- 中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- (二) 从事保险或者相关工作2年以上; (2) Insurance or related work experience for over 2 years;
- (二)故意使用伪造、变造的票据的; (2) intentional use of forged or altered instruments;
- 二、在中华人民共和国的国家银行和信用合作社储蓄存款的利息; (2) interest on savings deposits in the state banks and credit cooperatives of the People's Republic of China;
- (二)前项金额自清偿日起至再追索清偿日止,按照中国人民银行规定的利率计算的利息; (2) interest, calculated at the rate prescribed by the People's Bank of China, on the said sum from the day when he made the payment to the day when the said sum is reimbursed after seeking re - recourse; and
- (二)汇票金额自到期日或者提示付款日起至清偿日止,按照中国人民银行规定的利率计算的利息; (2) interest, calculated at the rate prescribed by the People's Bank of China, on the sum payable by the bill of exchange, from the date of maturity or from the date of presentment for payment to the date of payment; and
- (2)对于不符合规定的发票,不得作为报销凭证;任何单位和个人有权拒收。 (2) Invoices not conforming to stipulations cannot be used as evidence for submitting an account for reimbursement;any unit and individual have the right to refuse to accept.
- (二)有健全的同业拆借交易组织机构、风险管理制度和内部控制制度; (2) It has a sound and perfect interbank borrowing organizational structure, risk management system and internal control system;
- (二)有规范的名称、必要的组织机构; (2) It has a standardized name and necessary organization;
- (二)具有证券登记、托管和结算服务所必须的场所和设施; (2) It has premises and facilities required for rendering services including registration and safekeeping of securities, and settlement of stock transactions.
- (二)涉及重大诉讼、受到重大处罚的; (2) It is involved in material lawsuits or severely punished;
- (二)与不具备同业拆借业务资格的机构进行同业拆借; (2) It performs the interbank borrowing with any institution without qualification for interbank borrowing business;
- (二)对民办非企业单位实施年度检查; (2) It shall conduct annual inspection of people-run non-enterprise units; and
- (二)监督、指导民办非企业单位遵守宪法、法律、法规和国家政策,按照章程开展活动; (2) It shall conduct supervision and provide guidance for people-run non-enterprise units in abiding by the Constitution, laws, regulations and state policies and carrying out of activities pursuant to the articles of association;
- (二)国际公认评级机构最近3年对其长期信用评级在A级或者相当于A级以上; (2) It shall have a long-term credit rating of A or above granted by an internationally recognized rating institution in the recent 3 years;
- (二)年出口产品的产值达到当年全部产品产值50%以上,实现外汇收支平衡或者有余的。 (2) Its annual output value of export products accounts for more than 50% of the annual output value of all products, thereby realizing the balance between revenues and expenditures in foreign exchange or with a surplus.
- (二)内控制度健全,无受处罚的记录;经营期限超过2年的,最近2年内无受处罚的记录; (2) Its internal control system is sound and there is no record of punishment; where the operating period exceeds 2 years, there is no record of punishment in the most recent 2 years;
- (二)实收资本不低于80亿元人民币,其中中资银行的外汇资本金不低于10亿元人民币等值的自由兑换货币,外国银行分行的实收资本按其总行计算; (2) Its paid-up capital shall not be less than RMB 8 billion; in case of a Chinese bank, its foreign exchange capital shall not be less than the amount of a freely convertible currency equivalent to RMB 1 billion; in case of a branch of a foreign bank, the paid-up capital of its head office shall be considered as its paid-up capital;
- (二)风险监控指标符合所在国家或者地区的法律和监管部门的相关规定; (2) Its risk control indexes shall comply with the law of the country or region where it is located and with relevant regulations of its supervisory authority;
- (二)上年末总资产不低于50亿元人民币; (2) Its total assets at the end of the previous year are not less than RMB 5 billion;
- 三、由于另一方在合同约定的期限内没有履行合同。 (3) if the other party to an economic contract fails to perform the contract within the time limit agreed upon in the contract.
- (三)整顿期满,不能按照和解协议清偿债务的。 (3) if, upon the expiration of the period of reorganization, is unable to repay debts in accordance with the settlement agreement.
- (三)整顿期满,不能按照和解协议清偿债务的。 (3) if, upon the expiration of the period of reorganization, is unable to repay debts in accordance with the settlement agreement.
- (三)整顿期满,不能按照和解协议清偿债务的。 (3) if, upon the expiration of the period of reorganization, is unable to repay debts in accordance with the settlement agreement.
- (三)公司股权结构的重大变化; (3) Important changes in the structure of a company's stock ownership;
- (三)对资本充足率降至4%以下,或不良贷款率高于15%的,适时采取责令其调整高级管理人员、停办所有业务、限期重组等措施; (3) In case the loan company's capital adequacy ratio decreases below 4% or its bad loan ratio is above 15%, the banking regulatory institution shall promptly order it to change the senior managers, cease all business operations, restructure within a time limit, etc.; and