(六)企业集团财务公司; (6) corporate finance companies;(六)“经常项目”是指国际收支中经常发生的交易项目,包括贸易收支、劳务收支、单方面转移等。 (6)""Capital account"" refers to items of transactions taking place frequently in international payments. They include trade incomes and expenditures, incomes from and expenditures on labor services, and unitary transfers.(七)投资者转让出资的条件; (7) conditions for investors transferring their share of investment;(七)建筑业; (7) construction industries;(七)“资本项目”是指国际收支中因资本输出和输入而产生的资产与负债的增减项目,包括直接投资、各类贷款、证券投资等。 (7)""Capital account"" refers to the increase and decrease of the assets and liabilities arising from the inflow and outflow of capital in international payments. They include direct investment, various loans, and securities investment.(八)交通运输业(不含客运); (8) communications and transportation industries (not including passenger transport);(八)违反国家有关规定收取费用、筹集资金或者接受使用捐赠、资助的。 (8)collection of charges, fund raising or acceptance and use of donation(s) and subsidy(ies) in contravention of relevant state provisions.3.能源、交通、港口建设的项目。 (c) energy resource, transportation and port construction projects;3.大规模集成电路生产技术; (c) production technology for large-scale integrated circuits;3.将财产租绘中国境内租用者而取得的租金; (c) Rentals on property leased to and used by lessees in China;3.对农、林、牧、渔业进行科学生产管理,保持生态平衡,增强抗御自然灾害能力等方面的技术。 (c) technology provided such as to advance scientific production management in respect of farming, forestry, fisheries and animal husbandry, to preserve the ecological balance, and to strengthen resistance to natural calamities;3.案情和争议要点; (c) the facts of the case and the main points of dispute; and3.使用持有人的交易佣金使持有人受益。 (c) using the trading commissions of holders for the benefits thereof.*2.出入境汽车运输公司 *2.Cross-border automobile transportation companies一、取消下列商品的出口退税 1. Cancel the export tax rebates for the following commodities:(一)由买方负担的购货佣金以外的佣金和经纪费; 1. commission and brokerage fee except purchase commission to be borne by the buyer;(一)由买方负担的购货佣金以外的佣金和经纪费; 1. commission and brokerage fee except purchase commission to be borne by the buyer;一、交通运输业陆路运输、水路运输、航空运输、管道运输、装卸搬运3% 1. Communications and transportation Transportation by land, water,air and pipeline, loading unloading and delivery 31.空中交通管制公司 1.Companies of air traffic control一、全面、准确地贯彻党和国家发展个体、私营经济的方针政策。 1.Comprehensive and Accurate Implementation of the Party’s and the State’s Policies on the Development of the Self-employed Private Economy.1.电网的建设、经营 1.Consiruction and operation of power network1.铁路干线路网的建设、经营(中方控股) 1.Construction and management of grid of national trunk railways (Chinese partner shall hold the majority of shares)1.综合水利枢纽的建设、经营(中方相对控股) 1.Construction and management of key water control projects for comprehensive utilization (the Chinese party shall hold the relative majority of shares)1.单机容量30万千瓦及以上火电站的建设、经营 1.Construction and management of thermal-power plants with a single unit installed capacity of'300,000kW or above1.单机容量30万千瓦以下以发电为主的常规燃煤火电厂的建设、经营(小电网除外) 1.Construction and operation of conventional coal-fired power plants whose unit installed capacity is less than 300,000kW (with the exception of small power grid)语际翻译 版权所有
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