

3.由于变更计划,提供的资料不准确。或未按期提供必须的勘察、设计工作条件而造成勘察、设计的返工、停工成修改设计,按承包方实际消耗的工作量增付费用。     c. If the plans are modified, the data supplied are not accurate or the conditions for survey and design work are not provided in good time and, as a result thereof, the survey and design work has to be redone or stopped, or the design revised, it shall pay additional expenses for the amount of work actually expended by the contractor.
3.工程交付时间不符合合同的规定,偿付逾期的违约金。    c. If the time the project is delivered does not conform to the stipulations of the contract, the contractor shall pay breach of contract damages for overdue performance.
从价计征的计算公式为:应纳税额=完税价格×关税税率    Calculating formula for ad valorem is: duty payable = customs value x tariff rate;
从价计征的计算公式为:应纳税额=完税价格×关税税率    Calculating formula for ad valorem is: duty payable = customs value x tariff rate;
从量计征的计算公式为:应纳税额=货物数量×单位税额    Calculating formula for specific duty is: duty payable = quantity of goods x unit tariff
从量计征的计算公式为:应纳税额=货物数量×单位税额    Calculating formula for specific duty is: duty payable = quantity of goods x unit tariff
进口税的计算公式为:进口税税额=完税价格×进口税税率    Calculating formula of import duties is: import duties = customs value x import tariff rate
进口税的计算公式为:进口税税额=完税价格×进口税税率    Calculating formula of import duties is: import duties = customs value x import tariff rate
(七)未经批准分立、合并的。    carrying out a division or a merger of the company without approval.
中央定价目录由国务院价格主管部门制定、修订,报国务院批准后公布。?    Catalogs of central government-set prices shall be fixed and revised by the price department of the State Council an published after the approval of the State Council.
地方定价目录由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府价格主管部门按照中央定价目录规定的定价权限和具体适用范围制定,经本级人民政府审核同意,报国务院价格主管部门审定后公布。?    Catalogs of prices to be set by departments of the people's governments of privinces, autonomous regions and municipalities within their power according to scope of specific items and uses as set in the central price catalog and be published with the examination and approval of the people's governments at the same level.
外商投资产业指导目录(2004年修订)    Catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign Investment Industries (Amended in 2004)
鼓励外商投资产业目录    Catalogue of Encouraged Foreign Investment Industries
集中统一是加强发票管理的需要,但对各地区、各部门的一些特殊情况又需要灵活处理,要将发票管理的一般性与特殊性结合起来。    Centralization and unification is required by strengthening invoice management, however, some specific conditions in various regions and departments need to be treated flexibly, it is necessary to integrate generality and particularity of invoice management.
中国证券监督管理委员会主席尚福林?二○○七年六月十八日    Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission Shang Fulin June 18, 2007
中国证券监督管理委员会主席尚福林二○○七年五月二十日    Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission, Shang Fulin May 20, 2007
进出口商会应当遵守法律、行政法规,依照章程对其会员的对外贸易经营活动进行协调指导,提供咨询服务,向政府有关部门反映会员有关对外贸易促进方面的建议,并积极开展对外贸易促进活动。    Chambers of Commerce for Importers and Exporters shall abide by relevant laws and administrative regulations, coordinate and guide the foreign trade activities of their members under their Articles of Association, provide advisory services, report to the relevant authorities of the Government the suggestions of their members with respect to foreign trade promotion, and actively promote foreign trade.
?? (二)变更注册资本;    change in the amount of the registered capital;
?? (三)变更公司或者分支机构的营业场所;    change of business premises of the company or its branch offices;
?? (七)变更出资人或者持有公司股份百分之十以上的股东;    change of investors or shareholder who hold more than ten percent of the company's shares; or
?? (一)变更名称;    change of the name of the insurance company;
?? (四)调整业务范围;    change of the scope of the business;
第一章总则    Chapter 1 General Principles
第一章 总 则    Chapter 1 General Provisions
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