第五十五条行政机关实施行政处罚,有下列情形之一的,由上级行政机关或者有关部门责令改正,可以对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予行政处分: Article 55 If an administrative organ imposes an administrative penalty in any of the following manners, it shall be ordered by the administrative organ at the higher level or a relevant department to make correction, and administrative sanctions may, in accordance with law, be imposed upon the persons who are directly in charge and other persons who are directly responsible for the offense:第五十五条 地方各级人民政府对本级人民代表大会和上一级国家行政机关负责并报告工作。县级以上的地方各级人民政府在本级人民代表大会闭会期间,对本级人民代表大会常务委员会负责并报告工作。 Article 55 Local people's governments at various levels shall be responsible and report on their work to the people's congresses at the corresponding levels and to the state administrative organs at the next higher level. Local people's governments at and above the county level shall be responsible and report on their work to the standing committees of the people's congresses at the corresponding levels when the congresses are not in session.第五十五条实施本法第十二条第四项所列事项的行政许可的,应当按照技术标准、技术规范依法进行检验、检测、检疫,行政机关根据检验、检测、检疫的结果作出行政许可决定。 Article 55 When implementing the licensing matters listed in Article 12 (4) of the Law, namely, conducting inspection, testing or quarantine according to the technical standards or criteria, the administrative organ shall make decisions according to the pertinent results第五十五条 外国人、无国籍人、外国组织在中华人民共和国进行行政复议,适用本条例。法律、法规另有规定的除外。 Article 55. These Regulations shall apply to the resorting to administrative reconsideration by foreigners, stateless persons or foreign organizations engaged in administrative reconsideration in the People's Republic of China, except as otherwise provided for by laws and regulations.第五十六条行政机关对当事人进行处罚不使用罚款、没收财物单据或者使用非法定部门制发的罚款、没收财物单据的,当事人有权拒绝处罚,并有权予以检举。上级行政机关或者有关部门对使用的非法单据予以收缴销毁,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予行政处分。 Article 56 If administrative organs, when imposing penalties on the parties, do not use the documents for fines and confiscation of property or things of value, or use the documents for fines and confiscation of property or things of value that are prepared and issued by non- statutory departments, the parties shall have the right to refuse to accept the penalties and the right to accuse them. The administrative organs at higher levels or relevant departments shall confiscate and destroy the illegal documents in use and shall, in accordance with law, impose administrative sanctions upon the persons who are directly in charge and other persons who are directly responsible for the offense.第五十六条 人民法院在审理行政案件中,认为行政机关的主管人员、直接责任人员违反政纪的,应当将有关材料移送该行政机关或者其上一级行政机关或者监察、人事机关; Article 56 In handling administrative cases, if a people's court considers the head of an administrative organ or the person directly in charge to have violated administrative discipline, it shall transfer the relevant materials to the administrative organ or the administrative organ at the next higher level or to a supervisory or personnel department;第五十六条 本实施细则涉及的各种签证、证件和申请表的式祥,由公安部和外交部另行制定。 Article 56 The format of the various visas, certificates and application forms referred to in the present Rules shall be decide upon by the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.第五十六条 省、自治区、直辖市、自治州、设区的市的人民政府分别由省长、副省长,自治区主席、副主席,市长、副市长,州长、副州长和秘书长、厅长、局长、委员会主任等组成。 Article 56 The people's government of a province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government, autonomous prefecture or city divided into districts shall be respectively composed of the governor and deputy governors, the chairman and vice-chairmen of the autonomous region, the mayor and deputy mayors, or the prefect and deputy prefects, and additionally the secretary-general, department directors, bureau directors and commission chairmen.第五十六条实施本法第十二条第五项所列事项的行政许可,申请人提交的申请材料齐全、符合法定形式的,行政机关应当当场予以登记。需要对申请材料的实质内容进行核实的,行政机关依照本法第三十四条第三款的规定办理。 Article 56 When implementing the matters listed in Article 12 (5) of the Law, the administrative organ shall register an applicant on the spot if the application materials submitted thereby are complete and accord with the statutory form. If it is necessary to verify the substantial content of the application materials, the administrative organ shall implement Article 34 (3) of the Law第五十六条 本条例由国务院法制局解释。 Article 56. The Bureau of Legislative Affairs of the State Council shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations.第五十七条 人民法院应当在立案之日起三个月内作出第一审判决。 Article 57 A people's court shall pass a judgment of first instance within three months from the day of filing the case.第五十七条 新的一届人民政府领导人员依法选举产生后,应当在两个月内提请本级人民代表大会常务委员会任命人民政府秘书长、厅长、局长、委员会主任、科长。 Article 57 After leading persons of a new people's government are elected according to law, they shall, within two months, request to the standing committee of the people's congress at the corresponding level to appoint the secretary-general of the people's government, department directors, bureau directors, commission chairmen and section chiefs.