第五十一条当事人逾期不履行行政处罚决定的,作出行政处罚决定的行政机关可以采取下列措施: Article 51 If the parties fail to carry out the decision on administrative penalty within the time limit, the administrative organ that made the decision on administrative penalty may adopt the following measures:第五十一条 代表资格审查委员会审查代表的选举是否符合法律规定。 Article 51 The credentials committee shall examine whether elections for deputies are conducted in conformity with the provisions prescribed by law.第五十一条 实施行政许可的程序,本节有规定的,适用本节规定;本节没有规定的,适用本章其他有关规定。 Article 51 The implementing procedures for the administrative license shall be governed by the pertinent provisions in this Section, if there are any; if it isn't provided for in this section, they shall be governed by other relevant provisions in this Chapter第五十一条 本章规定的处罚,由公安机关执行。 Article 51 The penalties provided for in this Chapter shall be executed by the public security organs.第五十一条 复议机关送达复议决定书,可以委托其他行政机关代为送达,或者邮寄送达。 Article 51. The administrative body for reconsideration may entrust other administrative bodies with the service of a reconsideration decision or serving the service by mail.第五十二条 外国人申请各项签证、证件的延期或者变更,须履行下列手续: Article 52 Aliens who wish to apply for extension or alteration of visas or certificates shall complete the following procedures:第五十二条当事人确有经济困难,需要延期或者分期缴纳罚款的,经当事人申请和行政机关批准,可以暂缓或者分期缴纳。 Article 52 If the parties truly have financial difficulties and need to postpone payment of the fines or pay them in installments, payment may be put off for the time being or made in installments after the parties have applied to and obtained approval of the administrative organs.第五十二条 人民法院审理行政案件,以法律和行政法规、地方性法规为依据。地方性法规适用于本行政区域内发生的行政案件。 Article 52 In handling administrative cases, the people's courts shall take the law, administrative rules and regulations and local regulations as the criteria. Local regulations shall be applicable to administrative cases within the corresponding administrative areas.第五十二条 主任会议或者五分之一以上的常务委员会组成人员书面联名,可以向本级人民代表大会常务委员会提议组织关于特定问题的调查委员会,由全体会议决定。 Article 52 The council of chairmen or a group of at least one-fifth of the component members of the standing committee may submit to the standing committee of the people's congress at the corresponding level a proposal for organizing an investigation committee on specific questions, which shall be submitted to the plenary meeting for decision.第五十二条 国务院实施行政许可的程序,适用有关法律、行政法规的规定。 Article 52 The procedures for the State Council to implement an administrative license shall be governed by the relevant laws and administrative regulations第五十二条 被申请人拒绝履行复议决定的,复议机关可以直接或者建议有关部门对其法定代表人给予行政处分。 Article 52. If the defending party of an application for reconsideration refuses to implement a reconsideration decision, the administrative body for reconsideration may directly impose administrative sanctions on the legal representative of the defending party, or suggest the department concerned do so.第五十三条 常务委员会根据工作需要,设立办事机构和其他工作机构。 Article 53 A standing committee may set up administrative offices and other working organs according to its needs in work.第五十三条 外国人申请各项签证、证件或者申请签证、证件延期、变更,必须按规定缴纳签证、证件等。 Article 53 Aliens applying for visas and certificates or for their extension or alternation shall pay visa and certificate fees according to the prescribed rates.第五十三条 人民法院审理行政案件,参照国务院部、委根据法律和国务院的行政法规、决定、命令制定、发布的规章以及省、自治区、直辖市和省、自治区的人民政府所在地的市和经国务院批准的较大的市的人民政府根据法律和国务院的行政法规制定、发布的规章。 Article 53 In handling administrative cases, the people's courts shall take, as references, regulations formulated and announced by ministries or commissions under the State Council in accordance with the law and administrative rules and regulations, decisions or orders of the State Council and regulations formulated and announced, in accordance with the law and administrative rules and regulations of the State Council, by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, of the cities where the people's governments of provinces and autonomous regions are located, and of the larger cities approved as such by the State Council.第五十三条实施本法第十二条第二项所列事项的行政许可的,行政机关应当通过招标、拍卖等公平竞争的方式作出决定。