- 中国劳动法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 第三十一条 劳动者解除劳动合同,应当提前三十日以书面形式通知用人单位。 Article 31 A labourer who intends to revoke his labour contract shall give a written notice to the employing unit 30 days in advance.
- 第三十一条 用人单位应当严格执行劳动定额标准,不得强迫或者变相强迫劳动者加班。 Article 31 Employers shall strictly perform the criterion on labor quota, and may not force any worker to work overtime or do so in a disguised form.
- 第三十一条 企业违反劳动安全卫生规定的,应令其限期改正或停业整顿,并按有关规定处以罚款。 Article 31 FFEs should be ordered to correct or be closed to set the thing straight in a set time if it violates regulations about labor safety and hygiene conditions and in addition be imposed a fine in line with relevant regulations.
- 第三十一条 任何单位、个人挪用失业保险基金的,追回挪用的失业保险基金; Article 31 If any unit or individual misappropriates unemployment insurance funds, the misappropriated fund shall be recovered;
- 第三十一条 用人单位应当组织从事使用有毒物品作业的劳动者进行上岗前职业健康检查。 Article 31 The employing units shall organize their workers engaging in the operations in which toxic substances are used to receive occupational health examinations before taking up their jobs.
- 第三十一条 用人单位的负责人应当接受职业卫生培训,遵守职业病防治法律、法规,依法组织本单位的职业病防治工作。 Article 31 The principals of the Employer shall undergo the occupational health training, adhere to the occupational-disease-prevention laws and regulations, and organize the in-house occupational-disease-prevention work according to applicable laws.
- 第三十一条 集体所有制企业的工会委员会应当支持和组织职工参加民主管理和民主监督,维护职工选举和罢免管理人员、决定经营管理的重大问题的权力。 Article 31 The trade union committee of a collectively owned enterprise shall support and organize workers' participation in democratic management and democratic supervision and shall safeguard the rights of workers to elect and dismiss administrative personnel and to determine important issues relating to operational management.
- 第三十一条 用人单位应当严格执行劳动定额标准,不得强迫或者变相强迫劳动者加班。 Article 31. Units shall strictly implement the work quota standards and may not force laborers to work a disguised form of overtime.
- 第三十二条 有下列情形之一的,劳动者可以随时通知用人单位解除劳动合同: (一)在试用期内的; Article 32 A labourer may notify at any time the employing unit of his decision to revoke the labour contract in any of the following circumstances: ????within the probation period;
- 第三十二条 对从事接触职业病危害的作业的劳动者,用人单位应当按照国务院卫生行政部门的规定组织上岗前、在岗期间和离岗时的职业健康检查,并将检查结果如实告知劳动者。职业健康检查费用由用人单位承担。 Article 32 According to the regulation of the public health authority under the State Council, the Employer should, at its own cost, proceed with the pre-employment/on-job/pre-departure physical examination for the laborers engaged in the occupational-disease-inductive operation and faithfully inform the laborers of the examination result.
- 第三十二条 阻挠或拒绝劳动行政部门进行劳动监察的。处以月经营及销售收入1‰以下的罚款。 Article 32 An enterprise that obstructs or refuses the labor supervision by the labor administrative department will be imposed a fine less than 1 percent of its monthly business turnover and sales volume.
- 第三十二条 用人单位应当对从事使用有毒物品作业的劳动者进行定期职业健康检查。 Article 32 The employing units shall organize their workers engaging in the operations in which toxic substances are used to receive occupational health examinations at regular intervals.
- 第三十二条 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府根据当地实际情况,可以决定本条例适用于本行政区域内的社会团体及其专职人员、民办非企业单位及其职工、有雇工的城镇个体工商户及其雇工。 Article 32 The people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, according to the actual local situations, may determine whether these Regulations apply to social organizations and their full-time staff, private non-enterprise units and their staff and workers, or individual industrial and commercial businesses in cities and towns with employees that are located within their respective administrative areas.
