法官调解案件应当依法进行,并注意言行审慎,避免当事人和其他诉讼参与人对其公正性产生合理的怀疑。 A judge should adjudicate according to law and be careful with his words and conduct during the proceedings so as to avoid any reasonable doubts upon his neutrality from the parties and other participants.法官应当充分注意到由于当事人和其他诉讼参与人的民族、种族、性别、职业、宗教信仰、教育程度、健康状况和居住地等因素而可能产生的差别,保障诉讼各方平等、充分地行使诉讼权利和实体权利。 A judge should be fully aware of the possible differences may arise from nationality, race, sex, profession, religion, education level, health, residence and other factors and shall safeguard the equally and fully implementation of the litigation right and other rights of all the parties.法官不得向当事人或者其代理人、辩护人泄露或者提供有关案件的审理情况、承办案件法官的联系方式和其他有关信息;不得为当事人或者其代理人、辩护人联系和介绍承办案件的法官。 A judge should not disclose or provide information about a lawsuit, the ways to contact the judge in charge or other related information to the parties, attorney and defendants. A judge should not introduce or contact the judge in charge for the parties, attorney and defendants.律师事务所应当具备下列条件: A law firm shall meet the following conditions:律师事务所对其设立的分所的债务承担责任。 A law firm shall undertake liability for the debts of a branch office it has established.律师担任各级人民代表大会常务委员会组成人员期间,不得执业。 A lawyer shall not practise law while serving as a member of a standing committee of a people's congress at any level.律师执业不受地域限制。 A lawyer's practice is not subject to regional restriction.法人的民事权利能力和民事行为能力,从法人成立时产生,到法人终止时消灭。 A legal person's capacity for civil rights and capacity for civil conduct shall begin when the legal person is established and shall end when the legal person terminates.法定期间不包括路途上的时间。上诉状或者其他文件在期满前已经交邮的,不算过期。 A legally prescribed time period shall not include travelling time. Appeals or other documents that have been mailed before the expiration of the time period shall not be regarded as overdue.受遗赠人应当在知道受遗赠后两个月内,作出接受或者放弃受遗赠的表示。到期没有表示的,视为放弃受遗赠。 A legatee should, within two months from the time he learns of the legacy, make known whether he accepts it or disclaims it. In the absence of such an indication within the specified period, he is deemed to have disclaimed the legacy.省、自治区、直辖市的人民代表大会常务委员会制定的地方性法规由常务委员会发布公告予以公布。 A local decree enacted by the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of a province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the central government shall be promulgated by the Standing Committee by way of a public announcement.县级以上的地方各级人民代表大会选举并有权罢免本级人民代表大会常务委员会的组成人员。 A local people's congress at or above the county level elects, and has the power to recall, members of its standing committee.县级以上的地方各级人民代表大会选举并有权罢免本级人民代表大会常务委员会的组成人员。 A local people's congress at or above the county level elects, and has the power to recall, members of its standing committee.地方政府规章可以就下列事项作出规定: A local rule may provide for the following:地方政府规章应当经政府常务会议或者全体会议决定。 A local rule shall be decided upon by government regular affairs meeting or plenary meeting.部门规章规定的事项应当属于执行法律或者国务院的行政法规、决定、命令的事项。 A matter on which an administrative rule is enacted shall be a matter which is within the scope of implementing national law, administrative regulations, and decisions or orders issued by the State Council.不能完全辨认自己行为的精神病人是限制民事行为能力人,可以进行与他的精神健康状况相适应的民事活动; A mentally ill person who is unable to fully account for his own conduct shall be a person with limited capacity for civil conduct and may engage in civil activities appropriate to his mental health;不满十周岁的未成年人是无民事行为能力人,由他的法定代理人代理民事活动。 A minor under the age of 10 shall be a person having no capacity for civil conduct and shall be represented in civil activities by his agent ad litem.二人以上共同过失犯罪,不以共同犯罪论处;应当负刑事责任的,按照他们所犯的罪分别处罚。 A negligent crime committed by two or more persons jointly shall not be punished as a joint crime; however, those who should bear criminal responsibility shall be individually punished according to the crimes they have committed.二人以上共同过失犯罪,不以共同犯罪论处;应当负刑事责任的,按照他们所犯的罪分别处罚。 A negligent crime committed by two or more persons jointly shall not be punished as a joint crime; however, those who should bear criminal responsibility shall be individually punished according to the crimes they have committed.自书、代书、录音、口头遗嘱,不得撤销、变更公证遗嘱。 A notarial will may not be revoked or altered by a testator-written will, a will written on behalf of the testator, a will in the form of a sound- recording or a nuncupative will.被假释的罪犯由公安机关予以监督。 A parolee shall be supervised by a public security organ.附带民事诉讼的当事人和他们的法定代理人,可以对地方各级人民法院第一审的判决、裁定中的附带民事诉讼部分,提出上诉。 A party to an incidental civil action or his legal representative may file an appeal against that part of a judgment or order of first instance made by a local People's Court at any level that deals with the incidental civil action.确因特殊情况无法出庭的,必须向人民法院提交书面意见。 A party who is truly unable to appear in court due to a special reason shall submit his views in writing to the people's court.对人民检察院抗诉的案件,第二审人民法院应当开庭审理。 A People's Court of second instance shall open a court session to hear a case protested by a People's Procuratorate.