- 中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- (一)出入境汽车运输公司:不迟于2002年12月11日允许外方控股,不迟于2004年12月11日允许外方独资 1.Cross-border automobile transportation companies: Foreign majority ownership will be permitted no later than Dec. 11. 2002. Wholly foreign owned enterprises will be permitted no later than Dec. 11,2004.
- 1.我国稀有的珍贵优良品种的养殖、种植(包括种植业、畜牧业、水产业的优良基因) 1.Cultivation of China's rare precious breeds (including tine genes in plants industry, husbandry and aquatic products industry)
- (十)化学纤维制造业 10.Chemical Fibre Manufacturing Industry
- 11.输油(气)管道、油(气)库及石油专用码头的建设、经营 11.Construction and management of oil (gas) pipelines, oil (gas) depots and petroleum wharf
- 11.防治荒漠化及水土流失的植树种草等生态环境保护工程建设、经营 11.Construction and operation of ecological environment protection projects preventing and treating desertification and soil erosion such as planting trees and grasses, etc.
- 12.高新技术、新产品开发与企业孵化中心 12.Centers for hi-tech, new products developing, and incubation of enterprises
- (十二)进出口商品检验、鉴定、认证公司:不迟于2003年12月11日允许外方控股;不迟于2005年12月11日允许外方独资。 12.Companies of inspection, verification, attestation for imported and exported goods: Foreign majority ownership shall be permitted no later than Dec. 11, 2003. Wholly foreign owned enterprises shall be permitted no later than Dee. 11, 2005.
- 12.煤炭管道运输设施的建设、经营 12.Construction and management of the facilities of coal delivery pipelines
- 13.运输业务相关的仓储设施建设、经营 13.Construction and management of storage facilities relating to transportation services
- (十八)交通运输设备制造业 18.Communication and Transportation Equipment Industries
- (二)质量检验机构对广告中有关商品质量内容出具的证明文件; 2. Certificates for the contents of advertisements about commodity quality issued by quality inspection organizations; and
- (二)广告经营许可证明; 2. Certification of approval for doing business in advertising;
- (二)通过补贴消费的形式,消除国内过剩的相同产品或者直接竞争产品; 2. Clearing up, by way of subsidizing consumptions, the domestic superfluous products that are of the same kinds or that directly compete with each other;
- (二)利用公共、自有或者他人所有的阵地设置的彩旗、条幅、气球等。 2. Colored flags, scrolls, and balloons installed on publicly owned positions, or positions owned by the business itself or by other persons.
- 二、要鼓励、支持中央各部门和各省、自治区、直辖市所属外经贸公司、有进出口经营权的生产企业发挥主渠道作用,采取积极措施,拓展同独联体等周边国家的经贸关系,努力推销出口国产优质合格商品。 2. Companies of foreign economic relations and trade attached to the departments of the Central Government and provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government and the enterprises with the authority of import and export management should be encouraged and supported to play a leading role in adopting active measures, to expand the economic and trading relations with the Independent Countries Community and other neighboring countries, and try to export the State’s high quality commodities.
- (二)向市或者区、县规划局办理建设工程规划许可证(零星); 2. Complete the formalities for obtaining the construction project planning permit with the municipal or district / county planning bureau on a case -- by -- case basis;
- 二、建筑业建筑、安装、修缮、装饰及其他工程作业3% 2. Construction Construction, installation, repair, decoration and other engineering work 3
- 二、 继续执行西部大开发税收优惠政策? 2. Continuously carrying out the preferential tax policies for the Western Development Program
- 二、 现阶段在银行间外汇市场开办人民币兑美元、欧元、日元、港币、英镑五个货币对的货币掉期交易。 2. Currently, it is allowed to control currency swap transactions between RMB and USD, RMB and Euro Dollar, RMB and Yen, RMB and Hong Kong Dollar, RMB and Pound in the inter-bank foreign exchange market.
- 2.邮政公司 2.Companies of postal services
- 2.支线铁路、地方铁路及其桥梁、隧道、轮渡设施的建设、经营(限于合资、合作) 2.Construction and management of feeder railways, local railways and related bridges, tunnels and ferry facilities (equity joint ventures or contractual joint ventures only)
- 2.煤洁净燃烧技术电站的建设、经营 2.Construction and management of power plants with the technology of clean coal burning
- 2.动植物自然保护区的建设、经营 2.Construction and operation of animal and plant natural reserves
- 2.电影院的建设、经营(中方控股) 2.Construction and operation of cinemas (Chinese partner shall hold the majority of shares)
- 2.高尔夫球场的建设、经营 2.Construction and operation of golf courts