中央军事委员会每届任期同全国人民代表大会每届任期相同。 The term of office of the Central Military Commission is the same as that of the National People's Congress.中央军事委员会每届任期同全国人民代表大会每届任期相同。 The term of office of the Central Military Commission is the same as that of the National People's Congress.选举委员会每届任期五年。 The term of office of the Election Committee shall be five years.中华人民共和国主席、副主席每届任期同全国人民代表大会每届任期相同,连续任职不得超过两届。 The term of office of the President and Vice-President of the People's Republic of China is the same as that of the National People's Congress, and they shall serve no more than two consecutive terms.中华人民共和国主席、副主席每届任期同全国人民代表大会每届任期相同,连续任职不得超过两届。 The term of office of the President and Vice-President of the People's Republic of China is the same as that of the National People's Congress, and they shall serve no more than two consecutive terms.最高人民法院院长每届任期同全国人民代表大会每届任期相同,连续任职不得超过两届。 The term of office of the President of the Supreme People's Court is the same as that of the National People's Congress. The President shall serve no more than two consecutive terms.最高人民法院院长每届任期同全国人民代表大会每届任期相同,连续任职不得超过两届。 The term of office of the President of the Supreme People's Court is the same as that of the National People's Congress. The President shall serve no more than two consecutive terms.最高人民检察院检察长每届任期同全国人民代表大会每届任期相同,连续任职不得超过两届。 The term of office of the Procurator-General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate is the same as that of the National People's Congress; the Procurator-General shall serve no more than two consecutive terms.最高人民检察院检察长每届任期同全国人民代表大会每届任期相同,连续任职不得超过两届。 The term of office of the Procurator-General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate is the same as that of the National People's Congress; the Procurator-General shall serve no more than two consecutive terms.依照前款规定对罪犯实行禁闭的期限为七天至十五天。 The term of solitary confinement imposed on a prisoner as stipulated by the preceding paragraph shall be from seven to fifteen days.传唤、拘传持续的时间最长不得超过十二小时。不得以连续传唤、拘传的形式变相拘禁犯罪嫌疑人。 The time for interrogation through summons or forced appearance shall not exceed 12 hours. A criminal suspect shall not be detained under the disguise of successive summons or forced appearance.传唤、拘传持续的时间最长不得超过十二小时。不得以连续传唤、拘传的形式变相拘禁犯罪嫌疑人。 The time for interrogation through summons or forced appearance shall not exceed 12 hours. A criminal suspect shall not be detained under the disguise of successive summons or forced appearance.经请求国请求,上述期限可以延长十五日。 The time limit may be extended for 15 days at the request of the Requesting State.部队执行戒严任务或者处置突发性暴力事件时,以战时论。 The time when the armed forces execute martial-law tasks or cope with emergencies of violence shall be regarded as wartime.部队执行戒严任务或者处置突发性暴力事件时,以战时论。 The time when the armed forces execute martial-law tasks or cope with emergencies of violence shall be regarded as wartime.当事人双方可以同时到基层人民法院或者它派出的法庭,请求解决纠纷。基层人民法院或者它派出的法庭可以当即审理,也可以另定日期审理。 The two parties concerned may at the same time come before a basic people's court or a tribunal dispatched by it for a solution of their dispute. The basic people's court or the tribunal it dispatched may try the case immediately or set a date for the trial.单位有前款行为的,对单位判处罚金,并对其直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依照刑法第一百一十二条的规定追究刑事责任。 The unit that commits any violations mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be fined, and the persons who are directly in charge of the unit and other persons who are directly responsibl for the violations shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the provisions of Article 112 of the Criminal Law.有关单位和个人应当如实提供证据。 The units and individuals concerned shall provide truthful evidence.配备、持有枪支的单位和个人应当将报废的枪支连同持枪证件上缴核发持枪证件的公安机关; The units and individuals that are equipped with or hold guns shall hand over the useless guns along with the certificates permitting the holding of guns to the public security organs that issued the certificates after verification.被邀请的单位和个人,应当协助人民法院进行调解。 The units or individuals invited shall assist the people's court in conciliation.未经本人同意,不得以营利为目的使用公民的肖像。 The use of a citizen's portrait for profit without his consent shall be prohibited.城镇中的手工业、工业、建筑业、运输业、商业、服务业等行业的各种形式的合作经济,都是社会主义劳动群众集体所有制经济。 The various forms of cooperative economy in the cities and towns, such as those in the handicraft, industrial, building, transport, commercial and service trades, all belong to the sector of socialist economy under collective ownership by the working people.城镇中的手工业、工业、建筑业、运输业、商业、服务业等行业的各种形式的合作经济,都是社会主义劳动群众集体所有制经济。 The various forms of cooperative economy in the cities and towns, such as those in the handicraft, industrial, building, transport, commercial and service trades, all belong to the sector of socialist economy under collective ownership by the working people.中央军事委员会各总部、军兵种、军区,可以根据法律和中央军事委员会的军事法规、决定、命令,在其权限范围内,制定军事规章。 The various headquarters, divisions, military regions of the Central Military Commission may enact military rules consistent with its scope of authority in accordance with the relevant national laws and military decrees, decisions and orders.在国务院公报上刊登的行政法规文本为标准文本。 The version appearing on the State Council Bulletin shall be the standard version.