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市教育行政部门收到市级教学成果奖申请后,应当提交市评审委评审。    The municipal educational administrative departments shall submit all the applications for teaching achievement prizes to the Municipal Prize-Jury for evaluation and examination after the receipt of these applications.
市评审委由若干名具有高级专业技术职称的人员在每次评选工作开始前组成。其组成人选由市教育行政部门提名,报市人民政府批准。    The Municipal Prize-Jury consists of several persons with senior professional and technical titles before the start of each evaluation. The members of the Municipal Prize-Jury shall be nominated by the municipal educational administrative departments and approved by the Shanghai Municipal People's Government.
中外合作办学许可证由国务院教育行政部门统一编号,具体办法由国务院教育行政部门会同劳动行政部门确定。    the permit for Chinese-foreign cooperation in running a school shall be numbered in a unified way by the education administrative department of the State Council and the specific measures shall be formulated by the education administrative department jointly with the labour administrative department of the State Council.
对负有责任的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依法给予行政处分;    the persons in charge who are responsible and other persons directly responsible shall be given administrative sanctions in accordance with law;
高等学校的校长主持校长办公会议或者校务会议,处理前款规定的有关事项。    The president of an institution of higher learning chairs the president's administrative meeting or the institution's administrative meeting and handles the relevant matters prescribed in the preceding paragraph.
中外合作办学机构聘任的校长或者主要行政负责人,应当经审批机关核准。    The president or the principal administrator appointed by a Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school shall be subject to approval of the examination and approval authorities.
全国各级财政支出总额中教育经费所占比例应当随着国民经济的发展逐步提高。    The proportion of educational appropriations allocated by governments at various levels shall gradually rise along with the development of the national economy.
中国对中外合作办学机构颁发的外国教育机构的学历、学位证书的承认,依照中华人民共和国缔结或者加入的国际条约办理,或者按照国家有关规定办理。    The recognition of certificates of academic qualifications or certificates of academic degrees of a foreign educational institution granted by Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run schools shall be governed by the international treaties concluded or acceded to by the People’s Republic of China or the relevant provisions of the State.
中外合作办学机构清偿上述债务后的剩余财产,依照有关法律、行政法规的规定处理。    The remaining assets of a Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school after the settlement of the above debts shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws and administrative regulations.
国家采取措施,帮助少数民族学生和经济困难的学生接受高等教育。    The state adopts measures to assist students of minority nationalities and students with financial difficulties to receive higher education.
学校及其他教育机构中的国有资产属于国家所有。    The State assets in a school or any other institution of education shall be owned by the State.
国家鼓励和支持高等教育事业的国际交流与合作。    The state encourages and supports international exchanges and cooperation for the cause of higher education.
国家鼓励引进外国优质教育资源的中外合作办学。    The State encourages Chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools to which high-quality foreign educational resources are introduced.
国家鼓励中外合作办学机构引进国内急需、在国际上具有先进性的课程和教材。    The State encourages Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run schools to introduce internationally advanced courses and teaching materials that are urgently needed in China.
国家鼓励运用现代化教学手段,发展职业教育。    The State encourages the use of modern means of teaching in developing vocational education.
国家鼓励学校及其他教育机构推广运用现代化教学手段。    The State encourages the wide use of modern means in teaching and learning by schools and other institutions of education.
国家实行劳动者在就业前或者上岗前接受必要的职业教育的制度。    The State practises a system whereby workers receive the necessary vocational education prior to employment or assignment.
国家保护学校及其他教育机构的合法权益不受侵犯。    The State protects the lawful rights and interests of schools and other institutions of education from infringement.
国家实行教育与宗教相分离。任何组织和个人不得利用宗教进行妨碍国家教育制度的活动。    The State separates education from religion. No organization or individual may make use of religion to conduct activities that interfere with the educational system of the State.
国家鼓励非师范高等学校毕业生到中小学或者职业学校任教。    The State shall encourage graduates of non-normal schools of higher learning to teach at primary and secondary schools or vocational schools.
国家对接受义务教育的残疾学生免收学费,并根据实际情况减免杂费。    The state shall exempt disabled students who accept compulsory education from tuition and reduce sundry fees or exempt them from such fees according to actual situations.
国家重视培养和选拔少数民族女干部。    The state shall pay attention to the training and selection of female cadres of minority nationalities.
国家设立助学金,帮助贫困残疾学生就学。    The state shall set up grant-in-aid to assist students who are poor and disabled.
国家采取有效措施,为妇女依法行使权利提供必要的条件。    The state shall take effective measures to provide necessary conditions for women to exercise their rights according to law.
国家扶持边远贫困地区发展教育事业。    The State supports and assists the development of educational undertakings in the outlying and poverty-stricken areas.
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