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第二百四十八条被告在中华人民共和国领域内没有住所的,人民法院应当将起诉状副本送达被告,并通知被告在收到起诉状副本后三十日内提出答辩状。    ""Article 248 If a defendant has no domicile within the territory of the People's Republic of China, the people's court shall serve a copy of the statement of complaint on the defendant and notify him to submit his defence within 30 days after he receives the copy of the statement of complaint.""
第二百四十九条在中华人民共和国领域内没有住所的当事人,不服第一审人民法院判决、裁定的,有权在判决书、裁定书送达之日起三十日内提起上诉。被上诉人在收到上诉状副本后,应当在三十日内提出答辩状。当事人不能在法定期间提起上诉或者提出答辩状,申请延期的,是否准许,由人民法院决定。    ""Article 249 If a party who has no domicile within the territory of the People's Republic of China is not satisfied with a judgment or written order made by a people's court of first instance, he shall have the right to file an appeal within 30 days from the date the written judgment or order is served. The appellee shall submit his defence within 30 days after receipt of a copy of the appeal petition. If a party who is unable to file an appeal or submit a defence within the period prescribed by the law requests an extension of the period, the people's court shall decide whether to grant it.""
第二十五条合同的双方当事人可以在书面合同中协议选择被告住所地、合同履行地、合同签订地、原告住所地、标的物所在地人民法院管辖,但不得违反本法对级别管辖和专属管辖的规定。    ""Article 25 The parties to a contract may agree to choose in their written contract the people's court of the place where the defendant has his domicile, where the contract is performed, where the contract is signed, where the plaintiff has his domicile or where the object of the action is located to exercise jurisdiction over the case, provided that the provisions of this Law regarding jurisdiction by forum level and exclusive jurisdiction are not violated.""
第二百五十一条当事人依照本法第九十二条的规定可以向人民法院申请财产保全。    ""Article 251 The parties to an action may, in accordance with the provisions of Article 92 of this Law, apply to the people's court for property preservation.""
第二百五十二条人民法院裁定准许诉前财产保全后,申请人应当在三十日内提起诉讼。    ""Article 252 After a people's court makes an order granting property preservation before litigation, the applicant shall bring an action within 30 days. ""
第二百五十三条人民法院裁定准许财产保全后,被申请人提供担保的,人民法院应当解除财产保全。    ""Article 253 After the people's court makes an order granting property preservation, if the party against whom the application is made provides a guaranty, the people's court shall cancel the property preservation.""
第二百五十四条申请有错误的,申请人应当赔偿被申请人因财产保全所遭受的损失。    ""Article 254 If the application is wrongfully made, the applicant shall compensate the party against whom the application is made for losses incurred from the property preservation.""
第二百五十五条人民法院决定保全的财产需要监督的,应当通知有关单位负责监督,费用由被申请人承担。    ""Article 255 If the property to be preserved by a people's court needs supervision, the court shall notify the unit concerned to be responsible for the supervision, and the party against whom the application is made shall bear the expenses.""
第二百五十七条涉外经济贸易、运输和海事中发生的纠纷,当事人在合同中订有仲裁条款或者事后达成书面仲裁协议,提交中华人民共和国涉外仲裁机构或者其他仲裁机构仲裁的,当事人不得向人民法院起诉。    ""Article 257 In the case of a dispute arising from the foreign economic, trade, transport or maritime activities of China, if the parties have had an arbitration clause in the contract concerned or have subsequently reached a written arbitration agreement stipulating the submission of the dispute for arbitration to an arbitral organ in the People's Republic of China handling cases involving foreign element, or to any other arbitral body, they may not bring an action in a people's court. ""
第二百五十八条当事人申请采取财产保全的,中华人民共和国的涉外仲裁机构应当将当事人的申请,提交被申请人住所地或者财产所在地的中级人民法院裁定。    ""Article 258 If a party has applied for property preservation measures, the arbitral organ of the People's Republic of China handling cases involving foreign element shall refer the party's application for a decision to the intermediate people's court of the place where the party against whom the application is made has his domicile or where his property is located.""
第二百五十九条经中华人民共和国涉外仲裁机构裁决的,当事人不得向人民法院起诉。    ""Article 259 In a case in which an award has been made by an arbitral organ of the People's Republic of China handling cases involving foreign element, the parties may not bring an action in a people's court. ""
第二百六十条对中华人民共和国涉外仲裁机构作出的裁决,被申请人提出证据证明仲裁裁决有下列情形之一的,经人民法院组成合议庭审查核实,裁定不予执行:    ""Article 260 A people's court shall, after examination and verification by a collegial panel of the court, make a written order not to allow the enforcement of the award rendered by an arbitral organ of the People's Republic of China handling cases involving foreign element, if the party against whom the application for enforcement is made furnishes proof that: ""
第二百六十一条仲裁裁决被人民法院裁定不予执行的,当事人可以根据双方达成的书面仲裁协议重新申请仲裁,也可以向人民法院起诉。    ""Article 261 If the enforcement of an arbitral award is disallowed by a written order of a people's court, the parties may, in accordance with a written arbitration agreement reached between them, apply for arbitration again; they may also bring an action in a people's court.""
