第六条县级以上各级人民政府及其所属部门按照有利工作、方便信访人的原则,确定负责信访工作的机构(以下简称信访工作机构)或者人员,负责具体受理、办理信访事项。 Article 6 All people’s governments at and above the county level and their subordinate departments shall, according to the principle of facilitating the work and convenience for complainants, decide on the administrative authorityization (hereinafter referred to as the “complaint reporting handling office”) or personnel in charge of the handling of complaint reporting, who shall be specifically responsible for receiving and handling complaint reporting.第六条公民、法人或者其他组织对行政机关所给予的行政处罚,享有陈述权、申辩权;对行政处罚不服的,有权依法申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼。 Article 6 Citizens, legal persons and other organizations on whom administrative penalty is imposed by administration organs shall have the right to state their cases and the right to defend themselves; those who refuse to accept administrative penalty shall have the right to apply for administrative reconsideration or bring an administrative lawsuit in accordance with law.第六条 外国人入境,应当向中国的外交代表机关、领事机关或者外交部授权的其他驻外机关申请办理签证。 Article 6 For entry into China, aliens shall apply for visas from Chinese diplomatic missions, consular offices or other resident agencies abroad authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.第六条 人民法院审理行政案件,依法实行合议、回避、公开审判和两审终审制度。 Article 6 In handling administrative cases, the people's courts shall, as prescribed by law, apply the systems of collegial panel, withdrawal of judicial personnel and public trial and a system whereby the second instance is the final instance.第六条 实施行政许可,应当遵循便民的原则,提高办事效率,提供优质服务。 Article 6 In the implementation of administrative license, the principle of facilitating people shall be abided by so as to enhance the efficiency and to render quality services第六条 各地方、各部门、各单位的领导人领导和监督统计机构、统计人员和其他有关人员执行本法和统计制度。 Article 6 Leading members of local authorities, departments and units shall direct and supervise statistics institutions and statisticians and other persons concerned in enforcing this Law and the rules governing statistical work.第六条国务院行政机构根据职能分为国务院办公厅、国务院组成部门、国务院直属机构、国务院办事机构、国务院组成部门管理的国家行政机构和国务院议事协调机构。 Article 6 The administrative agencies of the State Council are, pursuant to their functions, divided into the General Office of the State Council, the constituent ministries and commissions of the State Council, the agencies affiliated with the State Council, administrative offices of the State Council, the State agencies administrated by the constituent ministries or commissions of the State Council and the deliberation and coordination agencies of the State Council.第六条国家档案行政管理部门主管全国档案事业,对全国的档案事业实行统筹规划,组织协调,统一制度,监督和指导。 Article 6 The national archives administration department shall be responsible for archival work throughout the country. It shall make an overall plan, coordinate the organizations, unify the systems, and exercise supervision and provide guidance with regard to the undertakings of archives in the whole country.六、国务院议事协调机构和临时机构的印章,直径5厘米,中央刊五角星,五角星外刊机关名称,自左而右环行(图五),由国务院制发。 Article 6 The seals of the discussion and negotiation institutions and temporary institutions of the State Council shall be made and distributed by the State Council with the diameter of 5 centimeters, a five-pointed star in the center and the title of the organizations around the five-pointed star from left to right. (See illustration 5)六、国务院议事协调机构和临时机构的印章,直径5厘米,中央刊五角星,五角星外刊机关名称,自左而右环行(图五),由国务院制发。 Article 6 The seals of the discussion and negotiation institutions and temporary institutions of the State Council shall be made and distributed by the State Council with the diameter of 5 centimeters, a five-pointed star in the center and the title of the organizations around the five-pointed star from left to right. (See illustration 5)第六条 本实施细则第五条(三)项所说的有关证明是指: Article 6 The supporting papers mentioned in Article 5(3) of these rules refer to the following:第六条 省、自治区、直辖市、自治州、县、自治县、市、市辖区的人民代表大会每届任期五年。乡、民族乡、镇人民代表大会每届任期三年。 Article 6 The term of office of the people's congresses of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, autonomous prefectures, counties, autonomous counties, cities and municipal districts shall be five years. The term of office of the people's congresses of townships, nationality townships and towns shall be three years; The term of office of the people's congresses of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, autonomous prefectures, counties, autonomous counties, cities and municipal districts shall be five years. The term of office of the people's congresses of townships, nationality townships and towns shall be three years.第六条申领《特种行业许可证》的单位,应当具备下列条件: Article 6 Those who apply for ""Special Trade License"" shall possess the following qualifications:第六条居民委员会根据居民居住状况,按照便于居民自治的原则,一般在一百户至七百户的范围内设立。 