

??? (四)直接用于科学研究、科学试验和教学的进口仪器、设备;    (4)Importation of instruments and equipment direct ly used in scientific research, experiment and edu cation;
(五)个人所负数额较大的债务到期未清偿。    (5) in default of personal debt of a significant amount.
(五)汇票、本票的出票人在出票时作虚假记载,骗取财物的;    (5) in the capacity of a drawer, falsely specifying the particulars on a bill of exchange or promissory note at the time of issue to defraud money or property;
(五)违反本规定第二十条规定的,予以警告并处以五百元以上、五千元以下罚款。    (5) In the case of a violation of Article 20 of these Provisions, a warning shall be issued and a fine of more than 500 but less 5,000 yuan (RMB) concurrently shall be imposed.
五、财产租赁所得;    (5) income from the lease of property; and
(五)为牟取佣金收入,诱使客户进行不必要的证券买卖;    (5) Inducing clients to proceed with unnecessary security trading for the sake of earning commissions;
(五)货币市场产品的利息收入及卖出货币市场产品的所得价款;    (5) Interest income of money market products and the proceeds from selling money market products;
(五) 利息收入;    (5) interest incomes;
(五)内部管理制度和风险控制制度;    (5) Internal management system and risk control system;
(五)不按照规定报送统计数据或未及时上报同业拆借市场异常情况;    (5) It fails to submit statistical data in light of legal provisions or fails to report the abnormal condition of the interbank borrowing market; or
(五)有必要的场所。    (5) It has a necessary site.
(五)设有专业的资金运用部门或者相关的保险资产管理公司;    (5) It has a specialized fund use department or a relevant insurance asset management company;
(五)最近二年未因违法、违规行为受到中国人民银行和有关监管部门处罚;    (5) It has no record of punishment as imposed by the PBC or any competent regulatory authority because of any illegal or irregular act for the past two years;
(五)有法律、行政法规禁止的其他情形的。    (5) It has other circumstances prohibited under laws and administrative regulations.
(五)同业拆借超过中国人民银行规定的拆借资金最长期限;    (5) It performs the interbank borrowing business by excess of the longest borrowing term as prescribed by the PBC;
(五)设有专门的托管部门和相应数量熟悉全球托管业务的专职人员;    (5) It shall have a special custody department and a corresponding number of full-time personnel familiar with global custody business;
(五)设有专门的托管部门,拥有相应数量熟悉所在国家或者地区托管业务的专职人员;    (5) It shall have a specialized custody department and a corresponding number of full-time personnel who are familiar with the custody business of the country or region where it is located;
(五)具有10年以上国际资产管理业务经验,并有相应数量的专业投资人员;    (5) It shall have over 10 years' business experience in international asset management with a corresponding number of professional investment personnel;
(五)会同有关机关指导民办非企业单位的清算事宜。    (5) It shall, in conjunction with relevant organs, provide guidance to people-run non-enterprise units in settlement matters.
??? (五)外国政府、国际组织无偿援助的进口物资和设备;    (5)Importation of materials and equipment from for eign goverments and international organizations as assistance free of charge;
(六)具有法定资格的验资机构出具的验资证明;    (6) investment verification certificate issued by a legally authorized investment verification authority;
(六)最近二年未出现资不抵债情况;    (6) It has no circumstance as insolvency in the past two years; and
(六)同业拆借资金余额超过中国人民银行核定的限额;    (6) It has the balance of interbank borrowing more than the quota as verified by the PBC;
(六)具备安全、高效的清算交割系统及灾难应变机制;    (6) It shall have a safe and efficient settlement and payment system and an emergency mechanism;
(六)具备安全、高效的清算交割系统及灾难应变机制;    (6) It shall have a safe and efficient settlement and payment system and an emergency mechanism;
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