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解除戒严的程序与决定戒严的程序相同。    The procedure for lifting the martial law is the same as the procedure for deciding to impose it.
加入多边条约和协定的程序如下:    The procedures for acceding to multilateral treaties and agreements are as follows:
国家安全机关没收的财物,一律上缴国库。    The property confiscated by the State security organs shall, in any case, be turned in to the State Treasury.
因泄露国家秘密所获取的财物,依照《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法实施办法》第三十四条的规定处理。    The property obtained through divulging State secrets shall be disposed according to the provisions of Article 34 stipulated in the Measures for Implementation of Law concerning Safeguarding State Secrets of the People’s Republic of China.
中央负担的人民防空经费,列入中央预算;县级以上地方各级人民政府负担的人民防空经费,列入地方各级预算。    The proportion borne by the Central Government shall be incorporated in the central budget, while the proportions borne by the local people's governments at or above the county level shall be incorporated in their budgets respectively.
  省军区(卫戌区、警备区)、军分区(警备区)和县、自治县、市、市辖区的人民武装部,兼各该级人民政府的兵役机关,在上级军事机关和同级人民政府领导下,负责办理本区域的兵役工作。    The provincial commands ( garrison commands ), sub-commands (garrison commands) and the departments of people's armed forces of counties, autonomous counties, cities and municipal districts shall concurrently act as the military service organs of the people's governments at the corresponding levels and shall be responsible for military service work in their respective areas under the leadership of military organs at higher levels and the people's governments at corresponding levels.
公安机关对中国公民因私事出境的申请,应当在规定的时间内作出批准或者不批准的决定,通知申请人。    The public security organs shall decide, within a specified time, whether to approve or disapprove the citizens' applications for leaving the country for private purposes, and shall notify the applicants accordingly.
??? 追逐只要没有中断,可以在中华人民共和国领海或者毗连区外继续进行。在被追逐的船舶进入其本国领海或者第三国领海时,追逐终止。    The pursuit, if not interrupted, may be continued outside the territorial sea or the contiguous zone until the ship pursued enters the territorial sea of its own country or of a third State.
??? 海关附近沿海沿边规定地区的范围,由海关总署和国务院公安部门会同有关省级人民政府确定。    The range of the specified border and coastal areas shall be defined by the Customs General Administration in conjunction with the Ministry of Public Security and provincial governments concerned.
②在规定的工作温度范围内,额定的非线性度高于全量程的0.025%    The rated nonlinearity is better than 0.025 percent of the range in rated temperature scope
红十字会组织依法进行救护工作。    The Red Cross organizations shall provide first aid according to law.
中华人民共和国核两用品及相关技术出口管制条例    The Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Export Control of Dual-Use Nuclear Goods and Related Technologies 17 June 1998
县级以上人民政府的计划、规划、建设等有关部门在各自的职责范围内负责有关的人民防空工作。    The relevant departments for planning and construction of the people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the work of civil air defense within the limits of their respective functions and duties.
有关单位负责修建本单位的人员与物资掩蔽工程。    The relevant units shall be responsible for constructing works for sheltering their own employees, goods and materials.
有关单位应当按照国家规定对已经修建或者使用的人民防空工程进行维护管理,使其保持良好使用状态。    The relevant units shall in accordance with State regulations, maintain and manage civil air defense works already built or put to use, and keep them in good repair.
  服过现役和受过军事训练的基干民兵的复习训练,普通民兵和未编入民兵组织的预备役士兵的军事训练,按照中央军事委员会的规定进行。    The retraining of primary militiamen who have performed active service or have received military training and the military training for ordinary militiamen and for soldiers in reserve service who are not regimented into militia organizations shall be conducted as provided for by the Central Military Commission.
??? 本条规定的紧追权由中华人民共和国军用船舶、军用航空器或者中华人民共和国政府授权的招待政府公各的船舶、航空器行使。    The right of hot pursuit provided for in this Article shall be exercised by ships or aircraft of the People's Republic of China for military purposes, or by ships or aircraft on government service authorized by the Government of the People's Republic of China.
国家军品贸易管理委员会应当自收到复议申请之日起15日内,作出复议决定,该复议决定为终局决定。    The SACMPT shall make a review decision within fifteen days of receipt of the application. The review decision shall be deemed final.
需要进行登记的测绘任务的范围,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府或者国务院授权的部门规定。    The scope of a surveying and mapping missions that need to be registered shall be defined by the people's government of the relevant province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government or by the department authorized by the State Council.
  第四十三条第二款规定的培养预备役军官的短期集中训练,由军事部门派出现役军官与高等院校军事训练机构共同组织实施。    The short-term, concentrated training for promoting people as reserve officers prescribed in paragraph 2 of Article 43 shall be organized and conducted jointly by officers in active service sent from military organs and the offices of the institutions of higher learning in charge of military training.
军品出口合同签订后,应当向国家军品贸易局申请审查批准;    The signed military export contract shall be submitted to the State Bureau of Military Products Trade for review and approval.
国防方面的国家秘密及其密级的具体范围,由中央军事委员会规定。    The specific scopes and categories of state secrets related to national defence shall be stipulated by the Central Military Commission.
中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会常务委员会决定同外国缔结的条约和重要协定的批准和废除。    The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China shall decide on the ratification and abrogation of treaties and important agreements concluded with foreign states.
中华人民共和国国家军品贸易局(以下简称国家军品贸易局)是国家军品贸易管理委员会的执行机构,对全国的军品出口实施监督管理。    The State Bureau of Military Products Trade of the People's Republic of China, the executive body of the SACMPT, implements the supervision and management of nationwide military exports.
符合军品出口合同规定的,国家军品贸易局应当自收到申请之日起5日内签发军品出口许可证。    The State Bureau of Military Products Trade shall issue military export licenses within five days upon receipt of the application to those requests that conform to the military export contract specifications.
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