(三)有本法第三十五条所列行为之一,严重损害债权人利益的。 (3) committing any of the acts listed in Article 35 of this Law and seriously harming the interests of creditors.(三)有本法第三十五条所列行为之一,严重损害债权人利益的。 (3) committing any of the acts listed in Article 35 of this Law and seriously harming the interests of creditors.(三)在同一部门或同一地区,凡主营业务相同或相近,重复设置的; (3) companies that have been established in the same department or in the same region, handling the same or similar business, so they are just reduplicate setups;(三)拟成立的清算组人员构成及清算方案; (3) Composition of the proposed liquidation group and a plan for liquidation;(三)查阅、复制金融机构与检查事项有关的文件、资料,并对可能被转移、销毁、隐匿或者篡改的文件资料予以封存; (3) consulting and photocopying the documents and materials of financial institutions relating to the inspection matters, and sealing up those documents and materials that may be transferred, destroyed, hidden or modified; and三、代理人超越代理权限签订的合同或以被代理人的名义同自己或者向自已所代理的其他人签订的合同; (3) contracts signed by an agent beyond the scope of his power of agency, or contracts signed by an agent in the name of his principal with himself or with another person whom he represents; and(三)由合作各方的法定代表人或其授权的代表签署的合作企业协议、合同、章程; (3) Contractual JV agreement, contract and articles of association signed by the legal representatives venture, or their proxies, of all parties of the venture;(三)刁难、阻挠税务人员进行检查; (3) Create difficulties for and obstruct tax collectors from conducting examination;3、外轮理货:限于合资、合作 (3)Cargo handling for foreign vessels: In forms of equity joint ventures or contractual joint ventures only3.乙烯副产品C5—C9产品的综合利用 (3)Comprehensive utilization of ethylene side-products such as C5-C93.污水、垃圾处理厂,危险废物处理处置厂(焚烧厂、填埋场)及环境污染治理设施的建设、经营 (3)Construction and management of treatment plants for sewage, garbage, the dangerous wastes (incineration and landfill), and the facilities of environment pollution treatment四、各种证照使用过程中的废照率; (4) Cancellation rate of each kind of license in the process of use.4.氯和染料等化工产品(精细化工产品除外); (4) Chemical product such as chlorine, dyestuffs (excluding fine chemical products);(四)无对外经营条件或缺乏外销渠道,而主要委托其它公司出口的; (4) companies that do not have the necessary conditions for handling foreign trade, or lack external marketing channels for handling export trade but do so chiefly by entrusting other companies;(四)补偿贸易或合作生产; (4) compensation trade or co-production; and (四)没收非未能所得; (4) Confiscation of the illegal gains;(四)合作各方投资或者提供合作条件的内容; (4) Contents of the investment or cooperation input contributed by each party;(四)不按照规定办理变更登记的; (4)completion of change in registration not in accordance with the provisions;(五)汉语拼音字母(外文名称中使用的除外)、数字; (5) Chinese phonetic alphabet (except for those used in a name in foreign language) or figures; or(五)国家工商行政管理局委托登记的公司。 (5) companies of which the registration is entrusted by the State Administration Bureau for Industry and Commerce.(五)货币兑换费、托管费以及资产管理费; (5) Currency exchange fee, custody fee and asset management fee;(六)在国务院确定的国家高新技术产业开发区设立的被认定为高新技术企业的中外合资经营企业,经营期在十年以上,经企业申请,当地税务机关批准,从开始获利的年度起,第一年和第二年免征企业所得税。 (6) Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures recognized as high or new technology enterprises and established in the State high or new technology industrial development zones designated by the State Council where the period of operations is ten years or more shall, following application by the enterprise and approval thereof by the local tax authorities and commencing with the first profit-making year, be exempt from enterprise income tax in the first year and second year.(六)合作企业董事会或者联合管理委员会的组成以及董事或者联合管理委员会委员名额的分配,总经理及其他高级管理人员的职责和聘任、解聘办法; (6) Composition of the board of directors or joint management committee, and distribution of the number of directors of the board or committee members between the parties, and duties, appointment and dismissal of the general manager and other high-ranking managerial personnel.(六)合作企业董事会或者联合管理委员会的组成、职权和议事规则,董事会董事或者联合管理委员会的任期,董事长、副董事长或者联合管理委员会主任、副主任的职责; (6) Composition, duties and powers, and rules of procedures for the board of directors or the joint management committee, term of office for the directors of the board or committee members, and duties of the chairman, deputy-chairman of the board or the director, deputy-director of the joint management committee;(六)公司的解散条件; (6) conditions for dissolution of the company;