

外贸公司和经批准有易货贸易经营权的其他各类企业必须依法经营,遵守国家的有关政策、规定,认真贯彻“以质取胜”战略,不收购、不代理经营假冒伪劣商品。    Companies of foreign economic relations and trade and other enterprises with the approved authority of management of exchange of commodities should manage according to the law, abide by the State policy and regulations, implement conscientiously the strategy of ""winning over the consumers by offering them quality goods"", and decline to purchase or act as an agent to sell the fake and low-quality commodities.
与《原办法》等发票管理规定相比,《办法》主要有以下特点:    Compared with the regulations on invoice management as set in the Original Methods, the Methods have the following main characteristics:
??????????? 组成计税价格=关税完税价格+关税+消费税    Composite assessable price = Customs dutiable value + Customs Duty + Consumption Tax
(二)对投保人隐瞒与保险合同有关的重要情况;    concealing from the applicant material information relevant to the insurance contract;
具体办法由国务院建设行政主管部门会同国务院有关部门制定。    Concrete measures therefor shall be formulated by the competent administrative department of the State Council for construction, jointly with relevant departments of the State Council.
认真学习和贯彻《办法》,对于加强发票管理和财务监督,保障国家税收收入,促进社会主义市场经济体制的建立和发展,都具有重要的意义。    Conscientious study and implementation of the Methods is of great significance in strengthening invoice management and financial supervision, guaranteeing state tax revenues and promoting the establishment and development of the socialist market economic structure.
在合作期限内,合作企业协议、合同、章程有重大变更的,须经审查批准机关批准。    Consent of the examination and approval authorities shall be obtained to make any major change to the agreement, contract, articles of association within the term of cooperation.
基于上述种种客观形势的变化和管理的需要,国务院批准财政部颁布《办法》是非常必要的。    Considering the changes in the above-mentioned objective situation and the need of management, it is absolutely necessary for the State Council to approve the Methods promulgated by the Ministry of Finance.
消费者、经营者可以对政府指导价、政府定价提出调整建议。?    Consumers and business operators may put forward their recommendations with regard to the adjustment of the government-set and guided prices.
联系人:外资局综合处王俊峰    Contact person: Wang Junfeng, Comprehensive Office under the Foreign Fund Department
目录    Contents
相关政策内容?    Contents of Relevant Policies
工作报告内容包括:本民办非企业单位遵守法律法规和国家政策的情况、依照本条例履行登记手续的情况、按照章程开展活动的情况、人员和机构变动的情况以及财务管理的情况。    Contents of the work report shall include; information on the compliance of laws, regulations and state policies of the people-run non-enterprise unit, information on the completion of formalities of registration pursuant to these Regulations, information on the conduct of activities in accordance with the articles of association and information on changes in personnel and organization as well as information on financial management.
要继续鼓励和扶持个体、私营经济的发展,使其作为公有制经济的重要补充;    Continuous encouragement and support shall be given to the development of the self-employed private economy as an important supplement to the economy of public ownership;
中华人民共和国合同法    CONTRACT LAW OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Translated & Compiled by John Jiang & Henry Liu
建设工程合同包括工程勘察、设计、施工合同。    Contracts for construction projects include contracts for survey, design, and construction.
国家的重大建设工程项目承包合同,根据国家规定的程序和国家批准的投资计划、计划任务书等文件签订。    Contracts for major construction projects of the State shall be concluded in accordance with procedures prescribed by the State and investment plans, planned project descriptions and other documents approved by the State.
原产于与中华人民共和国签订含有关税优惠条款的区域性贸易协定的国家或者地区的进口货物,适用协定税率。    Contractual tariff rate is applicable to imported goods originated from countries or regions with which the People's Republic of China has signed regional treatment agreements containing provisions of preferential tariff rates.
原产于与中华人民共和国签订含有关税优惠条款的区域性贸易协定的国家或者地区的进口货物,适用协定税率。    Contractual tariff rate is applicable to imported goods originated from countries or regions with which the People's Republic of China has signed regional treatment agreements containing provisions of preferential tariff rates.
出资证明书应当抄送审查批准机关及工商行政管理机关。    Copies of the investment certificates shall be put on the record of the examination and approval authorities, and administrative authorities for industry and commerce.
(三)纠正违法运用资金的行为;    correcting the illegal application of funds; or
债权人认为债权人会议的决议违反法律规定的,可以在债权人会议作出决议后七日内提请人民法院裁定。    Creditors who consider the resolutions of the creditors' meeting to be contrary to the provisions of law may, within seven days after the creditors' meeting has made such resolutions, apply to the people's court for judgment.
债权人认为债权人会议的决议违反法律规定的,可以在债权人会议作出决议后七日内提请人民法院裁定。    Creditors who consider the resolutions of the creditors' meeting to be contrary to the provisions of law may, within seven days after the creditors' meeting has made such resolutions, apply to the people's court for judgment.
债权人认为债权人会议的决议违反法律规定的,可以在债权人会议作出决议后七日内提请人民法院裁定。    Creditors who consider the resolutions of the creditors' meeting to be contrary to the provisions of law may, within seven days after the creditors' meeting has made such resolutions, apply to the people's court for judgment.
债权人应当在收到通知后一个月内,未收到通知的债权人应当自公告之日起三个月内,向人民法院申报债权,说明债权的数额和有无财产担保,并且提交有关证明材料。逾期未申报债权的,视为自动放弃债权。    Creditors who have been notified shall, within one month after receiving the notice, and creditors who have not been notified shall, within three months after the date of the public announcement, report their claims to the people's court and explain the amount of the claims, as well as whether or not they are secured with property, and also deliver relevant materials of proof. Creditors who do not report their claims during these periods shall be deemed to have automatically abandoned their claims.
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