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中国食品卫生与检验检疫法律法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


第十三条 卫生检疫机关对应当实施卫生检疫的邮包进行卫生检查和必要的卫生处理时,邮政部门应予配合。未经卫生检疫机关许可,邮政部门不得运递。    Article 13 When the health and quarantine organ conducts health examination and sanitization of the registered parcels, the postal unit is required to offer cooperation. Without permission by the health and quarantine organ, the postal unit may not ship the parcels.
第十三条 备案机关在完成备案手续的同时,应当完整准确地记录和保存特许人的备案信息材料,依法为特许人保守商业秘密。    Article 13 While the archiving organ finishes the archival procedures, it shall archive file and keep the documents on a franchiser's archival filing, and keep commercial secrets for the franchiser according to law.
第十四条 国境卫生检疫机关对来自疫区的、被检疫传染病污染的或者可能成为检疫传染病传播媒介的行李、货物、邮包等物品,应当进行卫生检查,实施消毒、除鼠、除虫或者其他卫生处理。    Article 14 A frontier health and quarantine office shall conduct sanitation inspections and disinfect, derate, treat with insecticides or apply other sanitation measures to articles such as baggage, goods and postal parcels that come from an epidemic area and are contaminated by a quarantinable infectious disease or may act as a vehicle of a quarantinable infectious disease.
第十四条 经商检机构检验合格发给检验证书或者放行单的出口商品,应当在商检机构规定的期限内报运出口;超过期限的,应当重新报验。    Article 14 Export commodities which have been inspected and passed by the commodity inspection authorities and for which an inspection certificate or a paper for release has been issued by the same authorities shall be declared for export and shipped out of the country within the time limit specified by the same authorities. Failing to meet the time limit shall entail reapplication for inspection.
第十四条输入动植物、动植物产品和其他检疫物,应当在进境口岸实施检疫。    Article 14 Import animals and plants, their products and other quarantine objects shall be quarantined at the port of entry;
第十四条 生产者应当对其生产的产品质量负责。产品质量应当符合下列要求:    Article 14 Producers shall be liable for the quality of the products they produce.The products shall meet the following quality requirements:
第十四条 食品,食品添加剂,食品容器,包装材料,食品用工具、设备,用于清洗食品和食品用工具、设备的洗涤剂、消毒剂以及食品中污染物质、放射性物质容许量的国家卫生标准、卫生管理办法和检验规程,由国务院卫生行政部门制定或者批准颁发。    Article 14 The administrative department of public health under the State Council shall formulate or approve and promulgate the national hygiene standards, hygiene control regulations and inspection procedures for food, food additives, the containers, packagings, utensils and equipment used for food, the detergents and disinfectants used for washing food or utensils and equipment used for food, and the tolerances for contaminants and radioactive substances in food.
第十四条 食品卫生监督员可以按照规定无偿采取适量的食品样品用于检验。采取食品样品时,应当开具收据。    Article 14 The food hygiene supervisors may take an appropriate amount of sample food items free of charge for inspection and testing according to law. A receipt shall be issued when a sample food item is taken.
第十四条 卫生检疫单、证的种类、式样和签发办法,由国务院卫生行政部门规定。    Article 14 The health administrative department under the State Council is the organ of authority for making the various kinds of health and quarantine forms, certificates as well as for their issuance.
第十四条 公众可通过商务部政府网站查询以下信息:    Article 14 The public may access to the following information via the website of the Ministry of Commerce:
第十四条 省、自治区、直辖市的卷烟、雪茄烟年度总产量计划由国务院计划部门下达。烟草制品生产企业的卷 烟、雪茄烟年度总产量计划,由省级烟草专卖行政主管部门根据国务院计划部门下达的计划,结合市场销售情况下达,地方人民政府不得向烟草制品生产企业下达超产任务。烟草制品生产企业根据市场销售情况,需要超过年度总产量计划生产卷烟、雪茄烟,必须经国务院烟草专卖行政主管部门批准。    Article 14 The total annual production plans for cigarettes and cigars of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be assigned by the planning department under the State Council. The total annual production plans for cigarettes and cigars of an enterprise producing tobacco products shall be assigned by the department of tobacco monopoly administration at the provincial level on the basis of the plans assigned by the planning department under the State Council and in light of the marketing conditions. Local people's governments shall not assign additional production quotas to an enterprise producing tobacco products. If an enterprise producing tobacco products, in light of the marketing conditions, finds it necessary to manufacture cigarettes and cigars exceeding the total annual production plans, it must obtain the approval of the department of tobacco monopoly administration under the State Council.
第十四条饲养、经营动物和生产、经营动物产品的单位和个人,应当依照本法和国家有关规定做好动物疫病的计划免疫、预防工作,并接受动物防疫监督机构的监测、监督。    Article 14 Units and individuals that engage in raising or marketing of animals, or production or marketing of animal products shall, pursuant to this Law and the relevant state provisions, complete planned immunization against and prevention of animal epidemics, and shall accept the monitoring and supervision from the supervising agencies for animal epidemic prevention.
