- 中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- (三)“个人”是指中国公民和在中华人民共和国境内居住满1年的外国人。 (3)""Individuals"" refers to Chinese citizens and foreigners who have resided inside the People's Republic of China for one full year.
- (三)未经外汇管理机关批准,境外投资者以人民币或者境内所购物资在境内进行投资的; (3)Investment in China by overseas investors in Renminbi or with materials bought in China without approval from foreign exchange administrations.
- (四)对限期内不能实现有效重组、资本充足率降至2%以下的,应责令投资人适时接管或由银行业监督管理机构予以撤销。 (4) In case the loan company fails to restructure effectively within the time limit and its capital adequacy ratio is below 2%, the banking regulatory institution shall order the investor to take it over, or cancel it in a timely manner.
- (四) 为明确交易双方的权利和义务,办理人民币外汇货币掉期业务交易双方须签订主协议。 (4) in order to clearly define the rights and obligations of both parties, both parties to a RMB and foreign exchange currency swap transaction shall enter into a master agreement.
- (四)使用保留期内的企业名称从事生产经营活动或者保留期届满不按期将《企业名称登记证书》交回登记主管机关的,予以警告或者处以五百元以上、五千元以下罚款; (4) In the case of the use of an enterprise name for production or business operation during the period of its reservation or the failure to hand back the Certificate of Enterprise Name Registration to the competent registration authority within the time limit at the expiry of the reservation period, a warning shall be issued or a fine of more than 500 but less than 5,000 yuan (RMB) shall be imposed;
- 四、利息、股息、红利所得; (4) income from interest, dividends and bonuses;
- (四) 符合条件的非营利组织的收入。 (4) Incomes of qualified not-for-profit organizations.
- (四)不符合中国国民经济发展要求的; (4) Incompatibility with the requirements of China's national economic development; or
- (4)加重了对发票违法行为的处罚。 (4) Increasing punishment of illegal acts related to invoices.
- (四)内设的专业资金运用部门或者相关的保险资产管理公司情况介绍; (4) Information about its internal specialized fund use department or relevant insurance asset management company;
- (4)向当事各方询问与发票有关的问题和情况; (4) Inquiring the parties concerned about matters and situation related to invoices;
- (四)检查金融机构运用电子计算机管理业务数据的系统。 (4) inspections on the systems of financial institutions for the management of business data by using computers.
- 四、保险赔款; (4) insurance indemnities;
- (四)具有法定资格的验资机构出具的验资证明; (4) investment verification certificates issued by a legally authorized investment verification authority;
- (四)有与其业务活动相适应的合法财产; (4) It has lawful properties commensurate with its business operations; and
- (四)经营严重亏损或财务严重困难; (4) It is operating at a heavy loss or with serious financial difficulties;
- (四)为金融机构同业拆借违规行为提供便利; (4) It offers convenience to any other financial institution for unlawful interbank borrowing trading;
- (四)协助登记管理机关和其他有关部门查处民办非企业单位的违法行为; (4) It shall assist the registration administration organ and other departments concerned in the investigation and handling of illegal acts of people-run non-enterprise units; and
- (四)法人治理结构健全,内部管理制度和风险控制机制完善,最近3年在所在国家或者地区,无重大违法、违规行为的记录; (4) It shall have a sound corporate governance structure, a good and complete internal management system and a good and complete risk control mechanism with no record of serious violations of laws or regulations in the country or region where it is located in the recent 3 years;
- (四)法人治理结构健全,内部管理制度和风险控制机制完善; (4) It shall have a sound corporate governance structure, a good and complete internal management system and a good and complete risk control mechanism;
- (四)法人治理结构健全、内部管理制度和风险控制机制完善; (4) It shall have a sound corporate governance structure, a good and complete internal management system and a good and complete risk control mechanism;
- (四)拆入资金用途违反相关法律规定; (4) It uses the borrowed capital for any purpose in violation of relevant laws or regulations;
- (四)主要审慎监管指标符合监管要求; (4) Its main supervisory indicators satisfy the supervisory requirements; and
- (四)拟任负责人正在或者曾经受到剥夺政治权利的刑事处罚,或者不具有完全民事行为能力的; (4) Its person(s)-in-charge-designate is(are) under or has(have) been subjected to criminal penalty of deprivation of political rights, or have no complete civil capacity; and
- (四)偿付能力额度符合中国保监会有关规定; (4) Its solvency margin complies with relevant stipulations of the CIRC;