第五十七条有数量限制的行政许可,两个或者两个以上申请人的申请均符合法定条件、标准的,行政机关应当根据受理行政许可申请的先后顺序作出准予行政许可的决定。但是,法律、行政法规另有规定的,依照其规定。 Article 57 For an administrative license with quantitative restrictions, where the applications of at least 2 applicants meet the statutory conditions and standards, the administrative organ shall decide to approve the administrative license according to the priority order of accepting the applications for the administrative license. But, if it is otherwise provided for in the laws and regulations, the latter shall prevail第五十七条行政机关违反本法第四十六条的规定自行收缴罚款的,财政部门违反本法第五十三条的规定向行政机关返还罚款或者拍卖款项的,由上级行政机关或者有关部门责令改正,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予行政处分。 Article 57 If administrative organs, in violation of the provisions of Article 46 of this Law, collect fines themselves, if finance departments, in violation of the provisions of Article 53 of this Law, give back to administrative organs fines or money obtained from sale by auction of confiscated illegal property or things of value, the administrative organs at higher levels or relevant departments shall order them to make correction and shall, in accordance with law, impose administrative sanctions upon the persons who are directly in charge and other persons who are directly responsible for the offense.第五十七条 本实施细则自发布之日起施行。 Article 57 The present Rules shall be implemented from the date of their promulgation.第五十七条 本条例自1991年1月1日起施行。 Article 57. These Regulations shall become effective on 1st January 1991.第五十八条 当事人不服人民法院第一审判决的,有权在判决书送达之日起十五日内向上一级人民法院提起上诉。 Article 58 If a party refuses to accept a judgment of first instance by a people's court, he shall have the right to file an appeal with the people's court at the next higher level within 15 days of the serving of the written judgment.第五十八条行政机关将罚款、没收的违法所得或者财物截留、私分或者变相私分的,由财政部门或者有关部门予以追缴,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予行政处分;情节严重构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 Article 58 The fines, confiscated illegal gains or property or things of value that are withheld, shared out privately or done so in disguised form by administrative organs shall be recovered by finance departments or relevant departments, the persons who are directly in charge and other persons who are directly responsible for the offense shall be given administrative sanctions according to law; if the offense is serious enough to constitute a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with law.第五十八条 省、自治区、直辖市、自治州、县、自治县、市、市辖区的人民政府每届任期五年。乡、民族乡、镇的人民政府每届任期三年。 Article 58 The term of office of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, autonomous prefectures, counties, autonomous counties, cities and municipal districts shall be five years. The term of office of the people's governments of townships, nationality townships, and towns shall be three years.第五十八条行政机关实施行政许可和对行政许可事项进行监督检查,不得收取任何费用。但是,法律、行政法规另有规定的,依照其规定。 Article 58 When implementing an administrative license and conducting inspection on the licensing matters, the administrative organ shall not charge anything for that; but if it is otherwise provided for in the laws and administrative regulations, the latter shall prevail第五十九条 县级以上的地方各级人民政府行使下列职权: Article 59 A local people's government at or above the county level shall exercise the following functions and powers:第五十九条 人民法院对上诉案件,认为事实清楚的,可以实行书面审理。 Article 59 A people's court may handle an appealed case by examining the court records, if it considers the facts clearly ascertained.第五十九条行政机关使用或者损毁扣押的财物,对当事人造成损失的,应当依法予以赔偿,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予行政处分。 Article 59 If administrative organs use or destroy the property or things of value they have seized and thus cause losses to the parties, they shall give compensation to the parties according to law, and administrative sanctions shall, in accordance with law, be imposed upon the persons who are directly in charge and other persons who are directly responsible for the offense.第五十九条行政机关实施行政许可,依照法律、行政法规收取费用的,应当按照公布的法定项目和标准收费;所收取的费用必须全部上缴国库,任何机关或者个人不得以任何形式截留、挪用、私分或者变相私分。 Article 59 Where an administrative organ charges fees for the implementation of administrative license in accordance with the laws and administrative regulations, the fees shall accord with the announced statutory items and standards; the fees collected shall be entirely turned in to the treasury, which shall not be withheld, impropriated, privately divided openly or in disguised form by any organ or individual.第五条(1)集会、游行、示威应当和平地进行,不得携带武器、管制刀具和爆炸物,不得使用暴力或者煽动使用暴力。 Article 5An assembly, a procession or a demonstration shall be held in a peaceful manner; no weapons, controlled cutting tools or explosives shall be carried, and no violence employed.