行业组织和企业、事业组织应当依法履行实施职业教育的义务。 "Trade organizations(一)按照章程自主管理; (1) to administer school affairs independently in accordance with their rules and regulations;(一)进行教育教学活动,开展教育教学改革和实验; (1) to conduct educational and teaching activities and carry out reform and experiment in education and teaching;(一)遵守法律、法规; (1) to observe law and regulations;(一)遵守法律、法规; (1) to observe laws and regulations;(一)提供符合国家安全标准的教育教学设施和设备; (1) to provide educational and teaching facilities and equipment that are up to the safety standards set by the State;(一)应当退还学生的学费和其他费用; (1) tuition and other fees that shall be refunded to the students;(二)筹备设立批准书; (2) the letter of approval for preparation for establishment;(二)组织实施教育教学活动; (2) to organize and conduct educational and teaching activities;(三)招收学生或者其他受教育者; (3) to enroll students or other educatees;(三)指导学生的学习和发展,评定学生的品行和学业成绩; (3) to give guidance to students in their studies and development and evaluate students' conduct and academic achievements;(三)努力学习,完成规定的学习任务; (3) to work hard in their studies and complete the assigned tasks of study; and(四)遵守所在学校或者其他教育机构的管理制度。 (4) to adhere to the management system of the school or any other institution of education they attend.(四)支持教师制止有害于学生的行为或者其他侵犯学生合法权益的行为。 (4) to back up teachers in their efforts to stop acts that are harmful to students and other acts that encroach upon students' legitimate rights and interests.(四)对受教育者进行学籍管理,实施奖励或者处分; (4) to manage school roll and grant awards to or take disciplinary measures against educatees;(四)按时获取工资报酬,享受国家规定的福利待遇以及寒暑假期的带薪休假; (4) to obtain salaries and remunerations on schedule and enjoy the welfare benefits prescribed by the State and the leave with pay in winter and summer vacations;(四)以适当方式为受教育者及其监护人了解受教育者的学业成绩及其他有关情况提供便利; (4) to provide convenience in appropriate ways for educatees and their guardians to have access to the educatees' academic performance and other relevant information;(五)负责日常管理工作; (5) taking charge of daily administrative work; and(五)遵照国家有关规定收取费用并公开收费项目; (5) to collect fees according to the regulations of the State and publicize the individual items of such fees; and(五)对受教育者颁发相应的学业证书; (5) to grant to educatees appropriate education certificates;(六)依法接受监督。 (6) to be subjected to supervision according to law.(六)不断提高思想政治觉悟和教育教学业务水平。 (6) to ceaselessly raise their ideological level and political consciousness and improve their professional competence in education and teaching.(六)参加进修或者其他方式的培训。 (6) to take refresher courses or other forms of training.(七)管理、使用本单位的设施和经费; (7) to manage and use the facilities and financial resources of their own;(八)拒绝任何组织和个人对教育教学活动的非法干涉; (8) to brook no unlawful interference in their educational and teaching activities by any organization or individual; and语际翻译 版权所有
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