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第三十四条 基层工会委员会召开会议或者组织职工活动,应当在生产或者工作时间以外进行,需要占用生产或者工作时间的,应当事先征得行政方面的同意。    Article 34 A primary trade union committee convening a meeting or organizing activities for workers shall do so in time outside production or work hours. If it is necessary to occupy production or work hours, prior approval from the administrative authority shall be required.
第三十四条 用人单位发生合并或者分立等情况,原劳动合同继续有效,劳动合同由承继其权利和义务的用人单位继续履行。    Article 34 In the case of combination or split-up of the employer, the original labor contracts thereof shall still remain valid. Such labor contracts shall be performed by the employer succeeding to the rights and obligations of the aforesaid employer.
  第三十四条 上述行政处罚,由劳动行政部门依法执行。罚款全部上并国库。    Article 34 The above-mentioned administrative punishments are carried out by the labor administrative department according to laws and all the fines are handed over to the State treasury.
第三十四条 发生或者可能发生急性职业病危害事故时,用人单位应当立即采取应急救援和控制措施,并及时报告所在地卫生行政部门和有关部门。卫生行政部门接到报告后,应当及时会同有关部门组织调查处理;必要时,可以采取临时控制措施。    Article 34 The Employer should undertake prompt contingency and control measures upon the actual (or potential) contingent occupational-disease-inductive accidents and promptly report to the local public-health authority and related organizations, which, upon the receipt of the report, should join with related organizations for investigation and treatment and take interim control measures when necessary.
第三十四条 用人单位对受到或者可能受到急性职业中毒危害的劳动者,应当及时组织进行健康检查和医学观察。    Article 34 The employing units shall duly arrange health examinations and medical observations for their workers who have suffered or are likely to suffer acute occupational poisoning hazards.
第三十四条 用人单位发生合并或者分立等情况,原劳动合同继续有效,劳动合同由承继其权利和义务的用人单位继续履行。    Article 34. If a Unit is merged or divided, etc., its existing labor contracts shall remain valid and continue to be performed by the Unit(s) which assumes its rights and obligations.
第三十五条 依法签订的集体合同对企业和企业全体职工具有约束力。职工个人与企业订立的劳动合同中劳动条件和劳动报酬等标准不得低于集体合同的规定。    Article 35 Collective contracts concluded in accordance with the law shall have binding force to both the enterprise and all of its staff and workers. The standards on working conditions and labour payments agreed upon in labour contracts concluded between individual labourers and the enterprises shall not be lower than those as stipulated in collective contracts.
第三十五条 用人单位与劳动者协商一致,可以变更劳动合同约定的内容。    Article 35 Employers and workers may alter the contents as stipulated in the labor contract upon unanimity through consultation.
第三十五条 用人单位不得安排未成年工从事接触职业病危害的作业;不得安排孕期、哺乳期的女职工从事对本人和胎儿、婴儿有危害的作业。    Article 35 The Employer is prohibited from assigning child labor to the occupational-disease-inductive operation or assigning the female laborers in pregnancy or lactation period to the operation harmful to the health of the embryos or babies.
第三十五条 劳动者职业健康检查和医学观察的费用,由用人单位承担。    Article 35 The employing units shall bear expenses for the occupational health examinations and medical observations for their workers.
  第三十五条 华侨和台湾、香港、澳门投资者在中国大陆投资举办的合资经营企业、合作经营企业和拥有全部资本的企业及股份有限公司,均适用本规定。    Article 35 The regulations are also applied to the joint equity- ventures, cooperative ventures, solely owned enterprises and limited- liability companies established in the Chinese mainland by overseas Chinese and investors from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao.
第三十五条 全民所有制和集体所有制企业事业单位以及机关工会委员会的脱产专职工作人员的工资、奖励、补贴,由所在单位行政支付。劳动保险和其他福利待遇等,享受本单位职工同等待遇。    Article 35 Trade union committee members of an enterprise or public institution owned by the whole people, a collectively owned enterprise or public institution or government organ who are released from regular work duties to act as full-time union personnel shall have their wages, awards and bonuses paid by the said unit's administrative authority. With regard to labour insurance and other welfare benefits, the same treatment shall apply as received by the said unit's workers.
第三十五条 用人单位与劳动者协商一致,可以变更劳动合同约定的内容。    Article 35. A Unit and a laborer may modify the provisions of their labor contract if they so agree after consultations.
第三十六条 用人单位与劳动者协商一致,可以解除劳动合同。    Article 36 An employer and a worker may discharge the labor contract upon unanimity through consultation.
  第三十六条 本规定由劳动部负责解释。    Article 36 The Chinese Ministry of Labor is entitled to interpret this set of regulations.
第三十六条 用人单位应当建立职业健康监护档案。    Article 36 The employing units shall establish occupational health surveillance archives.
第三十六条 劳动者享有下列职业卫生保护权利:    Article 36 The laborers are entitled to the following occupational-health-protection rights:
第三十六条 工会经费的来源:    Article 36 The sources of trade union funds shall be as follows:
第三十六条 国家实行劳动者每日工作时间不超过八小时、平均每周工作时间不超过四十四小时的工时制度。    Article 36 The State shall practise a working hour system under which labourers shall work for no more than eight hours a day and no more than 44 hours a week on the average.
第三十六条 用人单位与劳动者协商一致,可以解除劳动合同。    Article 36. A Unit and a laborer may dissolve their labor contract if they so unanimously agree after consultations.
第三十七条 工会应当根据经费独立原则,建立预算、决算和经费审查监督制度。    Article 37 A trade union shall work out its own budget and final accounts, as well as its own fund inspection and supervisory systems in accordance with the principle of independent accounting.
第三十七条 劳动者提前三十日以书面形式通知用人单位,可以解除劳动合同。    Article 37 A worker may discharge the labor contract if he informs the employer in written form 30 days in advance.
第三十七条 对实行计件工作的劳动者,用人单位应当根据本法第三十六条规定的工时制度合理确定其劳动定额和计件报酬标准。    Article 37 In case of labourers working on the basis of piecework, the employing unit shall rationally fix quotas of work and standards on piecework remuneration in accordance with the working hour system stipulated in Article 36 of this Law.
第三十七条 从事使用有毒物品作业的劳动者在存在威胁生命安全或者身体健康危险的情况下,有权通知用人单位并从使用有毒物品造成的危险现场撤离。    Article 37 In case of threat to life safety or hazard to physical health of the workers engaging in the operations in which toxic substances are used, the workers shall have the right to notify the employing units and to evacuate from the premises in danger caused by using toxic substances.
第三十七条 工会组织应当督促并协助用人单位开展职业卫生宣传教育和培训,对用人单位的职业病防治工作提出意见和建议,与用人单位就劳动者反映的有关职业病防治的问题进行协调并督促解决。    Article 37 The labor union should urge and assist the Employer to carry out the occupational health education and training, bring forward comments and suggestions for the Employer’s occupational-disease-prevention operation, coordinate with the Employer to solve the problems echoed by the laborers with regard to the occupational disease prevention.
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