第十四条 市场违反本办法第六条、第七条、第八条第二款规定的,由商务主管部门予以警告,责令限期改正。逾期不改正的,可处1000元以上5000元以下罚款;情节严重的,可处5000元以上3万元以下罚款,并可向社会公告。    Article 14 Where markets are in violation of Articles 6 and 7 and Item (2) of Article 8 of these Measures, departments of commercial administration shall warn and order them to correct in time limit. Those fail to do so shall be fined 1000 to 5000 yuan; where the circumstance is serious, they shall be fined 5000 to 30, 000 yuan and announced to the public.
第十五条 产品或者其包装上的标识应当符合下列要求:    Article 15 All marks on the products or the packages thereof shall meet the following requirements:
第十五条 为出口危险货物生产包装容器的企业,必须申请商检机构进行包装容器的性能鉴定。    Article 15 An enterprise manufacturing packagings for dangerous export goods must apply to the commodity inspection authorities for a test of the performance of such packagings.
第十五条动物饲养场应当及时扑灭动物疫病。种畜、种禽应当达到国家规定的健康合格标准。    Article 15 Any animal farm should exterminate animal epidemics in time. Stud stock and breeding poultry shall be kept healthy up to the standards set by the state.
第十五条 经营烟草制品批发业务的企业,必须经国务院烟草专卖行政主管部门或者省级烟草专行政主管部门批准,取得烟草专卖批发企业许可证,并经工商行政管理部门核准登记。    Article 15 Any enterprise which is to engage in the wholesale trade of tobacco products shall be subject to the approval of the department of tobacco monopoly administration under the State Council or the department of tobacco monopoly administration at the provincial level, and the acquisition of a license for the tobacco monopoly wholesale enterprise, and then to the approval and registration by the administrative department for industry and commerce.
第十五条 国境卫生检疫机关对入境、出境的人员实施传染病监测,并且采取必要的预防、控制措施。    Article 15 Frontier health and quarantine offices shall monitor persons on entry or exit for quarantinable infectious diseases and shall take necessary preventive and control measures.
第十五条 国家未制定卫生标准的食品,省、自治区、直辖市人民政府可以制定地方卫生标准,报国务院卫生行政部门和国务院标准化行政主管部门备案。    Article 15 If the State has not formulated hygiene standards for a certain food, the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government may establish local hygiene standards for that food and report them to the administrative department of public health under the State Council and the competent standardization administration department under the State Council for the record.
第十五条 在国境口岸以及停留在国境口岸的交通工具上,发现检疫传染病、疑似检疫传染病,或者有人非因意外伤害而死亡并死因不明时,国境口岸有关单位以及交通工具的负责人,应当立即向卫生检疫机关报告。    Article 15 On discovering at, or on a conveyance at a frontier port a quarantinable infectious disease, a disease suspected to be quarantinable or a death due to an unidentified cause other than accidental harm, the relevant departmentat the frontier port and the person in charge of the conveyance must report immediately to the health and quarantine office.
第十五条 商务主管部门工作人员不依本办法规定履行职责,或者滥用职权的,依法给予行政处分。    Article 15 Staff of departments of commercial administration committing an act of dereliction of duty or misuse of powers shall be imposed administrative disciplinary measures.
第十五条输入动植物、动植物产品和其他检疫物,经检疫合格的,准予进境;    Article 15 The import animals and plants, their products or other quarantine objects that pass the quarantine inspection are allowed to enter the country;
第十五条 本市城乡农副产品交易点和在本市穿街走巷的食品商贩适用本规定。    Article 15 The present Provisions also apply to the urban and rural trading spots of farm and side-line products and the street vendors of food items in this municipality.
第十五条 特许人未按照《条例》和本办法的规定办理备案的,由国务院商务主管部门及特许人所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府商务主管部门责令限期备案,处1万元以上5万元以下罚款;逾期仍不备案的,处5万元以上10万元以下罚款,并予以公告。    Article 15 Where a franchiser fails to archive file based on the Regulation and the provisions in these Measures, the competent commercial department under the State Council and the competent commercial departments of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government where the franchiser is located shall order him/her to archive the documents within a prescribed time limit, and impose a fine of no less than 10 000yuan but no more than 50 000yuan; if the franchiser still fails to archive the documents within the prescribed time limit, a fines of no less than 50 000yuan and no more than 100 000yuan shall be imposed, and an announcement shall be made.
第十六条 经营烟草制品零售业务的企业或者个人,由县级人民政府工商行政管理部门根据上一级烟草专卖行政主管部门的委托,审查批准发给烟草零售许可证。    Article 16 Any enterprise or individual that is to engage in the retail trade of tobacco products shall be subject to the examination and approval of, before the issuance of a license for tobacco monopoly retail trade by, the administrative department for industry and commerce under the people's government at the county level on the commission of the department of tobacco monopoly administration at the next higher level.
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