(二)在有关主管当局出具证明之日的上一个会计年度中,该申请人没有不符合该国家或者地区偿付能力标准的记录。 (2) Certifying that the applicant has no record of incompliance with the standard of the country or region on solvency in the previous fiscal year as of the date when the relevant authority issues the certificate.(二)从事港口码头建设的中外合资经营企业。 (2) Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures engaged in port and dock construction;(二)中资商业银行; (2) Chinese-invested commercial banks;(二)交通运输; (2) Communications and transportation;(二)与境外商人勾结,协助其在内地直接收购出口商品或办理出口业务,协助其逃汇的; (2) companies that have colluded with external businessmen and helped them purchase export goods directly from the inland or handle export business, thereby helping them evade foreign exchange control;(二)省、自治区、直辖市人民政府授权投资的公司; (2) companies with investment authorized by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government;(二)国务院授权投资的公司; (2) companies with investment authorized by the State Council;(二)拟成立的清算组人员构成及清算方案; (2) Composition of the proposed liquidation group and a plan for liquidation;(二)隐瞒真实情况; (2) Conceal the real situation;(二)合并申报纳税所涉及的各营业机构设在两个或者两个以上省、自治区、直辖市的,由国家税务局批准。 (2) consolidated filing and payment of income tax in respect of business organizations located in two or more provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be subject to approval by the State Tax Bureau.(二)财务状况继续恶化,债权人会议申请终结整顿的; (2) continued worsening in its financial condition, for which reason the creditors' meeting has applied for the termination of reorganization; and(二)财务状况继续恶化,债权人会议申请终结整顿的; (2) continued worsening in its financial condition, for which reason the creditors' meeting has applied for the termination of reorganization; and(二)财务状况继续恶化,债权人会议申请终结整顿的; (2) continued worsening in its financial condition, for which reason the creditors' meeting has applied for the termination of reorganization; and(二)与纳税有关的合同、协议书; (2) contracts and letters of agreement relevant to the tax payment;二、采取欺诈、胁迫等手段所签订的合同; (2) contracts signed through the use of fraud, coercion or similar means;2.煤炭洗选及粉煤灰(包括脱硫石膏)、煤矸石等综合利用 (2)Coal ore dressing by washing and comprehensive utilization of powered coal (including desulphurized plaster), coal gangue(二)超出其章程规定的宗旨和业务范围进行活动的; (2)conducting of activities beyond the aims and business scope laid down in its articles of association;2.城市地铁及轻轨的建设、经营(中方控股) (2)Construction and management of metro and city light rail (Chinese partner shall hold the majority of shares)??? (二)避孕药品和用具; (2)Contraceptive medicines and deviced;25.废气、废液、废渣综合利用和处理、处置 (25)Comprehensive utilization and disposure of exhaust gas, discharge liquid, waste residue(三)对环境造成污染损害的; (3) Causing pollution on environment;(三)外出经营活动税收管理证明; (3) certificate for tax revenue administration of outside operations;(三)场所使用权证明; (3) certification of the site use right; (三)通报批评; (3) Circulating a notice of criticism;(三)有本法第三十五条所列行为之一,严重损害债权人利益的。 (3) committing any of the acts listed in Article 35 of this Law and seriously harming the interests of creditors.语际翻译 版权所有
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