- 第三十二条 全民所有制企业的管理委员会应当有工会代表参加。 Article 32 Trade union representatives shall participate in the management committee of an enterprise owned by the whole people.
- 第三十二条 劳动者拒绝用人单位管理人员违章指挥、强令冒险作业的,不视为违反劳动合同。 Article 32 Where any worker refuses to perform dangerous operations due to the illicit command or forcibly order of the manager of the employer, he may not be deemed to be in violation of the labor contract.
- 第三十二条 劳动者拒绝用人单位管理人员违章指挥、强令冒险作业的,不视为违反劳动合同。 Article 32. It is not regarded as a breach of the labor contract if the laborer refuses to perform dangerous operations which violate regulations as directed or ordered by management staff of the Unit.
- 第三十三条 中外合资经营企业、中外合作经营企业研究决定有关工资、福利、安全生产以及劳动保护、劳动保险等涉及职工切身利益的问题,应当听取工会的意见。 Article 33 A Sino-foreign joint equity enterprise or Sino-foreign cooperative enterprise researching and making decisions on matters, such as wages, welfare, production safety, labour protection and labour insurance, which involve the personal rights and interests of workers shall heed the views of its trade union.
- 第三十三条 用人单位变更名称、法定代表人、主要负责人或者投资人等事项,不影响劳动合同的履行。 Article 33 Alterations of the name, legal representative, key principal or investor of any employer may not influence the performance of the labor contracts.
- 第三十三条 以上各项罚款,当地劳动行政部门应在对其警告后仍不改正的情况下,方可实施。 Article 33 The above-mentioned fines may only be imposed after the FFE refuses to correct even after the local labor administrative department issues warning to the enterprise.
- 第三十三条 用人单位应当为劳动者建立职业健康监护档案,并按照规定的期限妥善保存。 Article 33 The Employer is required to create and maintain the occupational health record for laborers within the stipulated period.
- 第三十三条 用人单位应当对从事使用有毒物品作业的劳动者进行离岗时的职业健康检查;对离岗时未进行职业健康检查的劳动者,不得解除或者终止与其订立的劳动合同。 Article 33 The employing units shall organize their workers engaging in the operations in which toxic substances are used to receive post-leaving occupational health examinations, and shall not rescind or terminate the labor contracts concluded with the workers who have not received the post-leaving occupational health examinations.
- 第三十三条 企业职工一方与企业可以就劳动报酬、工作时间、休息休假、劳动安全卫生、保险福利等事项,签订集体合同。集体合同草案应当提交职工代表大会或者全体职工讨论通过。 Article 33 The staff and workers of an enterprise as one party may conclude a collective contract with the enterprise on matters relating to labour remuneration, working hours, rest and vacations, occupational safety and health, and insurance and welfare. The draft collective contract shall be submitted to the congress of the staff and workers or to all the staff and workers for
- 第三十三条 用人单位变更名称、法定代表人、主要负责人或者投资人等事项,不影响劳动合同的履行。 Article 33. A change in the name, the legal representative, the main person in charge, investor, or the registered or recorded particulars of a Unit shall not affect the performance of its labor contracts.
- 第三十三条 本条例自发布之日起施行。1993年4月12日国务院发布的《国有企业职工待业保险规定》同时废止。 Article 33These Regulations take effect as of the date of promulgation. The Provisions on Unemployment Insurance of Staff and Workers in State-owned Enterprises, promulgated by the State Council on April 12th 1993, is annulled simultaneously.
- 第三十四条 集体合同签订后应当报送劳动行政部门;劳动行政部门自收到集体合同文本之日起十五日内未提出异议的,集体合同即行生效。 Article 34 A collective contract shall be submitted to the labour administrative department after its conclusion. The collective contract shall go into effect automatically if no objections are raised by the labour administrative department within 15 days from the date of the receipt of a copy of the contract.