- 中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 2.高档宾馆、别墅、高档写字楼和国际会展中心的建设、经营 2.Construction and operation of high-ranking hotels, villas, high-class office buildings and international exhibition centers
- (三)按照下列各项总和计算的价格:境内生产相同或者类似货物的料件成本、加工费用,通常的利润和一般费用,境内发生的运输及其相关费用、保险费; 3. calculating the price according to the summation of the following items: cost of materials used to produce the goods and processing fee for the same or similar goods produced within China, normal profits and expenses, transportation, related fees and insurance fees of the goods occurred within China;
- (三)按照下列各项总和计算的价格:境内生产相同或者类似货物的料件成本、加工费用,通常的利润和一般费用,境内发生的运输及其相关费用、保险费; 3. calculating the price according to the summation of the following items: cost of materials used to produce the goods and processing fee for the same or similar goods produced within China, normal profits and expenses, transportation, related fees and insurance fees of the goods occurred within China;
- (三)需要申请人提交的全部材料的目录; 3. Catalogue of all materials which the applicant needs to submit;
- (三)具有户外广告设施设置阵地使用权的证明; 3. Certificate for the right to use positions to install outdoor advertising facilities; and
- (三)与其他药品、医疗器械的功效和安全性比较的; 3. Comparisons with other medicines or medical apparatuses in efficacy or safety;
- 3.热电联产电站的建设、经营 3.Construction and management of heat power plants
- 3.公路、独立桥梁和隧道的建设、经营 3.Construction and management of highways, independent bridges and tunnels
- 3.大型主题公园的建设、经营 3.Construction and operation of large scale theme park
- (四)按照下列各项总和计算的价格:生产该货物所使用的料件成本和加工费用,向中华人民共和国境内销售同等级或者同种类货物通常的利润和一般费用,该货物运抵境内输入地点起卸前的运输及其相关费用、保险费; 4. calculating the price according to the summation of the following items: cost of materials used to produce the goods and processing fee, profits and normal expenses of selling the same grade or same type of goods into the People's Republic of China, transportation, related fees and insurance fees of the goods after arriving at the destination within China but before unloading;
- (四)按照下列各项总和计算的价格:生产该货物所使用的料件成本和加工费用,向中华人民共和国境内销售同等级或者同种类货物通常的利润和一般费用,该货物运抵境内输入地点起卸前的运输及其相关费用、保险费; 4. calculating the price according to the summation of the following items: cost of materials used to produce the goods and processing fee, profits and normal expenses of selling the same grade or same type of goods into the People's Republic of China, transportation, related fees and insurance fees of the goods after arriving at the destination within China but before unloading;
- (四)向电力、市政或者其他相关部门办理用电、掘路或者其他相关手续。 4. Complete formalities with the electric power department, municipal administration department and other relevant departments for power supply, digging, and other relevant formalities.
- (四)不得列举与申请行政许可事项无直接关系的条件和材料。 4. Conditions and materials not directly related to administrative licensing items shall not be enumerated.
- 4.商品拍卖 4.Commodity auctions
- 4.天然气发电站的建设、经营 4.Construction and management of power plants with natural gas;
- 4.港口公用码头设施的建设、经营 4.Construction and management of public dock facilities of ports
- (五) 关于修订后的《证券法》与修订前的《证券法》中针对擅自发行股票和非法经营证券业务规定的衔接。 5. Connection of the provisions on issuance of stocks without approval and illegal operation of securities business of the Securities Law prior to and after revision.
- 五、文化体育业 3% 5. Culture and sports 3
- (五)商品交易、直销、邮购、网上销售、特许经营、委托经营、销售代理、商业管理等各类商业公司,以及粮、棉、植物油、食糖、药品、烟草、汽车、原油、农业生产资料的批发、零售、物流配送;图书、报纸、期刊的批发、零售业务;成品油批发及加油站建设、经营 5.Commodities trade, direct selling, mail-order selling. Internet selling, sales agent, franchising, commercial management; whole sale, retail and logistic distribution of grain, cotton, vegetable oil, sugar, pharmaceutical products, tobacco, automobile, crude oil, capital goods for agricultural production; whole sale and retail of books, newspapers, periodicals; whole sale of product nil, construction and operation of gasoline station
- 5.民用机场的建设、经营(中方相对控股) 5.Construction and management of civil airports (the Chinese party shall hold the relative majority of shares)
- 5.发电为主水电站的建设、经营 5.Construction and management of hydropower stations with the main purpose of power generating
- (六)“经常项目”是指国际收支中经常发生的交易项目,包括贸易收支、劳务收支、单方面转移等。 6. ""current account transactions"" refer to those components in the current account of the balance of payments, such as goods, services and unilateral transference..
- 六、 中国外汇交易中心负责提供人民币外汇货币掉期交易系统,并依据本通知制定人民币外汇货币掉期交易规则,报中国人民银行及国家外汇管理局备案后实施。 6. China Foreign Exchange Trading Center shall be responsible for providing RMB and foreign exchange currency swap trading system and formulate RMB and foreign exchange currency swap trading rules according to the present Circular, which shall be carried out after they are submitted to the PBC and the SAFE for archival filing.
- (六)含有淫秽、迷信、恐怖、暴力、丑恶的内容; 6. Contents that are obscene, superstitious, terrorizing, violent and evil;
- (六)化学原料及化学制品制造业 6.Chemical Raw Material and Products Manufacturing Industry