Article 6. A residents committee shall generally be established for an area inhabited by 100-700 households on the basis of the distribution of residents and on the principle of facilitating their self government.第六条 国务委员受总理委托,负责某些方面的工作或者专项任务,并且可以代表国务院进行外事活动。 Article 6. As entrusted by the Premier, the State Councillors shall take charge of work in certain fields or of certain special tasks and may represent the State Council in foreign affairs. 第六条 监察工作应当依靠群众。监察机关建立举报制度,公民对于任何国家行政机关、国家公务员和国家行政机关任命的其他人员的违法失职行为,有权向监察机关提出控告或者检举。 Article 6. It is necessary to rely on the masses to carry out supervisory work. Supervisory organs should set up a report system. Citizens have the right to report on or file charges against acts of law-breaking and of dereliction of duty by any state administrative organs, government functionaries and other personnel appointed by state administrative organs to supervisory organs.第六条 对违反治安管理行为的处罚分为下列三种: Article 6. Penalties for acts violating the administration of public security are divided into three types as follows:第六条 行政复议遵循合法、及时、准确和便民的原则。 Article 6. The administrative reconsideration shall follow the principle of being lawful, timely, accurate and convenient for the people.第六条 主席团主持全国人民代表大会会议。 Article 6. The Presidium shall preside over the sessions of the National People's Congress.第六十条行政机关违法实行检查措施或者执行措施,给公民人身或者财产造成损害、给法人或者其他组织造成损失的,应当依法予以赔偿,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予行政处分;情节严重构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 Article 60 If administrative organs violate law when enforcing measures of inspection or execution and thus inflict damage on the person or property of citizens or cause losses to legal persons or other organizations, they shall be liable for compensation according to law, and the persons who are directly in charge and other persons who are directly responsible for the offense shall be given administrative sanctions in accordance with law; if the offence is serious enough to constitute a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.第六十条 人民法院审理上诉案件,应当在收到上诉状之日起两个月内作出终审判决。 Article 60 In handling an appealed case, a people's court shall make a final judgment within two months from the day of receiving the appeal.第六十条 省、自治区、直辖市的人民政府可以根据法律、行政法律和本省、自治区、直辖市的地方性法规,制定规章,报国务院和本级人民代表大会常务委员会备案。省、自治区的人民政府所在地的市和经国务院批准的较大的市的人民政府,可以根据法律、行政法规和本省、自治区的地方性法规,制定规章,报国务院和省、自治区的人民代表大会常务委员会、人民政府以及本级人民代表大会常务委员会备案。 Article 60 The people's government of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government may formulate rules in accordance with laws, administrative rules and regulations as well as the local regulations of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government, and report them to the State Council and the standing committee of the people's congress at the corresponding level for the record. The people's government of a city where a provincial or autonomous regional people's government is located, or of a relatively large city, approved as such by the State Council, may formulate rules in accordance with laws, administrative rules and regulations as well as the local regulations of the province or autonomous region, and report them to the State Council, the standing committee of the people's congress and the people's government of the province or autonomous region, and the standing committee of the people's congress at the corresponding level for the record.第六十条 上级行政机关应当加强对下级行政机关实施行政许可的监督检查,及时纠正行政许可实施中的违法行为。 Article 60 The upper administrative organs shall strengthen the supervision and inspection over the lower administrative organs in the implementation of the administrative licenses, and shall get the illegal acts right in time第六十一条 人民法院审理上诉案件,按照下列情形,分别处理: Article 61 A people's court shall handle an appealed case respectively according to the conditions set forth below:第六十一条行政机关为牟取本单位私利,对应当依法移交司法机关追究刑事责任的不移交,以行政处罚代替刑罚,由上级行政机关或者有关部门责令纠正;拒不纠正的,对直接负责的主管人员给予行政处分;徇私舞弊、包庇纵容违法行为的,比照刑法第一百八十八条的规定追究刑事责任。 Article 61 If administrative organs, for the purpose of seeking departmental gain, do not transfer cases to judicial organs for investigation of criminal responsibility as they should do in accordance with law but impose administrative penalty in place of criminal penalty, the administrative organs at higher levels or relevant departments shall order them to make correction; if they refuse to do so, administrative sanctions shall be imposed upon the persons who are directly in charge; persons who practise irregularities for personal gain, cover up or connive at violations of law shall be investigated for criminal responsibility by applying mutatis mutandis the provisions of Article 188 of the Criminal Law.