第二百六十二条根据中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约,或者按照互惠原则,人民法院和外国法院可以相互请求,代为送达文书、调查取证以及进行其他诉讼行为。    ""Article 262 In accordance with the international treaties concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China or with the principle of reciprocity, the people's courts of China and foreign courts may make mutual requests for assistance in the service of legal documents, in investigation and collection of evidence or in other litigation actions.""
第二百六十六条人民法院作出的发生法律效力的判决、裁定,如果被执行人或者其财产不在中华人民共和国领域内,当事人请求执行的,可以由当事人直接向有管辖权的外国法院申请承认和执行,    ""Article 266 If a party applies for enforcement of a legally effective judgment or written order made by a people's court, and the opposite party or his property is not within the territory of the People's Republic of China, the applicant may directly apply for recognition and enforcement to the foreign court which has jurisdiction. ""
第二百六十七条外国法院作出的发生法律效力的判决、裁定,需要中华人民共和国人民法院承认和执行的,可以由当事人直接向中华人民共和国有管辖权的中级人民法院申请承认和执行,    ""Article 267 If a legally effective judgment or written order made by a foreign court requires recognition and enforcement by a people's court of the People's Republic of China, the party concerned may directly apply for recognition and enforcement to the intermediate people's court of the People's Republic of China which has jurisdiction.""
第二百六十八条人民法院对申请或者请求承认和执行的外国法院作出的发生法律效力的判决、裁定,依照中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约,或者按照互惠原则进行审查后,认为不违反中华人民共和国法律的基本原则或者国家主权、安全、社会公共利益的,裁定承认其效力,需要执行的,发出执行令,依照本法的有关规定执行。    ""Article 268 In the case of an application or request for recognition and enforcement of a legally effective judgment or written order of a foreign court, the people's court shall, after examining it in accordance with the international treaties concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China or with the principle of reciprocity and arriving at the conclusion that it does not contradict the basic principles of the law of the People's Republic of China nor violates State sovereignty, security and social and public interest of the country, recognize the validity of the judgment or written order, and, if required, issue a writ of execution to enforce it in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Law; ""
第二百六十九条国外仲裁机构的裁决,需要中华人民共和国人民法院承认和执行的,应当由当事人直接向被执行人住所地或者其财产所在地的中级人民法院申请,人民法院应当依照中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约,或者按照互惠原则办理。    ""Article 269 If an award made by a foreign arbitral organ requires the recognition and enforcement by a people's court of the People's Republic of China, the party concerned shall directly apply to the intermediate people's court of the place where the party subjected to enforcement has his domicile or where his property is located. The people's court shall deal with the matter in accordance with the international treaties concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China or with the principle of reciprocity.""
第二百七十条本法自公布之日起施行,《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法(试行)》同时废止。    ""Article 270 This Law shall come into force as of the date of promulgation, and the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China (for Trial Implementation) shall be abrogated simultaneously.""
第二十八条因铁路、公路、水上、航空运输和联合运输合同纠纷提起的诉讼,由运输始发地、目的地或者被告住所地人民法院管辖。    ""Article 28 A lawsuit arising from a dispute over a railway, road, water, or air transport contract or over a combined transport contract shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court of the place of dispatch or the place of destination or where the defendant has his domicile.""
第三条人民法院受理公民之间、法人之间、其他组织之间以及他们相互之间因财产关系和人身关系提起的民事诉讼,适用本法的规定。    ""Article 3 In dealing with civil litigation arising from disputes on property and personal relations between citizens, legal persons or other organizations and between the three of them, the people's courts shall apply the provisions of this Law.""
第三十条因铁路、公路、水上和航空事故请求损害赔偿提起的诉讼,由事故发生地或者车辆、船舶最先到达地、航空器最先降落地或者被告住所地人民法院管辖。    ""Article 30 A lawsuit brought on claims for damages caused by a railway, road, water transport or air accident shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court of the place where the accident occurred or where the vehicle or ship first arrived after the accident or where the aircraft first landed after the accident, or where the defendant has his domicile.""
第三十一条因船舶碰撞或者其他海事损害事故请求损害赔偿提起的诉讼,由碰撞发生地、碰撞船舶最先到达地、加害船舶被扣留地或者被告住所地人民法院管辖。    ""Article 31 A lawsuit brought on claims for damages caused by a collision at sea or by any other maritime accident shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court of the place where the collision occurred or where the ship in collision first docked after the accident or where the ship at fault was detained, or where the defendant has his domicile.""
第三十五条两个以上人民法院都有管辖权的诉讼,原告可以向其中一个人民法院起诉;    ""Article 35 When two or more people's courts have jurisdiction over a lawsuit, the plaintiff may bring his lawsuit in one of these people's courts; ""
第三十六条人民法院发现受理的案件不属于本院管辖的,应当移送有管辖权的人民法院,受移送的人民法院应当受理。    ""Article 36 If a people's court finds that a case it has entertained is not under its jurisdiction, it shall refer the case to the people's court that has jurisdiction over the case. ""
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