但是,法律、行政法规另有规定的,依照其规定。 Article 53 When implementing the licensing matters listed in Article 12 (2) of the Law, the administrative organ shall make a decision by adopting fair competitive methods, such as bid invitation and auction, etc, but if it is otherwise provided for in the laws, administrative regulations, the latter shall prevail第五十三条除依法应当予以销毁的物品外,依法没收的非法财物必须按照国家规定公开拍卖或者按照国家有关规定处理。 Article 53 With the exception of the confiscated articles or goods that should be destroyed in accordance with law, the illegal property or things of value that have been confiscated according to law shall be sold by public auction in accordance with the regulations of the State or shall be disposed of in accordance with relevant State regulations.第五十三条 复议人员失职、徇私舞弊的,复议机关或者有关部门应当批评教育或者给予行政处分,情节严重、构成犯罪的,依法追究其刑事责任。 Article 53. If the personnel handling reconsideration cases have neglected their duties or bent the law for their own benefit, the administrative body for reconsideration, or other competent departments concerned, shall criticize and admonish them, or impose administrative sanctions on them; if the case is serious enough to constitute a crime, criminal responsibilities shall be investigated according to the law.第五十四条行政机关应当建立健全对行政处罚的监督制度。县级以上人民政府应当加强对行政处罚的监督检查。 Article 54 Administrative organs shall establish a sound supervisory system for administrative penalty. People's governments at or above the county level shall exercise stricter supervision and inspection of administrative penalty.第五十四条 人民法院经过审理,根据不同情况,分别作出以下判决: Article 54 After hearing a case, a people's court shall make the following judgments according to the varying conditions:第五十四条 不满16岁的外国少年儿童,与其父母或者监护人使用同一护照的,随其父母或者监护人来中国时,可以不单独办理入境、过境、居留、旅行手续。 Article 54 An alien child under the age of 16 who uses the same passport with his/her parent or guardian need not, while visiting China with his/her parent or guardian, go through the entry, transit, residence or travel procedures separately.第五十四条 地方各级人民政府是地方各级人民代表大会的执行机关,是地方各级国家行政机关。 Article 54 Local people's governments at various levels shall be the executive organs of the local people's congresses at the corresponding levels; they shall be the local organs of state administration.第五十四条实施本法第十二条第三项所列事项的行政许可,赋予公民特定资格,依法应当举行国家考试的,行政机关根据考试成绩和其他法定条件作出行政许可决定; Article 54 When implementing the licensing matters listed in Article 12 (3) of the Law, namely, holding a national examinations for the purpose of granting the citizens any special qualification in accordance with the law, the administrative organ shall make decisions about the administrative license according to applicants' examination marks and other statutory requirements;第五十四条 复议参加人或者其他人拒绝、阻碍复议人员依法执行职务未使用暴力、威胁方法的,由公安机关依照《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚条例》第十九条的规定,处十五日以下拘留、二百元以下罚款或者警告。 Article 54. If participants in a reconsideration case, or other persons concerned, refuse or hamper, without resorting to violence or threats, the personnel handling reconsideration cases from executing their duties according to the law, the bodies of public security shall, in accordance with the provisions of Article 19 in the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Security, impose on the aforesaid persons detention for not more than 15 days, or a fine of 200 yuan (RMB) or less, or a warning.第五十五条 人民法院判决被告重新作出具体行政行为的,被告不得以同一的事实和理由作出与原具体行政行为基本相同的具体行政行为。 Article 55 A defendant who has been judged by a people's court to undertake a specific administrative act anew must not, based on the same fact and reason, undertake a specific administrative act essentially identical with the original act.第五十五条 外国人所持中国的签证、证件如有遗失或者损坏,应当立即向当地公安局出入境管理部门报告,申请补领或者换发。遗失外国人居留证的,须在当地政府报纸上声明作废。 Article 55 An alien whose Chinese visa or certificate is lost or damaged shall promptly report to the exit and entry department under the local public security bureau and apply for a new one or replacement. An alien who has lost his /her residence card shall declare the lost card invalid in an official local newspaper.