条各级妇女联合会及其团体会员,可以向国家机关、社会团体、企业事业单位推荐女干部。 "Article 12. Women's federations at various levels and their member organizations may recommend female cadres to state organs
- 第十三条 归侨、侨眷有权继承或者接受境外亲友的遗产、遗赠或者赠与。 "Article 13 Returned overseas Chinese and the family members of overseas Chinese shall have the right to inherit or accept the estate
- 第十三条 学校应当全国贯彻国家的教育方针,对未成年学生进行德育、智育、体育、美育、劳动教育以及社会生活指导和青春期教育。 "Article 13 Schools shall comprehensively implement the State policy for education and conduct moral
- 第十三条 设立中外合作办学机构,分为筹备设立和正式设立两个步骤。但是,具备办学条件,达到设置标准的,可以直接申请正式设立。 "Article 13 The establishment of a Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school shall include two steps of preparation for establishment and formal establishment. However
- 第十三条 职业学校教育分为初等、中等、高等职业学校教育。 "Article 13 Vocational school education is divided into three levels
- 第十三条国家和社会采取康复措施,帮助残疾人恢复或者补偿功能,增强其参与社会生活的能力。 "Article 13 [Responsibilities] The state and society shall adopt measures of rehabilitation to help disabled persons regain normal functions or compensate for lost functions
- 第十三条对于有关保障妇女权益的批评或者合理建议,有关部门应当听取和采纳;对于有关侵害妇女权益的申诉、控告和检举,有关部门必须查清事实,负责处理,任何组织或者个人不得压制或者打击报复。 "Article 13. The departments concerned shall listen to and accept criticisms or rational suggestions regarding the protection of women's rights and interests; with respect to complaints or charges against
- 第十三条 对于在科学或专门技术上有重要的著作、发明、发现或发展者,经有关专家推荐,学位授予单位同意,可以免除考试,直接参加博士学位论文答辩。 "Article 13. Upon the recommendation of relevant specialists and with the approval of the degree-conferring units
- 第十四条国务院教育行政部门主管全国高等教育工作,管理由国务院确定的主要为全国培养人才的高等学校。国务院其他有关部门在国务院规定的职责范围内,负责有关的高等教育工作。 "Article 14 The department of education administration under the State Council shall take charge of the work of higher education nationwide
- 第十四条 职业培训包括从业前培训、转业培训、学徒培训、在岗培训、转岗培训及其他职业性培训,可以根据实际情况分为初级、中级、高级职业培训。 "Article 14 Vocational training comprises pre-service training